################################################################################ ## ## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more ## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with ## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. ## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with ## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## ################################################################################ # Symbols # CreditCardValidator creditCardValidatorAllowedFormatChars=\ - # Currency/Number Validator allowNegative=true decimalSeparator=, maxValue=NaN minValue=NaN thousandsSeparator=. # CurrencyValidator currencyValidatorPrecision=2 # DateValidator dateValidatorAllowedFormatChars=/- \u005C\u005C. validateAsString=true # NumberValidator numberValidatorDomain=real numberValidatorPrecision=-1 # PhoneNumberValidator phoneNumberValidatorAllowedFormatChars=-()+ . # SocialSecurityValidator socialSecurityValidatorAllowedFormatChars=\ - # ZipCodeValidator zipCodeValidatorAllowedFormatChars=\ - zipCodeValidatorDomain=US Only # Tooltip errors # CurrencyValidator, NumberValidator decimalPointCountError=French The decimal separator can occur only once. invalidCharError=French The input contains invalid characters. invalidFormatCharsError=French One of the formatting parameters is invalid. lowerThanMinError=French The amount entered is too small. negativeError=French The amount may not be negative. precisionError=French The amount entered has too many digits beyond the decimal point. separationError=French The thousands separator must be followed by three digits. # CreditCardValidator invalidCharErrorCCV=French Invalid characters in your credit card number. (Enter numbers only.) invalidNumberError=French The credit card number is invalid. noNumError=French No credit card number is specified. noTypeError=French No credit card type is specified or the type is not valid. wrongLengthErrorCCV=French Your credit card number contains the wrong number of digits. wrongTypeError=French Incorrect card type is specified. # CurrencyValidator currencySymbolError=French The currency symbol occurs in an invalid location. exceedsMaxErrorCV=French The amount entered is too large. # DateValidator wrongLengthErrorDV=French Type the date in the format. invalidCharErrorDV=French The date contains invalid characters. wrongMonthError=French Enter a month between 1 and 12. wrongDayError=French Enter a valid day for the month. wrongYearError=French Enter a year between 0 and 9999. formatError=French Configuration error: Incorrect formatting string. # EmailValidator invalidCharErrorEV=French Your e-mail address contains invalid characters. invalidDomainErrorEV=French The domain in your e-mail address is incorrectly formatted. invalidIPDomainError=French The IP domain in your e-mail address is incorrectly formatted. invalidPeriodsInDomainError=French The domain in your e-mail address has consecutive periods. missingAtSignError=French An at sign (@) is missing in your e-mail address. missingPeriodInDomainError=French The domain in your e-mail address is missing a period. missingUsernameError=French The username in your e-mail address is missing. tooManyAtSignsError=French Your e-mail address contains too many @ characters. # NumberValidator exceedsMaxErrorNV=French The number entered is too large. integerError=French The number must be an integer. # PhoneNumberValidator invalidCharErrorPNV=French Your telephone number contains invalid characters. wrongLengthErrorPNV=French Your telephone number must contain at least 10 digits. # RegExValidator noMatchError=French The field is invalid. noExpressionError=French The expression is missing. # SocialSecurityValidator invalidCharErrorSSV=French You entered invalid characters in your Social Security number. wrongFormatError=French The Social Security number must be 9 digits or in the form NNN-NN-NNNN. zeroStartError=French Invalid Social Security number; the number cannot start with 000. # StringValidator tooLongError=French This string is longer than the maximum allowed length. This must be less than {0} characters long. tooShortError=French This string is shorter than the minimum allowed length. This must be at least {0} characters long. minLength=NaN maxLength=NaN # Validator requiredFieldError=French This field is required. # ZipCodeValidator invalidCharErrorZCV=French The ZIP code contains invalid characters. invalidDomainErrorZCV=French The domain parameter is invalid. It must be either 'US Only' or 'US or Canada'. wrongCAFormatError=French The Canadian postal code must be formatted 'A1B 2C3'. wrongLengthErrorZCV=French The ZIP code must be 5 digits or 5+4 digits. wrongUSFormatError=French The ZIP+4 code must be formatted '12345-6789'. invalidFormatCharsZCV=French The allowedFormatChars parameter is invalid. Alphanumeric characters are not allowed (a-z A-Z 0-9). # Developer RTE Section # Shared invalidFormatChars=French The allowedFormatChars parameter is invalid. It cannot contain any digits. # CreditCardValidator missingCardType=French The value being validated doesn't contain a cardType property. missingCardNumber=French The value being validated doesn't contain a cardNumber property. CNSAttribute=French The cardNumberSource attribute, '{0}', can not be of type String. CTSAttribute=French The cardTypeSource attribute, '{0}', can not be of type String. # DateValidator DSAttribute=French The daySource attribute, '{0}', can not be of type String. MSAttribute=French The monthSource attribute, '{0}', can not be of type String. YSAttribute=French The yearSource attribute, '{0}', can not be of type String. # Validator fieldNotFound=French '{0}' field not found. SAttribute=French The source attribute, '{0}', can not be of type String. SAttributeMissing=French The source attribute must be specified when the property attribute is specified. PAttributeMissing=French The property attribute must be specified when the source attribute is specified.