A p a c h e F o r r e s t ============================= What is this? ------------- Forrest is a mostly a dream: create a good technological infrastructure for open software development for the Apache Software Foundation based on ASF software, ASF practices and experience and modern software design principles. Why? ---- If you ever partecipated in ASF open development you know why: there is always the feeling that you are left on your own, that each project, effort, community mail list and invidual has to struggle to keep up with the others and to keep coherence. This effort was started by those who believe that a better and more coherent technical infrastructure is a first step in the right direction. Ok, better infrastructure, what what do you mean exactly? --------------------------------------------------------- Ever seen 'sourceforge'? ok, than you know what a technological instrastructure for open development is. Ever seen Mozilla's 'tinkerbox' and 'bonsai'? ok, then you know what we mean for 'helping tools'. Take all the wishes/dreams that you ever had when you were partecipating in a OSS community... well, we want Forrest to make them possible. Why the name 'Forrest'? ----------------------- Oh, long story, but mainly out of the movie 'Forrest Gump', mostly to indicate that even dump and simple things can go a long way if done by heart. What will Forrest do? --------------------- The first development phase will bring: - a publishing system for documentation - a build system for code - analysis of logs and publishing of results Will I be able to use Forrest on my own sites? ---------------------------------------------- We do Forrest for our own stuff, but there is no reason why we should restrict its use on external and unreleated sites. What will the license be? ------------------------- The entire thing will be licensed with the Apache License. See the /legal directory for more information. Can I help? ----------- Of course! We need you! Even your wish-list is a good way of contributing... so please, send email to forrest-dev-subscribe@xml.apache.org and join us! The Apache XML Project http://xml.apache.org/