branding-theme-profiler provides a quick way to change the colors of the theme (it not a "real" color-theme switcher).


A "real" theme switcher would change a/b/c.

A "real" color-theme switcher should also provide a possibility to change each color with a WEB-GUI.


These values are used for the generated CSS files. They essentially "override" the default colors defined in the chosen theme. To customize the colors of any theme, use one or all color elements and change the values of the particular color elements that you wish to change. Note that by default, if you do not overide them means that the default colors provided by the theme are being used.

We need to use naming convention for the naming. To overcome following comment:
Some of the element names are obscure, so comments are added to show how the "pelt" theme uses them, other themes might use these elements in a different way or do not support them at all.
Tip: temporarily change the value of an element to red (#ff0000) and see the effect.

pelt: breadtrail: the strip at the top of the page and the second strip under the tabs
pelt: header: top strip containing project and group logos
pelt: heading|subheading: section headings within the content
pelt: navstrip: the strip under the tabs which contains the published date
pelt: menu: the left-hand navigation panel
pelt: toolbox: the selected menu item
pelt: border: line border around selected menu item
pelt: searchbox: the background of the searchbox
pelt: body: any remaining parts, e.g. the bottom of the page
pelt: footer: the second from bottom strip containing credit logos and published date
pelt: feedback: the optional bottom strip containing feedback link

]]> 294563 FFFFFF 4A6D8C 4A6D8C B5C7E7 4A6D8C /* branding-theme-profiler-theme: */ #header .round-top-left-small { background-image: url(/roundcorner-t-l-5-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; } #header .round-top-right-small { background-image: url(/roundcorner-t-r-5-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top right; } #nav-main li { background-image: url(/roundcorner-t-r-5-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top right; } #nav-main li a { background-image: url(/roundcorner-t-l-5-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; } #nav-main .current { background-image: url(/roundcorner-t-r-5-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top right; } #nav-main .current a { background-image: url(/roundcorner-t-l-5-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; } #roundbottom { background-image: url(/roundcorner-b-r-15-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; } #roundbottomLeft { background-image: url(/roundcorner-b-l-15-bg-stroke-fg.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom left; } #container #header { background-color: ;} #nav-main .current { background-color: ;} #nav-main .current a:link { color: ; } #nav-main .current a:visited { color: ; } #nav-main .current a:hover { color: ; } #nav-main li { background-color: ;} #nav-main li a:link { color: ; } #nav-main li a:visited { color: ; } #nav-main li a:hover { color: ; } #level2tabs { background-color: ;} #level2tabs a:link { color: ; } #level2tabs a:visited { color: ; } #level2tabs a:hover { color: ; } .heading { background-color: ;} .boxed { background-color: ;} .underlined_5 {border-bottom: solid 5px ;} .underlined_10 {border-bottom: solid 10px ;} table caption { background-color: ; color: ; } #feedback { color: ; background: ; text-align: ; } #feedback #feedbackto { color: ; } .breadtrail { background: ; color: ; } .breadtrail a:link { color: ; } .breadtrail a:visited { color: ; } .breadtrail a:hover { color: ; } #publishedStrip { color: ; background: ; } #publishedStrip { color: ; background: ; } #nav-section .menupagetitle { background-color: } #leftbar { border-color: ;} #nav-section .menupagetitle { border-color: ;} #nav-section .menupageitemgroup { border-color: ;} #leftbar { background-color: ;} #leftbar { color: ;} #leftbar a:link { color: ;} #leftbar a:visited { color: ;} #leftbar a:hover { background-color: ; color: ;} #nav-section .menupagetitle { color: ;} #nav-section .menupageitemgroup { background-color: ; } #nav-section .menupageitem { color: ; } #nav-section .menupageitem a:link { color: ;} #nav-section .menupageitem a:visited { color: ;} #nav-section .menupageitem a:hover { background-color: ; color: ; } #leftbar h1 { color: ; background-color: ; } #header .searchbox { background-color: ; color: ; } body{ background-color: ; color: ; } a:link { color:} a:visited { color:} a:hover { color:} #footer { background-color: ;} .highlight { background-color: ;} .fixme { border-color: ;} .note { border-color: ;} .warning { border-color: ;} .code { border-color: ;} .ForrestTable { background-color: ;} .ForrestTable td { background-color: ;}