Before inventing a dull name for a skin or trying to discuss it on the dev list, remember that we have already lost time on it. We decided to use names akin to 'skin' and stay completely away from trying to invent names based on functionality or fanciful names. Just pick one of these, it's easy. If you still cannot decide, toss a dice 3 times, sum up the numbers, and get the name that comes out. 1 fleece 2 rind 3 fur 4 hide 5 coat 6 pelt -> taken 7 peel 8 bark 9 exo 10 husk 11 dermis 12 corium -> taken 13 calyx 14 scale 15 leather -> taken 16 patina 17 crust -> taken 18 hull We may be unable to come out with a decent name, but we sure know how to eliminate the problem for the next occasions in a hacky way. :-P