@namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"; @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark"; @font-face { src:url("../../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf"); fontFamily: VeraMoBdEmbedded; embedAsCFF: true; unicodeRange: U+0041-005A, /* Upper-Case [A..Z] */ U+0061-007A, /* Lower-Case a-z */ U+0030-0039, /* Numbers [0..9] */ U+002E-002E, /* Period [.] */ U+0374-03FB; /* Greek unicode characters */ } @font-face{ src: url("../../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Regular.ttf"); fontFamily: MeiryoEmbedded; embedAsCFF: true; } @font-face{ src: url("../../../../../Assets/Fonts/Open_Sans/OpenSans-Bold.ttf"); fontWeight: bold; fontFamily: MeiryoEmbedded; embedAsCFF: true; } /* Need to use OpenSans to get Greek characters. If you need Hebrew/Arabic you will need to embed each of those fonts as well. */ s|RichEditableText{ fontAntiAliasType: "normal"; fontFamily: MeiryoEmbedded; fontSize: 12; fontLookup: "embeddedCFF"; } s|Panel{ fontAntiAliasType: "normal"; fontFamily: MeiryoEmbedded; fontSize: 12; fontLookup: "embeddedCFF"; } \n'; TATextFlow += TextConverter.export(source, format, ConversionType.XML_TYPE); // cleanup TLF markup that gets generated when the source comes from a child component TATextFlow = TATextFlow.replace("", ""); trace(TATextFlow); if(doWhiteSpacePreserve) TATextFlow = TATextFlow.replace("preserve", "collapse"); if(doImportToFlow) customRETEditor.editor.textFlow=TextConverter.importToFlow(TATextFlow, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT); break; } this.currentFormat = format; } ]]>