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The Apache Forrest xdocs document-v2.0 DTD

This is a subtitle

This is a demonstration document using all possible elements in the current Apache Forrest xdocs document-v20.dtd (See the DTD changes section at the bottom.)

Sample Content

Hint: See the xml source to see how the various elements are used and see the DTD reference documentation.

Block and inline elements

This is a simple paragraph. Most documents contain a fair amount of paragraphs. Paragraphs are called <p>.

With the <p xml:space="preserve"> attribute, you can declare that whitespace should be preserved, without implying it is in any other way special.

This next paragraph has a class attribute of 'quote'. CSS can be used to present this <p class='quote'> in a different style than the other paragraphs. The handling of this quoted paragraph is defined in the <extra-css> element in the skinconf.xml.

Anyway, like I was sayin', shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sautee it. Dey's uh, shrimp-kabobs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp and potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich. That- that's about it.

A number of in-line elements are available in the DTD, we will show them inside an unordered list (<ul>):

  • Here is a simple list item (<li>).
  • Have you seen the use of the <code> element in the previous item?
  • Also, we have <sub> and <sup> elements to show content above or below the text baseline.
  • There is a facility to emphasize certain words using the <em><strong> elements.
  • We can use feather<icon>s too.
  • Another possibility is the <img> element: another feather, which offers the ability to refer to an image map.
  • We have elements for hyperlinking:
    <a href="../index.html">
    Use this to link to another document. As per normal, this will open the new document in the same browser window.
    <a href="#section">
    Use this to link to the named anchor in the current document.
    <a href="../index.html#status">
    Use this to link to another document and go to the named anchor. This will open the new document in the same browser window.
    Targetted window control with jump and fork.
    See demonstration using class attribute on links.
  • Oh, by the way, a definition list <dl> was used inside the previous list item. We could put another
    • unordered list
    • inside the list item
    A sample nested table
    Or even tables..
    inside tables..
    or inside lists, but I believe this liberty gets quickly quite hairy as you see.

So far for the in-line elements, let's look at some paragraph-level elements.

Fixme (SN)
The <fixme> element is used for stuff which still needs work. Mind the author attribute!
Use the <note> element to draw attention to something, e.g. ...The <code> element is used when the author can't express himself clearly using normal sentences ;-)
Sleep deprivation can be the result of being involved in an open source project. (a.k.a. the <warning> element).
If you want your own labels for notes and warnings, specify them using the label attribute.

Apart from unordered lists, we have ordered lists too, of course.

  1. Item 1
  2. Item 2
  3. This should be 3 if my math is still OK.

Various presentation formats

This sample document, written in document-v20 XML can be presented via Forrest in a number of different formats. The links in the following list show this document in each of the currently available formats.

Each of the formats can be made available as a link near the top of the page. Actual placement of those links depends on the skin currently in use. Those links are enabled in the skinconf.xml via the <disable-XXX-link> elements in the skinconf.xml

Presentation Format Description skinconf.xml Element
HTML This document in HTML format. Always generated by default. Cannot be turned off.
XML This document in its raw XML format. <disable-xml-link>. By default, set to true, meaning that this link will not be shown.
PDF This document as Adobe PDF <disable-pdf-link>. By default, set to false, meaning that this link will be shown.

This document as straight text.

For additional information see the Forrest text-output plugin.

<disable-txt-link>. By default, set to true, meaning that this link will not be shown.

This document as Perl POD (Plain Old Documentation). Text with minimal formatting directives. If on a *nix system with perl installed, see "man perlpod".

For additional information see the Forrest pod-output plugin.

<disable-pod-link>. By default, set to true, meaning that this link will not be shown.

Using sections

You can use sections to put some structure in your document.

Sections, the sequel

Just some second section.

Section 2.1

Which contains a subsection (2.1).

Showing preformatted source code

Enough about these sections. Let's have a look at more interesting elements, <source> for instance:

// This example is from the book _Java in a Nutshell_ by David Flanagan.
// Written by David Flanagan.  Copyright (c) 1996 O'Reilly & Associates.
// You may study, use, modify, and distribute this example for any purpose.
// This example is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY either expressed or implied.

import java.applet.*;    // Don't forget these import statements!
import java.awt.*;

public class FirstApplet extends Applet {
    // This method displays the applet.
    // The Graphics class is how you do all drawing in Java.
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        g.drawString("Hello World", 25, 50);

CDATA sections are used within <source> elements so that you can write pointy brackets without needing to escape them with messy &lt; entities ...



Please take care to still use a sensible line-length within your source elements.

Using tables

And now for a table:

Table caption
heading cell 1 heading cell 2 heading cell 3
data cell this data cell spans two columns
Tables can be nested:
column 1 column 2
cell A cell B
  • and can include most other elements
  • such as lists

Using figures

And a <figure> to end all of this. Note that this can also be implemented with an <img> element.

The fine Forrest logo

Using map and area

usemap demo

Rectangle Circle Default

Using class attribute on links

The document-v13 had elements <fork> and <jump>. In document-v20, those elements no longer exist but the functionality can be duplicated by using the @class attribute. Even though the opening of separate windows should be under the control of the user, these techniques can still be employed.

Document V1.3

Document V2.0

<fork href="../index.html">

<a class="fork" href="../index.html">

<jump href="../index.html">

<a class="jump" href="../index.html">

DTD changes

See the generated DTD reference documentation.

Changes between document-v13 and document-v20

  • Renamed <link> to <a>
  • Removed <fork> and <jump> in favour of the <a> element. See demonstration using class attribute on links.
  • Enabled use of XInclude. See example in the 'forrest seed sample' site.

Changes between document-v12 and document-v13

All v1.2 docs will work fine as v1.3 DTD. The main change is the addition of a @class attribute to every element, which enables the "extra-css" section in the skinconf to be put to good use.

Changes between document-v11 and document-v12

doc-v12 enhances doc-v11 by relaxing various restrictions that were found to be unnecessary.

  • Links ((link|jump|fork) and inline elements (br|img|icon|acronym) are allowed inside title.
  • Paragraphs (p|source|note|warning|fixme), table and figure|anchor are allowed inside li.
  • Paragraphs (p|source|note|warning|fixme), lists (ol|ul|dl), table, figure|anchor are allowed inside definition lists (dd) and tables (td and dh).
  • Inline content (strong|em|code|sub|sup|br|img|icon|acronym|link|jump|fork) is allowed in strong and em.

by Joe Bloggs, Fred Bloggs

SVN: $Revision$ $Date$