1. Italic
  2. Plain
  3. Italic
  4. Plain
  5. Bold

  6. Bold
  7. Italic
  8. Plain
  9. Italic
  10. Plain
  11. Bold

  1. p element without end tag; closed by next p start tag

    closes previous p element with missing end tag

  2. break element without end tag
    break element without combined start and end tags

  3. dummy link 1; attribute "href" contains potentially troublesome characters
  4. dummy link 2; attribute 'href' contains potentially troublesome characters
  5. dummy link 3; mixed case for element and attribute name; unquoted attribute value; implied attribute value
  6. underlined text

  7. italicized text

  8. bold text

  9. larger, colored text with another font
    multiple formatting elements on the same span

  10. <'&>&  "