################################################################################ ## ## Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more ## contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with ## this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. ## The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 ## (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with ## the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at ## ## http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ## ## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ## distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ## WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ## See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ## limitations under the License. ## ################################################################################ # 00xxx = FXG Localized Exception # For localization - ErrorEmbeddingImage = Error ''{0}'' occurred while embedding image: ''{1}''. ErrorParsingFXG = Error while parsing the FXG file: ''{0}''. ErrorScanningFXG = Error while scanning the FXG file: ''{0}''. FXGVersionHandlerNotRegistered = FXG Version ''{0}'' handler is not registered. InternalProcessingError = Error ''{0}'' while processing file. InvalidBooleanValue = Attribute ''{0}'' contains invalid boolean value ''{1}'' - must be ''true'' or ''false'', case sensitive. InvalidChildColorTransformNode = Cannot supply a colorTransform child if alpha attribute was provided. InvalidChildMatrixNode = Cannot supply a matrix child if transformation attributes were provided. InvalidChildNode = Child node ''{0}'' is not supported by node ''{1}''. InvalidColorMatrix = Invalid color matrix value ''{0}'' - must be a comma delimited String of 20 numbers. InvalidColorValue = Attribute ''{0}'' contains malformed color value ''{1}'' - must be of the form ''#RRGGBB''. InvalidDefinitionName = Cannot use the reserved element name ''{0}'' as a Library definition name. InvalidDoubleValue = Attribute ''{0}'' contains invalid numeric value ''{1}'' - must be a double value. InvalidFloatValue = Invalid float value ''{0}''. InvalidFXGRootNode = must be the root node of an FXG document. InvalidIntegerValue = Attribute ''{0}'' contains invalid numeric value ''{1}'' - must be an integer value. InvalidMajorVersion = Major version is not supported by this compiler. InvalidMaskElement = element must be before any graphical element. InvalidPathData = Path data is invalid. InvalidScaleGridGroupChild = A child Group cannot exist in a Group that defines scale grid. InvalidScaleGridRotationAttribute = A Group that defines scale grid cannot specify rotation attribute. InvalidGroupIDAttribute = The id attribute is not allowed on the Group child a Definition. InvalidIdentifierFormat = Invalid identifier format. InvalidLibraryElement = element must be before element and any graphical element. InvalidNestingElements = element is forbidden as child of , which is child of another . And vice versa. InvalidNodeAttribute = Attribute ''{0}'' not supported by node ''{1}''. InvalidPercentValue = Attribute ''{0}'' contains invalid percent value ''{1}''. InvalidRectRadiusXRadiusYAttribute = RadiusX and RadiusY must be greater than 0. InvalidRichTextContent = Content for RichText needs to be contiguous. InvalidSourceFormat = Invalid source string format. InvalidSpanContent = Content for span needs to be contiguous. InvalidTabStops = Malformed tab stops ''{0}''. InvalidTextGraphicContent = Content for TextGraphic needs to be contiguous. InvalidVersionNumber = Invalid version number - parsing error. MissingDefinitionName = Definition element must have a name attribute. MissingFormatName = Format element must have a name attribute. MissingGroupChildNode = Definition element must define a single Group child node. MissingHref = Missing href attribute in element. MissingSourceAttribute = Missing source attribute in or . MissingVersionAttribute = Missing version attribute in . MultipleContentElements = Multiple content elements are not allowed. MultipleLibraryElements = Multiple Library elements are not allowed. MultipleLinkFormatElements = Multiple LinkFormat elements are not allowed. MultipleMaskElements = Multiple elements are not allowed. MultipleTextLayoutFormatElements = Multiple elements are not allowed. OutOfRangeValue = Attribute ''{0}'' contains invalid value ''{1}'' - must be greater than or equal to ''{2}'' and less than or equal to ''{3}''. PrivateElementMultipleOccurrences = Multiple occurrences of Private Element is not supported. PrivateElementNotChildOfGraphic = Private Element should be a child of Graphic element. PrivateElementNotLast = Private Element needs to be the last child of Graphic element. UnknownAlignmentBaseline = Unknown alignment baseline ''{0}''. UnknownBackgroundAlpha = Unknown background alpha ''{0}''. UnknownBaselineShift = Unknown baseline shift ''{0}''. UnknownBevelType = Unknown bevel type ''{0}''. UnknownBlendMode = Unknown blend mode ''{0}''. UnknownBlockProgression = Unknown block progression ''{0}''. UnknownBreakOpportunity = Unknown break opportunity ''{0}''. UnknownColorWithEnum = Unknown color with enum ''{0}''. UnknownColumnCount = Unknown column count ''{0}''. UnknownColumnGap = Unknown column gap ''{0}''. UnknownColumnWidth = Unknown column width ''{0}''. UnknownDigitCase = Unknown digit case ''{0}''. UnknownDigitWidth = Unknown digit width ''{0}''. UnknownDirection = Unknown direction ''{0}''. UnknownDominantBaseline = Unknown dominant baseline ''{0}''. UnknownElementInVersion = Element name ''{1}'' is unknown in FXG Version ''{0}''. UnknownFillMode = Unknown fill mode ''{0}''. UnknownFirstBaselineOffset = Unknown first baseline offset ''{0}''. UnknownFontStyle = Unknown font style ''{0}''. UnknownFontWeight = Unknown font weight ''{0}''. UnknownImgHeight = Unknown image height ''{0}''. UnknownImgWidth = Unknown image width ''{0}''. UnknownInterpolationMethod = Unknown interpolation method ''{0}''. UnknownJustificationRule = Unknown justification rule ''{0}''. UnknownJustificationStyle = Unknown justification style ''{0}''. UnknownKerning = Unknown kerning ''{0}''. UnknownLeadingModel = Unknown leading model ''{0}''. UnknownLigatureLevel = Unknown ligature level ''{0}''. UnknownLineBreak = Unknown line break ''{0}''. UnknownLinkFormat = Unknown link format ''{0}''. UnknownMaskType = Unknown maskType ''{0}''. UnknownPaddingBottom = Unknown padding bottom ''{0}''. UnknownPaddingLeft = Unknown padding left ''{0}''. UnknownPaddingRight = Unknown padding right ''{0}''. UnknownPaddingTop = Unknown padding top ''{0}''. UnknownSpreadMethod = Unknown spreadMethod ''{0}''. UnknownTextAlign = Unknown text align ''{0}''. UnknownTextDecoration = Unknown text decoration ''{0}''. UnknownTextJustify = Unknown text justify ''{0}''. UnknownTextRotation = Unknown text rotation ''{0}''. UnknownTypographicCase = Unknown typographic case ''{0}''. UnknownVerticalAlign = Unknown vertical align ''{0}''. UnknownWhiteSpaceCollapse = Unknown white space collapse ''{0}''. UnknownWindingValue = Unknown winding value ''{0}''. UnsupportedCapsSetting = Unsupported caps setting ''{0}'' UnsupportedJointsSetting = Unsupported joints setting ''{0}''. UnsupportedScaleMode = Unsupported scaleMode setting ''{0}''.