@echo off setlocal REM ################################################################################ REM ## REM ## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more REM ## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with REM ## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. REM ## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 REM ## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with REM ## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at REM ## REM ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 REM ## REM ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software REM ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, REM ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. REM ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and REM ## limitations under the License. REM ## REM ################################################################################ REM This script should be used to create an Apache Flex SDK that has the directory REM structure that the an IDE that supports Flex, such as Adobe Flash Builder or REM JetBrains IntelliJ expects. REM REM This script can be used with either an Apache Flex binary package or an Apache Flex REM source package. In either case you must unzip the package. If you use the source REM package you must build the binaries files before running this script. See the REM "Building the Source in the Source Distribution" section in the README at the root REM for build instructions. REM REM The Adobe AIR SDK and the Adobe Flash Player playerglobal.swc are REM copied into the Apache Flex directory. The paths in the framework REM configuration files are modified to reflect this. You do not need to set REM up any of the environment variables mentioned in the README because the locations REM of all the software are known in this configuration. REM REM OSMF, swobject, the Adobe embedded font support, and Adobe BlazeDS integration all REM come from the Adobe Flex 4.6 SDK. You should be aware that these components have REM their own licenses that may or may not be compatible with the Apache v2 license. REM See the "Software Dependencies" section in the README for more license information. REM REM The Adobe Flex 4.6 SDK is available here: REM http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/flex-sdk-download.html REM REM Usage: constructFlexForIDE "Apache Flex dir" ["Adobe Flex 4.6 dir"] REM REM REM If the Adobe Flex SDK 4.6 directory is not specified this script will look for it REM in the following places: REM REM %ProgramFiles%/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4.5/sdks/4.6.0 REM %ProgramFiles%/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0 REM %ProgramFiles%/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7/sdks/4.6.0 REM where %ProgramFiles% is the Windows environment variable which expands REM correctly for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows set param1=%~f1 set param2=%~f2 :getApacheFlexDir REM Remove all quotes (%param1:"=%) and replace with outer quotes set IDE_SDK_DIR="%param1:"=%" if not [%IDE_SDK_DIR%] == [] goto gotApacheFlexDir echo Usage: %0 "Apache Flex dir" ["Adobe Flex SDK 4.6 dir"] goto :eof :gotApacheFlexDir echo The Apache Flex directory for the IDE is %IDE_SDK_DIR% REM REM If this is an Apache Flex dir then there should be a NOTICE file. REM :checkApacheFlexDir if exist %IDE_SDK_DIR%\NOTICE goto checkApacheFlexBinaries echo %IDE_SDK_DIR% does not appear to be an Apache Flex distribution. goto :eof REM REM Quick check to see if there are binaries in the Apache distribution. REM :checkApacheFlexBinaries if exist %IDE_SDK_DIR%\lib\mxmlc.jar goto getAdobeFlexDir echo %IDE_SDK_DIR% does not appear to be a Apache Flex distribution with binaries. echo If this is a source distribution of Apache Flex you must build the binaries first. echo See the README. goto :eof :getAdobeFlexDir if not [%param2%] == [] ( set ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR="%param2:"=%" goto gotAdobeFlexSDK ) REM REM Look for FlashBuilder versions 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7. REM set ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR= for %%V in (4.5 4.6 4.7) do ( if exist "%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder %%V\sdks\4.6.0" ( set ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR="%ProgramFiles%\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder %%V\sdks\4.6.0" goto gotAdobeFlexSDK ) ) REM REM Couldn't find default Adobe Flex SDK so ask for it. REM echo Enter directory of an Adobe Flex SDK 4.6: set /p ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR= :gotAdobeFlexSDK echo The Adobe Flex directory is %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR% echo. REM REM Quick check to see if it is a Flex SDK. REM :checkAdobeFlexSDK if exist %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR%\license-adobesdk.htm goto copyAdobeAIRSDK echo %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR% does not appear to be an Adobe Flex SDK goto :eof REM REM Copy all the AIR SDK files to the IDE SDK. REM Copy files first, then directories with (/s). REM :copyAdobeAIRSDK echo Copying the AIR SDK files to %IDE_SDK_DIR% for %%G in ( "AIR SDK license.pdf" "AIR SDK Readme.txt" bin\adl.exe bin\adt.bat lib\adt.jar samples\descriptor-sample.xml) do ( if exist %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR%\%%G ( copy /y %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR%\%%G %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G ) ) for %%G in ( frameworks\libs\air frameworks\projects\air include install\android lib\android lib\aot lib\nai lib\win runtimes\air\android runtimes\air\mac runtimes\air\win runtimes\air-captive\mac runtimes\air-captive\win samples\badge samples\icons templates\air templates\extensions) do ( if exist %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR%\%%G ( REM Make the directory so it won't prompt for file or directory. if not exist %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G mkdir %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G xcopy /q /y /e /i /c /r %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR%\%%G %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 GOTO errorExit ) ) REM REM Copy all the third-party files from the Adobe Flex SDK to the IDE SDK. REM echo Copying the third-party files to %IDE_SDK_DIR% for %%G in ( frameworks\libs\player\11.1 frameworks\javascript\fabridge\samples\fabridge\swfobject runtimes\player\11.1\lnx runtimes\player\11.1\mac runtimes\player\11.1\win) do ( if not exist %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G mkdir %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 GOTO errorExit ) for %%G in ( frameworks\libs\osmf.swc frameworks\libs\player\11.1\playerglobal.swc frameworks\javascript\FABridge\samples\fabridge\swfobject\swfobject.js lib\flex-messaging-common.jar lib\afe.jar lib\aglj40.jar lib\flex-fontkit.jar lib\rideau.jar templates\swfobject\swfobject.js runtimes\player\11.1\lnx runtimes\player\11.1\mac runtimes\player\11.1\win) do ( copy /y %ADOBE_FLEX_SDK_DIR%\%%G %IDE_SDK_DIR%\%%G ) REM REM Copy config files formatted for IDE to frameworks. REM echo Copying frameworks config files configured for use without environment variables copy /y %IDE_SDK_DIR%\ide\flashbuilder\config\*-config.xml %IDE_SDK_DIR%\frameworks goto :eof :errorExit REM echo Exiting: error %errorlevel% exit /b %errorlevel%