//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// import flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent; import flash.events.IOErrorEvent; private function MakeMySQLDate(tmpDate:Date):String { // ******************************************************************* // Parameter: // tmpDate - Date object that will be parsed to creat the MySQL Date. // Return: // tmpDate converted into the MySQL friendly format of yyyymmdd. // ******************************************************************* var iYear:Number = tmpDate.getFullYear(); var iMonth:Number = tmpDate.getMonth()+1; var iDay:Number = tmpDate.getDate(); var tmpStrMonth:String = iMonth.toString(); if (iMonth <= 9) { tmpStrMonth = "0" + tmpStrMonth; } var tmpStrDay:String = iDay.toString(); if (iDay <= 9) { tmpStrDay = "0" + tmpStrDay; } var tmpStrHour:String = tmpDate.getHours().toString(); if (tmpDate.getHours() <= 9) { tmpStrHour = "0" + tmpStrHour; } var tmpStrMinute:String = tmpDate.getMinutes().toString(); if (tmpDate.getMinutes() <= 9) { tmpStrMinute = "0" + tmpStrMinute; } var tmpStrSecond:String = tmpDate.getSeconds().toString(); if (tmpDate.getSeconds() <= 9) { tmpStrSecond = "0" + tmpStrSecond; } return iYear.toString() + tmpStrMonth + tmpStrDay + tmpStrHour + tmpStrMinute + tmpStrSecond; } private function createMySQLDateFromString(strDate:String):String { var arTemp:Array; var arDate:Array; var arTime:Array; var strMonth:String; var strDay:String; var strHour:String; arTemp = strDate.split(" "); arDate = String(arTemp[0]).split("/"); arTime = String(arTemp[1]).split(":"); var iMonth:Number = Number(arDate[0]); var iDay:Number = Number(arDate[1]); var strYear:String = String(arDate[2]); var iHour:Number = Number(arTime[0]); var strMinute:String = String(arTime[1]); var strSecond:String = String(arTime[2]); strMonth = String(arDate[0]); if (iMonth <= 9) { strMonth = "0" + strMonth; } strDay = String(arDate[1]); if (iDay <= 9) { strDay = "0" + strDay; } strHour = String(arTime[0]); if (arTemp[2] == "PM") { iHour += 12; } else if (iHour <= 9) { strHour = "0" + strHour; } return strYear + strMonth + strDay + strHour + strMinute + strSecond; } private function fixStringDataForMySQL(strTemp:String):String { var i:Number = 0; var iOld:Number = 0; var firstQuote:Boolean = false; var strNew:String = ""; strTemp = trim(strTemp); while (i != -1){ i = strTemp.indexOf("'", i); if (i != -1){ if ((strNew != "") || (firstQuote)){ strNew += "\\" + strTemp.substring(iOld, i); } else if (i != 0) { strNew = strTemp.substring(iOld, i); } else { firstQuote = true; } iOld = i; i++; } } if (iOld <= strTemp.length){ if (strNew != ""){ strNew += "\\" + strTemp.substring(iOld, strTemp.length); } else { strNew = strTemp.substring(iOld, strTemp.length); } } return (strNew); } // General Date and String Functions // private function DateAdd(tmpDate:Date, strType:String, iVal:Number):void { // ******************************************************************* // Parameters: // tmpDate - Date object to which will be added the time. // strType - String value that represents what the iVal value is. // s - Seconds // m - Minutes // h - hours // d - days // w - weeks // iVal - Number value the represents the number of strType to add to the date. // If you want to go subtract, just use a negative number. // Return: // tmpDate with time addded. // ******************************************************************* var timeVal:Number = 0; switch(strType){ case "s": timeVal = (1000*iVal); break; case "m": timeVal = (1000*60*iVal); break; case "h": timeVal = (1000*60*60*iVal); break; case "d": timeVal = (1000*60*60*24*iVal); break; case "w": timeVal = (1000*60*60*24*7*iVal); break; } tmpDate.setTime(tmpDate.getTime() + timeVal); } private function ltrim(matter:String):String { if ((matter.length>1) || (matter.length == 1 && matter.charCodeAt(0)>32 && matter.charCodeAt(0)<255)) { var i:int = 0; while (i=255)) { i++; } matter = matter.substring(i); } else { matter = ""; } return matter; } private function rtrim(matter:String):String { if ((matter.length>1) || (matter.length == 1 && matter.charCodeAt(0)>32 && matter.charCodeAt(0)<255)) { var i:int = matter.length-1; while (i>=0 && (matter.charCodeAt(i)<=32 || matter.charCodeAt(i)>=255)) { i--; } matter = matter.substring(0, i+1); } else { matter = ""; } return matter; } private function trim(matter:String):String { return ltrim(rtrim(matter)); } //************************************************************** // SQL XML functions. //************************************************************** private function fixSingleQuotes(strTemp:String):String { var pattern:RegExp = /\x27/gi; return (strTemp.replace(pattern, "'")); } private function createSQLXML(SQL:String, DataLabel:String):String { return (""); //return (""); } private function sendSQLXML(aspURL:String, SQLXML:String, returnSQLXMLCallback:Function, errorSQLXMLCallback:Function):void { var myXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(aspURL); var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); variables.xmlSQL = "" + SQLXML + ""; myXMLURL.data = variables; myXMLURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); myLoader.addEventListener("complete", returnSQLXMLCallback, false, 0, true); myLoader.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, errorSQLXMLCallback); myLoader.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatus); myLoader.load(myXMLURL); } private function httpStatus(eventObj:HTTPStatusEvent):void { var header:URLRequestHeader; //trace("httpStatusHandler: " + eventObj); //trace("status: " + eventObj.status); } /* private function ioErrorListener(eventObj:IOErrorEvent):void { //trace(eventObj.text); } */ private function makeDateObject(strDate:String):Date { var my_str:String = strDate; var my_array:Array = my_str.split("/"); var tmpDate:Date = new Date(my_array[2],Number(my_array[0])-1, my_array[1],0,0,0,0); return tmpDate; }