Subject: [Important] please test release candidate then vote We need people to test the release candidate on your projects, especially on different operating systems and Java version. Just send a short reply to this thread that it works for you. See method below. Download the release candidate and supporting files:[### your apache ID ###]/release-forrest-08/ For Windows get *.zip md5sum ################################ For UNIX get *.tar.gz md5sum ################################ Get the *.asc and *.md5 that match your chosen download. It was packed from SVN revision #### Java [### JavaVersion ###] or later is required. Testing and vote period concludes [#### Date #####] [2]. Anyone can test and vote, not just PMC members. However only the PMC votes are binding [3]. When voting, quote the md5sum to ensure that we are all using the correct release candidate package. PMC members need to satisfy themselves that the actual final release package meets the ASF principles. Please wait with voting until towards the end of the week, as we may need to build a second release candidate if there are any changes to the code or documentation [1]. During this week we do need to hear about successes or failures. Please report your operating system and Java versions and Jetty/Tomcat versions. So we have approximately 6 days. Here are some hints: * Verfiy the release, especially if you are a committer. Follow: * Ensure that the compressed archive will unpack properly. * Follow the README.txt and index.html * Set $FORREST_HOME and $PATH appropriately. * Try it with different Java versions. * Try it with different versions of Apache Tomcat or Jetty. * Many known issues are already recorded at our Jira. * Don't worry too much about minor bugs. We are looking for blockers, such as it will not run. * Please add other discovered issues to Jira. * Make a fresh site ... cd my-new-dir forrest seed forrest run ... use the local jetty server. forrest ... build the whole site from the command-line. forrest war ... use your own full Jetty or Tomcat. * Try it on the Forrest core docs ... cd site-author forrest run forrest * Forrest was already pre-built. Try building it again. cd main build clean build build test * Try it on your own project, especially if you have a project sitemap and use some extra plugins. * If you are a user of forrestbot then try that. * Try building and installing the forrestbar. ------------------------------ [1] create final release candidate Saturday 2007-04-14 at 22:00 UTC [### time-and-date URL ###] [2] end of vote on final release candidate and commence the upload phase Monday 2007-04-16 at 22:00 UTC [### time-and-date URL ###] [3] "A lazy majority vote requires 3 binding +1 votes and more binding +1 votes than -1 votes".