Notes for ForrestFriday 12 December 2005 Please try to summarise as we go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The topic is to finish locationmap, clean up Jira, prioritise issues for next release, more xhtml2 dev. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ross threatened to work on enabling Plugins to be used in-place. This will ease the life of all developers. Formulate a proposal for the mailing list, helps to galvanise ideas. > Yes, that is an interesting OSS technique ... writing email not expecting an answer. FIXME: document that. Re: Plugin development/release cycle Going through a quite phase at ForrestFriday. Thorsten mentioned a new "locationmap source factory" Some work on tidying up Jira, especially the Locationmap-releated issues FOR-200 and FOR-726. Further work on JIRA - focusing on moving issues out of the 0.8 development that don't belong there. Reduced number of issues from 103 to 73 - still got many more to look through :-( To coordinate this Iwe have a new issue ;-) See Fixed some more issues relating to FOR-200 (see Jira and commit messages) Completed conversion of all core plugins to locationmap. It is proposed that whiteboard plugins are not blockers to 0.8, although they should not be allowed to move out of whiteboard until they are using the locationmap. Mail sent to the dev list about this. Plugins can now provide default property files (see notes on FOR-739)