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How to Build a Plugin

This is documentation for past version v0.7 (More)
This How-To describes the steps necessary to build a plugin for Forrest. Forrest uses plugins to add new input formats, output formats and to change its default behaviour. Since plugins are downloaded when needed and can be hosted at any location, plugin code can be developed independently of Apache Forrest. This how-to describes each of the major steps in creating a plugin and then works through some examples of plugin creation in order to illustrate the materials.

Intended Audience

Users needing to add additional input formats or output formats or to change the operation of the Forrest internals.

The Plugin Infrastructure is still at an early stage of design and implementation, consequently this How-To may be out of date and/or incomplete. If you are having problems with any of the steps described, please ask for help on the developers mailing list (and then provide patches for this document).
Please make sure that you are using forrest 0.7 if you want use plugins. Forrest 0.6 will not work!!!


This How-To will illustrate how to build a plugin, publish a plugin and configure a Forrest project to use their plugin.


Plugin developers should have:

  • a basic knowledge of XML, XSLT and Cocoon pipelines
  • a clear use-case for extending Forrest
  • read Plugin Infrastructure
  • verified with the Apache Forrest developer community that the requried functionality does not already exist


Here is how to proceed.

Type of Plugin

There are three types of plugin, each with a clear purpose, you must first decide which type of plugin you need to build.

Make ant available on the command-line

The following instructions rely heavily on Apache Ant to automate some steps in the process. Since ant is distributed as part of Forrest, all you need to do is add the ant executable directory to your system path. The name of this directory is tools/ant/bin in your Forrest program directory. (Alternatively you can prefix all calls to ant in the following instructions with the full path of the ant binary directory.) Also clear the ANT_HOME environment variable.

If instead you really want to use your own version of Ant, then you will need to copy forrest/lib/core/xml-commons-resolver.jar to $ANT_HOME/lib directory, otherwise your plugins will go across the network to get the DTDs on every parse.

Seed a New Plugin

Regardless of the type of plugin you are building, the directory structure is almost identical, as are most of the requried configuration files. In this How-To we will assume that you are creating a plugin in the Forrest source tree. All plugins are developed in the forrest/plugins directory.

Run the following set of commands:

      cd [path_to_forrest]/plugins
      ant seedPlugin

The above ant target will ask you the name of the plugin and will build a minimal plugin directory structure and configuration. You will need to customise these files to build your plugin.

Although you can name your project anything you like we do have some naming conventions that we recommend you follow. Plugins intended to be held at forrest.apache.org must follow the naming convention.
If you plan on building your plugin elsewhere you can copy the build.xml build file to your own plugin work directory and use it there.

See Plugin Infrastructure for more information about the plugin directory structure and configuration files.

Edit the Plugin Template

You now have a skeleton plugin project. However, it doesn't do anything useful yet. Now is a good time to edit some of the files provided.

For plugins intended to be held at forrest.apache.org please adjust the skinconf.xml etc to be in accordance with the other forrest plugins. See notes below.

Here are some general notes:


This file is used to track changes to the plugin project and to manage lists of things that still need to be done. At this stage you should correct the person entry near the top of the file. It is also a good idea to add a few key milestones in the task list towards the bottom of the file.

As you work on the plugin you should record all major changes in this file so that it can then be used as a changelog for your plugin.


This file defines many configuration parameters for Forrest. It does not need to be customised in most cases. However, see for more details.


This configures the skin for your plugins documentation. There are some items that need to be configured in here, for example, the copyright information. The file is heavily commented so probably best to read through it, changing what you need to.


It is also a good idea to start writing the documentation at this stage. The above process created a very simple plugin documentation site for you. All you have to do is add the content.

Style notes for plugins hosted at forrest.apapche.org

After seeding a new plugin, copy the configuration from an exisiting plugin (e.g. org.apache.forrest.plugin.input.projectInfo). Copy src/documentation/skinconf.xml and src/documentation/content/xdocs/images/project-logo.gif

Edit the Plugin sitemap file(s)

The plugin xmap file is a Cocoon sitemap that is mounted at a strategic place in the Forrest pipeline. It is in this file that you will instruct Forrest how to operate. An input plugin must provide a input.xmap file, an output plugin must provide a output.xmap file, whilst an internal plugin provides a internal.xmap file. In addition, an input plugin may provide a resources.xmap file to allow the plugin to handle items such as JavaScript files.

It is beyond the scope of this How-To to give details about how to build your plugins XMap. See the Sitemap Reference for general information. See also Plugin Infrastructure for some hints and tips on creating plugin sitemaps. In addition, as with all development work on Forrest, you will find the developer mailing list a very good resource (check the archives before posting, please).

Components, Actions and Resources

If your plugin uses any components (i.e. generators, transformers or serializers), actions or resources they must be defined in either the xmap for this plugin or one of its parents. The parents of an input.xmap are sitemap.xmap and forrest.xmap, whilst the parent of both output.xmap and internal.xmap are sitemap.xmap

If you want to use the realpath where the sitemap.xmap of your plugin resides then you need to use {forrest:forrest.plugins}/PLUGIN_NAME instead of {realpath:/}.

See the examples below for more details.

Create the Necessary Resource Files

Fixme (rdg)
Discuss the XSL files and other such resources

Create Samples in the Documentation

Plugin documentation should provide (as a minimum) an index page that provides an overview and a set of samples that demonstrate the functionality of the plugin. Typically these samples will be provided in a samples subdirectory in the plugin documentation and will be referenced from both site.xml and tabs.xml configuration files.

Try to provide a sample for all the major functions of your plugin and document any configuration that is available.

Testing a Plugin

Since your documentation for the plugin illustrates all of its functionality, you can use that site for testing the plugin. However, you must first deploy in your local install of Forrest. Each plugin contains a buildfile that includes a test target. This target, by default, builds the documentation for your plugin.

Run the command ant test in the plugins directory.

Of course, the build should complete without errors.

You can also use forrest run to interactively examine your documentation (point your browser at http://localhost:8888).

It is also a really good idea to build proper tests for your plugins using a suitable testing framework, for example, WebTest. We recommend that you extend the test target in your plugins build file because this target is also used when performing integration tests on Forrest. In addition, we recommend that you use the samples in your documentation for your tests, this way you are documenting your plugin at the same time as writing your tests.

Ensure that your sitemaps are robust and handle matches for files in sub-directories, as well as those at the root level.

Releasing a Plugin

Register the Plugin with Apache Forrest

Fixme (rdg)
Describe the plugins.xml file
Fixme (rdg)
Describe making a request of Forrest devs for inclusion

Deploying the Plugin

To deploy the plugin so that others can use it, it must be made available as a zip from the URL indicated in the plugins.xml file. The plugins build file provides targets to assist with this task.

To deploy a plugin simply run the command ant deploy from within the plugin directory.

This command will, by default, deploy to the Apache Forrest web site. In order to do this you need commit access to Forrest. If you want to deploy your plugin to a different location you can build the zip of your plugin with ant dist and then copy the zip file from build/dist to wherever you intend to host the plugin.

Running this command on any plugin will also deploy any changes to the plugins.xml file. If you are deploying to your own website you will have to request changes to the plugins.xml and ask the Forrest committers to publish the new document.
Running the deploy or dist targets will always run the test target first. This is to ensure that your only deploy working plugins. This adds a little time to the deploy cycle, but we feel the peace of mind is worth it.


This section will provide some example plugins to help illustrate the steps discussed above.

Input Plugin

Fixme (RDG)
Discuss OpenOffice.org plugin here

Output Plugin

Fixme (RDG)
Discuss s5 plugin here

Internal Plugin

Fixme (RDG)
Discuss IMSManifest plugin here

Further Reading

Summarise the Entire Process

Fixme (rdg)
In a few sentences, remind the reader what they have just learned. This helps to reinforce the main points of your How-To.