The CVS module that contains these logos and the code to
make them is in the committers module under 'apachelogos'.
This site is a checkout of the build dir of that module.
If you need a new logo, or want to change some params, look
at the others for examples, change the projects.xml file
accordingly, then run 'ant'.
[more info]
Basically these are the infos:
<project id="directory" logo="apache" name="Directory" url="i n c u b a t o r" bgcolor="white" color="black" scale="normal" />In particular the Incubator Project logos are an example of some of the possible combinations.
If you need a different logo type, you can add the xsl template to the 'logo-templates' dir and reference it by filename (minus the extension).
In alternative, ask someone that knows how to do it (ATM and send the SVG version of a logo template.