To:,,, Subject: [Announce] Apache Forrest 0.6 Note: This development version may differ from the final announcement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Apache Forrest is pleased to release version 0.6 Apache Forrest is an XML standards-oriented documentation framework based upon Apache Cocoon, providing XSLT stylesheets and schemas, images and other resources. Forrest uses these to render the source content into a website via command-line, robot, or dynamic application. New features in this version include: * Uses all resources in-place. No more copying to a separate build space and so no need to back-copy your changes. * This provides workflow and productivity improvements. * Project sitemaps get first chance processing, then pass-through to core sitemaps. This simplifies management of project sitemaps. * Project sitemaps provide easy access to the power of Apache Cocoon. * New skins use CSS rather than tables. Old skins are deprecated. * Skins are configurable, e.g. with colours and optional features. * DTD improvements, especially addition of ubiquitous class attribute. * Forrestbot, robotic build and deploy, has been entirely re-written. Full list of changes: Upgrade guide: