//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package mx.controls { import flash.display.DisplayObject; import flash.display.GradientType; import flash.display.Graphics; import flash.display.Shape; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.geom.Matrix; import flash.geom.Point; import flash.ui.Keyboard; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; import mx.collections.IList; import mx.collections.errors.ItemPendingError; import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn; import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup; import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo; import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridListData; import mx.controls.listClasses.BaseListData; import mx.controls.listClasses.IDropInListItemRenderer; import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer; import mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer; import mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridHeaderRenderer; import mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider; import mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider; import mx.controls.olapDataGridClasses.OLAPDataGridRendererProvider; import mx.core.ClassFactory; import mx.core.FlexShape; import mx.core.IDataRenderer; import mx.core.IFactory; import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject; import mx.core.UIComponent; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.formatters.Formatter; import mx.olap.IOLAPAxisPosition; import mx.olap.IOLAPCell; import mx.olap.IOLAPHierarchy; import mx.olap.IOLAPLevel; import mx.olap.IOLAPMember; import mx.olap.IOLAPResult; import mx.styles.ISimpleStyleClient; import mx.styles.IStyleClient; use namespace mx_internal; //-------------------------------------- // Excluded APIs //-------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------- // public properties //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="allowDragSelection", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="columns", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="columnWidth", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="displayDisclosureIcon", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="displayItemsExpanded", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="draggableColumns", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragMoveEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dropEnabled", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dropTarget", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="editable", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="editedItemPosition", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="editedItemRenderer", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="groupedColumns", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="groupIconFunction", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="groupLabelFunction", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="hasRoot", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="hierarchicalCollectionView", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="itemEditorInstance", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="itemIcons", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="labelFunction", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="lockedColumnCount", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="lookAheadDuration", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="openItems", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="rendererProviders", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="showHeaders", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="showRoot", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="sortableColumns", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="sortExpertMode", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="sortItemRenderer", kind="property")] //-------------------------------------- // protected properties //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="_columns", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragImage", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="dragImageOffsets", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="headerInfoInitialized", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="lastDropIndex", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="orderedHeadersList", kind="property")] [Exclude(name="selectedHeaderInfo", kind="property")] //-------------------------------------- // public methods //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="calculateDropIndex", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="collapseAll", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="createItemEditor", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="destroyItemEditor", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="expandAll", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="expandChildrenOf", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="expandItem", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="getParentItem", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="isItemOpen", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="setItemIcon", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="getFieldSortInfo", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="hideDropFeedback", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="showDropFeedback", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="startDrag", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="stopDrag", kind="method")] //-------------------------------------- // protected methods //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="addDragData", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="addSortField", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragCompleteHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragDropHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragEnterHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragExitHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragOverHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragScroll", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="dragStartHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="expandItemHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="findSortField", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="headerReleaseHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="placeSortArrow", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="removeSortField", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="treeNavigationHandler", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="updateHeaderSearchList", kind="method")] [Exclude(name="updateVisibleHeaders", kind="method")] //-------------------------------------- // events //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="dragComplete", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragDrop", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragEnter", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragExit", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="dragOver", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="headerDragOutside", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="headerDropOutside", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="headerRelease", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="headerShift", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemClose", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemEditBegin", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemEditBeginning", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemEditEnd", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemOpen", kind="event")] [Exclude(name="itemOpening", kind="event")] //-------------------------------------- // styles //-------------------------------------- [Exclude(name="columnDropIndicatorSkin", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="defaultLeafIcon", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="depthColors", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="folderClosedIcon", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="folderOpenIcon", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="headerSortSeparatorSkin", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="headerStyleName", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="openDuration", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="openEasingFunction", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="sortFontFamily", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="sortFontSize", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="sortFontStyle", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="sortFontWeight", kind="style")] [Exclude(name="headerDragProxyStyleName", kind="style")] //-------------------------------------- // Styles //-------------------------------------- /** * The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling aspects of * the appearance of the row axis headers. * The default value is undefined, which means it uses the value of the * headerStyleName style. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ [Style(name="rowAxisHeaderStyleName", type="String", inherit="no")] /** * The name of a CSS style declaration for controlling aspects of * the appearance of the column axis headers. * The default value is undefined, which means it uses the value of the * headerStyleName style. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ [Style(name="columnAxisHeaderStyleName", type="String", inherit="no")] /** * The OLAPDataGrid control expands on the functionality of the AdvancedDataGrid control * to add support for the display of the results of OLAP queries. * Like all Flex data grid controls, the OLAPDataGrid control is designed to display data * in a two-dimensional representation of rows and columns. * *

Because of the way you pass data to the OLAPDataGrid control, * it has several differences from the AdvancedDataGrid control:

* * *

You populate an OLAPDataGrid control with data by setting its data provider * to an instance of the OLAPResult class, which contains the results of an OLAP query.

* * @mxml *

* The <mx:OLAPDataGrid> tag inherits all of the tag attributes * of its superclass, except for labelField, iconField, * and iconFunction, and adds the following tag attributes: *

 *  <mx:OLAPDataGrid 
 *    Properties
 *    defaultCellString="NaN"
 *    headerRendererProviders="[]"
 *    itemRendererProviders="[]"
 *    Styles
 *    columnAxisHeaderStyleName="undefined"
 *    rowAxisHeaderStyleName="undefined"
 *  />
 *  @see mx.controls.AdvancedDataGrid
 *  @see mx.olap.OLAPQuery
 *  @see mx.olap.OLAPResult
 *  @includeExample examples/OLAPDataGridExample.mxml 
 *  @langversion 3.0
 *  @playerversion Flash 9
 *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
 *  @productversion Flex 3
public class OLAPDataGrid extends AdvancedDataGrid 

    //  Class constants

     *  A constant that corresponds to the column axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const COLUMN_AXIS:int = 0;
     *  A constant that corresponds to the row axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const ROW_AXIS:int = 1;
     *  A constant that corresponds to the slicer axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const SLICER_AXIS:int = 2;

     *  A constant that corresponds to a member of an axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const OLAP_MEMBER:int = 0;
     *  A constant that corresponds to a level of an axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const OLAP_LEVEL:int = 1;
     *  A constant that corresponds to a member of an axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const OLAP_HIERARCHY:int = 2;
     *  A constant that corresponds to a member of an axis.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public static const OLAP_DIMENSION:int = 3;
    //  Constructor

     *  Constructor.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    public function OLAPDataGrid()

        groupItemRenderer = new ClassFactory(OLAPDataGridGroupRenderer);

        olapElements = [];
        olapElements = olapElements.sort();

        draggableColumns = false;
        sortableColumns = false;
        sortExpertMode = true;

    //  Variables

     *  @private
     *  Reference to the IOLAPResultView
    private var olapData:IOLAPResult;
     *  @private
     *  rowAxis of the olapData
    private var rowAxis:IList;

     *  @private
     *  columnAxis of the olapData
    private var columnAxis:IList;
     *  @private
     *  slicerAxis of the olapData
    private var slicerAxis:IList;

     *  @private
     *  maintains a mapping of each column with the corresponding IOLAPMember
    private var columnNames:Dictionary;

     *  @private
     *  number of columns which make up row headers area
    private var numHeaderCols:int = 0;

     * @private
     * Special column which acts as a header of all column headers
     * Idea is to have a root column for column axis
     * which will wrap all the column axis headers in a UIComponent
     * and show them
    private var hierarchiesHeaderColumn:AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup;

     *  @private
    private var dataProviderChanged:Boolean = false;

     *  @private
    private var isMeasuring:Boolean

     *  @private
    private var currentRowLabels:Array /* of String */ ;

     *  @private
     *  Maintains information for each row header row, type OLAPRowHeaderInfo
    private var rowHeadersMap:Dictionary;
     *  @private
     *  Array of dictionaries to hash the itemRendererProviders
     *  defined on the OLAPDataGrid, each dictionary in the array
     *  corresponds to one type viz member, level, hierarchy, dimension
    private var cellRenderersMap:Array/* of Dictionary */ ;

     *  @private
     *  Similar to cellRenderersMap, an  Array of dictionaries to 
     *  hash the hedaerRendererProviders
    private var headerRenderersMap:Array/* of Dictionary */ ;
     *  @private
     *  Array which keeps member, level, hierarchy, dimension (olap elements)
     *  in sorted order
    private var olapElements:Array /* of int */ ;
    private var itemRendererProvidersChanged:Boolean = false;
	private var headerRendererProvidersChanged:Boolean = false;
     * Caches the indents seen in the first row of the data
     * thus, in case of full page scroll, indentation is decided
     * by comparing the depth of the current member with the depths stored here
     * @private
    private var cachedMinRowIndents:Array/* of int */;
     *  @private
     *  Keep track of styles of the individual item renderers when custom
     *  row/column formatting i.e. grid and column styleFunctions are applied.
    private var oldStyles:Dictionary;

    //  Overridden properties
    //  draggableColumns

     *  @private
     *  Column Dragging is not allowed in OLAPDataGrid
    override public function set draggableColumns(value:Boolean):void
        super.draggableColumns = false;
    //  verticalScrollPosition

     *  @private
     *  On vertical scroll rowHeaderHorizontalSeparators need to be drawn again
    override public function set verticalScrollPosition(value:Number):void
        super.verticalScrollPosition = value;
        //Need to re-draw horizontal grid lines in case of vertical scroll
        if (getStyle("horizontalGridLines"))

    // dataProvider
     *  @private
    override public function get dataProvider():Object
        return olapData;
     *  An OLAPDataGrid accepts only an IOLAPResult as dataProvider
     *  other dataProviders are simply ignored.
     *  One can set dataProvider to null, to reset the control.
     *  @langversion 3.0
     *  @playerversion Flash 9
     *  @playerversion AIR 1.1
     *  @productversion Flex 3
    override public function set dataProvider(value:Object):void
        if(!value || value != null && value is IOLAPResult)
            olapData = IOLAPResult(value);
            dataProviderChanged = true;
    // sortExpertMode

     *  @private
    override public function set sortExpertMode(value:Boolean):void
        super.sortExpertMode = true;
    // styleFunction

     *  A callback function called while rendering each cell in the cell data area.
     *  The signature of the callback function is:
function myStyleFunction(row:IOLAPAxisPosition, column:IOLAPAxisPosition, value:Number):Object
* *

where * row is the IOLAPAxisPosition associated with this cell on row axis, * column is the IOLAPAxisPosition associated with this cell on column axis * and value is the cell value.

* *

The return value should be a Object with styles as properties. * For example: { color:0xFF0000, fontWeight:"bold" }.


In case when the value in the cell is NaN, the function is called with NaN as the last argument

* * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ override public function set styleFunction(value:Function):void { super.styleFunction = value; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // defaultCellString //---------------------------------- /** * String displayed in a cell when the data for that cell returned by * the IOLAPResult instance is null or NaN. * * @default "NaN" * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public var defaultCellString:String = "NaN"; //---------------------------------- // itemRendererProviders //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _itemRendererProviders:Array /* of OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider */ = [];; private var _itemRendererProvidersUnSorted:Array /* of OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider */ = []; /** * Array of OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider instances that specify a * custom item renderer for the cells of the control. * You can use several renderer providers to specify custom item renderers used for * different locations in the control. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get itemRendererProviders():Array /* of OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider */ { return _itemRendererProvidersUnSorted; } /** * @private */ public function set itemRendererProviders(value:Array /* of OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider */):void { //Sort them based on their priority, so that one with high proprity // is on the top and get picked up _itemRendererProviders = value.sort(compareFunction); cellRenderersMap = []; var n:int = olapElements.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { cellRenderersMap[olapElements[i]] = new Dictionary(true); } n = _itemRendererProviders.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(value[i].renderer) { itemsSizeChanged = true; rendererChanged = true; } cellRenderersMap[value[i].type][value[i].uniqueName] = i; } _itemRendererProvidersUnSorted = value; itemRendererProvidersChanged = true; invalidateDisplayList(); } //---------------------------------- // headerRendererProviders //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _headerRendererProviders:Array /* of OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider */ = [];; private var _headerRendererProvidersUnSorted:Array /* of OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider */ = [];; /** * Array of OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider instances that specify a * custom header renderer for the columns of the control. * You can use several header renderer providers to specify custom header renderers for * different columns the control. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ public function get headerRendererProviders():Array /* of OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider */ { return _headerRendererProvidersUnSorted; } /** * @private */ public function set headerRendererProviders(value:Array /* of OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider */):void { //Sort them based on their priority, so that one with high priority // is on the top and get picked up _headerRendererProviders = value.sort(compareFunction); var n:int = olapElements.length; headerRenderersMap = []; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { headerRenderersMap[olapElements[i]] = new Dictionary(true); } n = _headerRendererProviders.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(value[i].renderer) { itemsSizeChanged = true; rendererChanged = true; } headerRenderersMap[value[i].type][value[i].uniqueName] = i; } _headerRendererProvidersUnSorted = value; headerRendererProvidersChanged = true; invalidateDisplayList(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ override protected function setupRenderer(itemData:Object, uid:String, insertItems:Boolean = false):void { super.setupRenderer(itemData, uid, insertItems); var currentData:IList = itemData.members; if (!rowHeadersMap[uid]) rowHeadersMap[uid] = []; if (!rowHeadersMap[uid][0] || !rowHeadersMap[uid][0].initialized) { // Gets called only if this is the first call to makeRowsAndColumns // or when we have scrolled down vertically var i:int; while (i < currentRowLabels.length && currentData.getItemAt(i).name == currentRowLabels[i].member.name) { if(!rowHeadersMap[uid][i]) rowHeadersMap[uid][i] = new OLAPRowHeaderInfo(); rowHeadersMap[uid][i].visible = false; rowHeadersMap[uid][i].renderer = currentRowLabels[i].renderer; rowHeadersMap[uid][i].initialized = true; listItems[currentRowNum][i].visible = false; i++; } currentRowLabels.splice(i); while (i < currentData.length) { if (!rowHeadersMap[uid][i]) rowHeadersMap[uid][i] = new OLAPRowHeaderInfo(); rowHeadersMap[uid][i].visible = true; rowHeadersMap[uid][i].renderer = listItems[currentRowNum][i]; rowHeadersMap[uid][i].initialized = true; listItems[currentRowNum][i].visible = true; currentRowLabels.push({member:currentData.getItemAt(i), renderer:listItems[currentRowNum][i]}); i++; } } else { //If we already know that about visibilty of items of these row //use the stored info only var n:int = currentData.length; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++) { listItems[currentRowNum][i].visible = rowHeadersMap[uid][i].visible; } } } /** * @private */ override protected function makeListData(data:Object, uid:String, rowNum:int, columnNum:int, column:AdvancedDataGridColumn):BaseListData { var adgListData:AdvancedDataGridListData; var m:IOLAPMember; if (!(data is AdvancedDataGridColumn)) { var label:String; //case when row headers are getting created if (groupItemRenderer && column.colNum < numHeaderCols) { m = IOLAPMember(data.members.getItemAt(column.colNum)); label = m ? m.displayName: " "; // Checking for a groupLabelFunction or a groupLabelField property to be present adgListData = new AdvancedDataGridListData(label, column.dataField, columnNum, uid, this, rowNum); //Calculate indent only if we are not just measuring if(!isMeasuring) adgListData.indent = getIndent(IOLAPAxisPosition(data), m, columnNum); return adgListData; } //Case when cell data renderers are getting created, cells //get their value by making getCell request on the olapData object else if (column.colNum >= numHeaderCols) { var absoluteRowNum:int = rowNum; // rowNum here is the index of this row in the listItems or in other // words index in the visible rows on the screen // To get the index of this row in the dataProvider, add // verticalScrollPosition to it if (rowNum >= lockedRowCount) absoluteRowNum += Math.max(0,verticalScrollPosition); var absoluteColNum:int = column.colNum - numHeaderCols; var cell:IOLAPCell = olapData.getCell(absoluteRowNum, absoluteColNum); label = cell && !isNaN(cell.value) ? String(cell.value) : defaultCellString; var colPosn:IOLAPAxisPosition = IOLAPAxisPosition(columnAxis.getItemAt(absoluteColNum)); if (data is IOLAPAxisPosition) label = getFormattedCellValue(label, IOLAPAxisPosition(data), colPosn); else label = getFormattedCellValue(label, null, colPosn); var listData:AdvancedDataGridListData = new AdvancedDataGridListData(label, column.dataField, columnNum, uid, this, rowNum); return listData; } } return super.makeListData(data, uid, rowNum, columnNum, column) as AdvancedDataGridListData; } /** * @private */ override mx_internal function setupRendererFromData(c:AdvancedDataGridColumn, item:IListItemRenderer, data:Object):void { isMeasuring = true; super.setupRendererFromData(c, item, data); isMeasuring = false; } /** * @private */ override mx_internal function columnItemRendererFactory(c:AdvancedDataGridColumn, forHeader:Boolean, itemData:Object):IFactory { //Use the groupItemRenderer, if it is a row header or column header var factory:IFactory; if (!forHeader && c.colNum < numHeaderCols) { if(c.itemRenderer) factory = c.itemRenderer; else factory = groupItemRenderer; } else if(forHeader) { if(c.headerRenderer) { factory = c.headerRenderer; } else { var headerInfo:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo = getHeaderInfo(c); if(headerInfo && headerInfo.actualColNum >= numHeaderCols) factory = groupItemRenderer; } } if (!factory) { factory = super.columnItemRendererFactory(c, forHeader, itemData); } return factory; } /** * @private */ override protected function getHeaderRenderer(c:AdvancedDataGridColumn):IListItemRenderer { var r:IListItemRenderer = super.getHeaderRenderer(c); // If this is that top-level column group which wraps // axis headers in the renderer if ( c == hierarchiesHeaderColumn && columnAxis.length > 0) { var firstColumn:IList = IOLAPAxisPosition(columnAxis.getItemAt(0)).members ; var numHeaderRows:int = firstColumn.length; var factories:Array /* of IFactory */ = []; var hierarchies:Array /* of IOLAPHierarchy */ = []; for (var i:int = 0; i < numHeaderRows; i++) { hierarchies.push(firstColumn.getItemAt(i).hierarchy); factories.push(headerRenderer); } OLAPDataGridHeaderRenderer(r).factories = factories; OLAPDataGridHeaderRenderer(r).dataProvider = hierarchies; } return r; } /** * @private */ override protected function itemRendererToIndices(item:IListItemRenderer):Point { if (item && !isHeaderItemRenderer(item) && isCellSelectionMode()) { var pt:Point = super.itemRendererToIndices(item); var columnIndex:int = displayToAbsoluteColumnIndex(pt.x); if(columnIndex < numHeaderCols) return null; } return super.itemRendererToIndices(item); } /** * @private */ override protected function drawRowBackground(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, y:Number, height:Number, color:uint, dataIndex:int):void { var background:Shape; if (rowIndex < s.numChildren) { background = Shape(s.getChildAt(rowIndex)); } else { background = new FlexShape(); background.name = "background"; s.addChild(background); } background.y = y; background.x = getRowHeadersWidth(); // Height is usually as tall is the items in the row, but not if // it would extend below the bottom of listContent var height:Number = Math.min(height, listContent.height - y); var g:Graphics = background.graphics; g.clear(); g.beginFill(color, getStyle("backgroundAlpha")); g.drawRect(0, 0, unscaledWidth - viewMetrics.left - viewMetrics.right, height); g.endFill(); } /** * @private */ override protected function applyUserStylesForItemRenderer(givenItemRenderer:IListItemRenderer):void { if (!givenItemRenderer) return; if (! ( // It should support all the following interfaces/inheritances givenItemRenderer is IStyleClient && givenItemRenderer is IDataRenderer && givenItemRenderer is DisplayObject && givenItemRenderer is IDropInListItemRenderer ) ) { return; } var listData:BaseListData = IDropInListItemRenderer(givenItemRenderer).listData; if(listData.columnIndex < numHeaderCols) return; var itemRenderer:IStyleClient = givenItemRenderer as IStyleClient; //Cell value var label:String = listData.label; var cellValue:Number = Number(label); //Row axis position var absoluteRowNum:int = listData.rowIndex; if (absoluteRowNum >= lockedRowCount) absoluteRowNum += Math.max(0,verticalScrollPosition) + Math.max(0, lockedRowCount); var rowPosn:IOLAPAxisPosition; //Row posn is null in case of blank or non IOLAPAxisPosition rows if (absoluteRowNum < rowAxis.length && rowAxis.getItemAt(absoluteRowNum) is IOLAPAxisPosition) rowPosn = IOLAPAxisPosition(rowAxis.getItemAt(absoluteRowNum)); else rowPosn = null; //Column axis position var absoluteColNum:int = listData.columnIndex - numHeaderCols; var colPosn:IOLAPAxisPosition = IOLAPAxisPosition(columnAxis.getItemAt(absoluteColNum)); // 0. Make sure we have a dictionary if (!oldStyles) { oldStyles = new Dictionary(true); // use weakKeys } // 1. Reset to the default i.e. "old" styles var styleName:String; if (oldStyles[itemRenderer]) { for (styleName in oldStyles[itemRenderer]) { itemRenderer.setStyle(styleName, oldStyles[itemRenderer][styleName]); } delete oldStyles[itemRenderer]; } // 2. Call the grid's styleFunction var newStyles:Object; if (styleFunction != null) { newStyles = styleFunction(rowPosn, colPosn, cellValue); if (newStyles) { for (styleName in newStyles) { if (!oldStyles[itemRenderer]) { oldStyles[itemRenderer] = {}; } oldStyles[itemRenderer][styleName] = itemRenderer.getStyle(styleName); itemRenderer.setStyle(styleName, newStyles[styleName]); } } } } /** * @private * For restricting the cell selection to cell data area * fake the call to viewDisplayableColumnAtOffset call so that * when a LEFT is pressed at the left most cell in the cell data * area it finds that there is nothing left to it. */ override protected function viewDisplayableColumnAtOffset(columnIndex:int, offset:int, rowIndex:int=-1, scroll:Boolean=true) :int { var displayColumnIndex:int = absoluteToDisplayColumnIndex(columnIndex); if(displayColumnIndex == numHeaderCols && offset < 0) return -1; else return super.viewDisplayableColumnAtOffset(columnIndex, offset, rowIndex, scroll) } /** * @private */ override protected function commitProperties():void { if(dataProviderChanged) { dataProviderChanged = false; var hasRowAxis:Boolean = false; var hasColumnAxis:Boolean = false; if(olapData) { //Initialize each of the axis, saving pointers helps because they are needed at many places rowAxis = olapData.getAxis(OLAPDataGrid.ROW_AXIS).positions; columnAxis = olapData.getAxis(OLAPDataGrid.COLUMN_AXIS).positions; //Slicer axis may be empty too if(olapData.getAxis(OLAPDataGrid.SLICER_AXIS)) slicerAxis = olapData.getAxis(OLAPDataGrid.SLICER_AXIS).positions; hasRowAxis = rowAxis && rowAxis.length; hasColumnAxis = columnAxis && columnAxis.length; } //In case there was no column axis found, a reset grid is required if(!hasColumnAxis) { numHeaderCols = 0; groupedColumns = []; lockedColumnCount = 0; super.dataProvider = null; } else { var rowAxisHeaderCols:Array /* of AdvancedDataGridColumn */ = []; // Take the first row and create the columns corresponding // to row headers if(hasRowAxis) { var firstRow:IList = IOLAPAxisPosition(rowAxis.getItemAt(0)).members; numHeaderCols = firstRow.length; cachedMinRowIndents = []; for (var i:int = 0; i < firstRow.length; i++) { //Find the hierarchy getting used, and use it as headerText for rowAxis headers; var hierarchy:IOLAPHierarchy = firstRow.getItemAt(i).hierarchy; var c:AdvancedDataGridColumn = new AdvancedDataGridColumn(hierarchy.displayName); c.public::setStyle("fontWeight", "bold"); c.public::setStyle("verticalAlign", "center"); rowAxisHeaderCols.push(c); cachedMinRowIndents.push(firstRow.getItemAt(i).level.depth); } lockedColumnCount = numHeaderCols; } //In case no rowAxis was specified or the the rowAxis returned was empty else { var dummyRow:Object = {}; numHeaderCols = 0; lockedColumnCount = 0; //An empty list of members dummyRow.members = new ArrayCollection([]); rowAxis = new ArrayCollection([dummyRow]); } var colAxisHeaderCols:Array /* of AdvancedDataGridColumn */ = [generateCols()]; groupedColumns = rowAxisHeaderCols.concat(colAxisHeaderCols); //Initialize other structures currentRowLabels = []; rowHeadersMap = new Dictionary(true); //Force to re-apply the rendererProviders if(headerRendererProviders && headerRendererProviders.length > 0 || itemRendererProviders && itemRendererProviders.length > 0) { headerRendererProvidersChanged = true; itemRendererProvidersChanged = true; invalidateDisplayList(); } super.dataProvider = rowAxis; } } super.commitProperties(); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void { if (styleProp == "rowAxisHeaderStyleName") applyNewAxisStyles(OLAPDataGrid.ROW_AXIS); else if (styleProp == "columnAxisHeaderStyleName") applyNewAxisStyles(OLAPDataGrid.COLUMN_AXIS); super.styleChanged(styleProp); } /** * @private */ override protected function createHeaders(left:Number, top:Number):void { //If as rowAxisHeaderStyleName has been defined, this is where we assign it applyNewAxisStyles(OLAPDataGrid.ROW_AXIS); super.createHeaders(left, top); //If as columnAxisHeaderStyleName has been defined, this is where we assign it applyNewAxisStyles(OLAPDataGrid.COLUMN_AXIS); } /** * @private */ override mx_internal function getRenderer(c:AdvancedDataGridColumn, itemData:Object, forDragProxy:Boolean = false):IListItemRenderer { var r:IListItemRenderer; if (c.colNum < numHeaderCols) { var member:IOLAPMember = IOLAPMember(itemData.members.getItemAt(c.colNum)); var info:OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider = OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider(getRendererInfo(member, true)); if (info) { if (info.renderer) r = info.renderer.newInstance(); else r = super.getRenderer(c, itemData); if (info.styleName) r.styleName = info.styleName; return r; } } else { var column:IOLAPAxisPosition = IOLAPAxisPosition(columnAxis.getItemAt(c.colNum-numHeaderCols)); var row:IOLAPAxisPosition = itemData is IOLAPAxisPosition ? IOLAPAxisPosition(itemData) : null var itemInfo:OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider = getCellRendererInfo(row, column); if (itemInfo) { if (itemInfo.renderer) r = itemInfo.renderer.newInstance(); else r = super.getRenderer(c, itemData); if (itemInfo.styleName) r.styleName = itemInfo.styleName; return r; } } r = super.getRenderer(c, itemData, forDragProxy); r.styleName = c; return r; } /** * @private */ override protected function drawSelectionIndicator(indicator:Sprite, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, itemRenderer:IListItemRenderer):void { if (isRowSelectionMode()) { var offset:Number = getRowHeadersWidth(); width = unscaledWidth - viewMetrics.left - viewMetrics.right - offset; var g:Graphics = Sprite(indicator).graphics; g.clear(); g.beginFill(color); g.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); g.endFill(); indicator.x = offset; indicator.y = y; } else { super.drawSelectionIndicator(indicator, x, y, width, height, color, itemRenderer); } } /** * @private */ override protected function drawHighlightIndicator(indicator:Sprite, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, itemRenderer:IListItemRenderer):void { if (isRowSelectionMode()) { var offset:Number = getRowHeadersWidth(); width = unscaledWidth - viewMetrics.left - viewMetrics.right - offset; var g:Graphics = Sprite(indicator).graphics; g.clear(); g.beginFill(color); g.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); g.endFill(); indicator.x = offset; indicator.y = y; } else { super.drawHighlightIndicator(indicator, x, y, width, height, color, itemRenderer); } } /** * @private */ override protected function drawCaretIndicator(indicator:Sprite, x:Number, y:Number, width:Number, height:Number, color:uint, itemRenderer:IListItemRenderer):void { if (isRowSelectionMode()) { var offset:Number = getRowHeadersWidth(); width = unscaledWidth - viewMetrics.left - viewMetrics.right - offset; var g:Graphics = Sprite(indicator).graphics; g.clear(); g.lineStyle(1, color, 1); g.drawRect(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1); indicator.x = offset; indicator.y = y; } else { super.drawCaretIndicator(indicator, x, y, width, height, color, itemRenderer); } } /** * @private */ override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void { if (headerRendererProvidersChanged || itemRendererProvidersChanged) { applyRenderer(); headerRendererProvidersChanged = false; itemRendererProvidersChanged = false; } super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight); var headerBG:UIComponent = UIComponent(listContent.getChildByName("rowHeaderBG")); if (!headerBG) { headerBG = new UIComponent(); headerBG.name = "rowHeaderBG"; listContent.addChildAt(DisplayObject(headerBG), listContent.getChildIndex(selectionLayer)); var headerBGSkinClass:Class = getStyle("headerBackgroundSkin"); var headerBGSkin:IFlexDisplayObject = new headerBGSkinClass(); if (headerBGSkin is ISimpleStyleClient) ISimpleStyleClient(headerBGSkin).styleName = this; headerBG.addChild(DisplayObject(headerBGSkin)); } headerBG.visible = true; drawRowHeaderBackground(headerBG); } /** * @private */ override protected function drawLinesAndColumnBackgrounds():void { super.drawLinesAndColumnBackgrounds(); if (getStyle("horizontalGridLines")) drawRowHeaderHorizontalSeparators(); } /** * @private */ override protected function drawHorizontalLine(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, color:uint, y:Number):void { var g:Graphics = s.graphics; var offset:Number = 0; for ( var i:int = 0; i < numHeaderCols; i++) { offset += columns[i].width; } if (lockedRowCount > 0 && rowIndex == lockedRowCount-1) g.lineStyle(1, 0); else g.lineStyle(1, color); g.moveTo(offset, y); g.lineTo(unscaledWidth - viewMetrics.left - viewMetrics.right, y); } /** * @private * In case of OLAPDataGrid, the locked column boundary * needn't be black to make it look like column headers * */ override protected function drawVerticalLine(s:Sprite, colIndex:int, color:uint, x:Number):void { //draw our vertical lines var g:Graphics = s.graphics; if (lockedColumnCount > 0 && colIndex == lockedColumnCount - 1) g.lineStyle(1, color, 100); else super.drawVerticalLine(s, colIndex, color, x); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * A small compare function to sort the renderProvider according to their priority(type) * so that one with higher priority comes first at gets picked up */ private function compareFunction(a:OLAPDataGridRendererProvider, b:OLAPDataGridRendererProvider):int { if(a.type > b.type) return -1; else if (a.type < b.type) return 1; else return 0; } /** * @private */ private function generateGroup(start:int, end:int=-1):Array /* of AdvancedDataGridColumn */ { if(end == -1 || end > columnAxis.length) end = columnAxis.length; if(end < start) return []; //A dummy parent, to handle edge cases. var root:AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup = new AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup(); var currentGroupObjects:Array /* of AdvancedDataGridColumn */ = []; var currentGroups:Array /* of AdvancedDataGridColumn */ = []; for (var i:int = start; i < end; i++) { var currentData:IList = IOLAPAxisPosition(columnAxis.getItemAt(i)).members ; var k:int = 0; //We need to compare by the member object and not their names (as opposed to what we do in groupingCollection) while (k < currentData.length && currentData[k] == currentGroupObjects[k]) k++; //If all members are same, it means the OLAPPosition is repeated and we need to handle this one also if (k > 0 && k == currentData.length) k--; currentGroupObjects.splice(k); currentGroups.splice(k); while (k < currentData.length) { var parent:AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup = (k > 0)? currentGroups[k-1] : root; var c:AdvancedDataGridColumn; if (k == currentData.length - 1) { c = new AdvancedDataGridColumn(currentData.getItemAt(k).displayName); } else { c = new AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup(currentData.getItemAt(k).displayName); AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup(c).children = []; } columnNames[c] = currentData.getItemAt(k); currentGroups.push(c); currentGroupObjects.push(currentData[k]); parent.children.push(c); k++; } } return root.children; } /** * @private */ private function generateCols():AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup { columnNames = new Dictionary(); var root:AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup = new AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup(); root.children = generateGroup(0); hierarchiesHeaderColumn = root; // OLAPDataGridHeaderRenderer acts as a wrapper, which wraps all the hierarchies header // in a UIComponent root.headerRenderer = new ClassFactory(OLAPDataGridHeaderRenderer); return root; } /** * Applies the formatting associated with a particular cell to a String value. * A cell falls at the intersection of a position on row as well as * column axis. * * @param label The String value to be formatted. * * @param row The position of the cell in a row axis with an associated formatter. * * @param column The position of the cell in a column axis with an associated formatter. * * @return The formatted value of label, * or label if the cell does not exist or the cell does not have a formatter applied to it. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ protected function getFormattedCellValue(label:String, row:IOLAPAxisPosition, col:IOLAPAxisPosition):String { var itemInfo:OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider = getCellRendererInfo(row, col); if(itemInfo && itemInfo.formatter) return applyFormatting(label, itemInfo.formatter); return label; } /** * Returns the indent, in pixels, of the label in a renderer. * * @param position The position of the renderer on the axis. * * @param m The member of the dimension to which the indent is requested. * * @param mIndex The index of m in position.members. * * @return The indent, in pixels, of the label in a renderer. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ protected function getIndent(position:IOLAPAxisPosition, m:IOLAPMember, mIndex:int):int { var indent:int = 0; var uid:String = itemToUID(position); //Like visiblity info, if we know the indent then use that if(rowHeadersMap[uid] && rowHeadersMap[uid][mIndex]) { indent = rowHeadersMap[uid][mIndex].indent; } else { var currentLevel:int; //Decide the indent otherwise if (currentRowNum > 0) { var last:Array /* of IDataRenderer */ = listItems[currentRowNum - 1]; if (mIndex < last.length) { var l:IOLAPLevel = last[mIndex].data.members.getItemAt(mIndex).level; var lastLevel:int = l ? l.depth : 0; currentLevel = m.level ? m.level.depth : 0; //if level of item on the top is same as of this item, use the same indent if(currentLevel == lastLevel) { indent = last[mIndex].listData.indent; } //else if it was less, this need to be indented more than that else if(currentLevel > lastLevel) { indent = last[mIndex].listData.indent + (currentLevel - lastLevel) * getStyle("indentation"); } // or less else if (lastLevel > currentLevel) { indent = last[mIndex].listData.indent + (currentLevel - lastLevel) * getStyle("indentation"); indent = indent >= 0 ? indent : last[mIndex].listData.indent; } } } else { currentLevel = m.level ? m.level.depth : 0; if(cachedMinRowIndents && mIndex < cachedMinRowIndents.length) indent = Math.max(0, (currentLevel - cachedMinRowIndents[mIndex]) * getStyle("indentation")); } //Update the structures, so that while scrolling it doesn't have to calculate again if(!rowHeadersMap[uid]) rowHeadersMap[uid] = []; if(!rowHeadersMap[uid][mIndex]) rowHeadersMap[uid][mIndex] = new OLAPRowHeaderInfo(); rowHeadersMap[uid][mIndex].indent = indent; } return indent; } /** * @private */ mx_internal function columnToAxisPosition(c:AdvancedDataGridColumn):Object { var headerInfo:AdvancedDataGridHeaderInfo = getHeaderInfo(c); var position:IOLAPAxisPosition = IOLAPAxisPosition(seekColumn(headerInfo.actualColNum - numHeaderCols)); var m:IOLAPMember = position.members[headerInfo.depth]; return {member:m, position:position, positionIndex:headerInfo.actualColNum, memberIndex:headerInfo.depth}; } /** * @private * Seek a particular column and return the IOLAPAxisPosition */ private function seekColumn(seekPosition:int):Object { var value:Object = null; try { value = columnAxis.getItemAt(seekPosition); } catch (e:ItemPendingError) { } return value; } /** * @private * */ private function applyRenderer():void { var n:int = orderedHeadersList ? orderedHeadersList.length : 0; var i:int; for (i = numHeaderCols + 1; i < n; i++) { var c:AdvancedDataGridColumn = orderedHeadersList[i].column; if (headerRendererProvidersChanged) { var info:OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider = OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider(getRendererInfo(IOLAPMember(columnNames[c]), true)); if (info) { if (info.renderer) c.headerRenderer = info.renderer; if (info.headerWordWrap) c.headerWordWrap = info.headerWordWrap; if (info.styleName) c.public::setStyle("headerStyleName", info.styleName); } } } } /** * @private * Decide the word wrap for this row header * Called by the renderer to decide by wordwrap has to be applied or not * */ mx_internal function rowHeaderWordWrap(m:IOLAPMember):Boolean { var info:OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider = OLAPDataGridHeaderRendererProvider(getRendererInfo(m, true)); return info && info.headerWordWrap; } /** * @private * */ private function getRowHeadersWidth():Number { var offset:Number = 0;//getAdjustedXPos(0)* (-1); for (var i:int = 0; i < numHeaderCols; i++) { offset += columns[i].width; } return offset; } /** * @private * */ private function applyNewAxisStyles(axisNum:int):void { if (axisNum == OLAPDataGrid.COLUMN_AXIS) { var styleVal:* = getStyle("columnAxisHeaderStyleName"); if (styleVal) { var r:IStyleClient = orderedHeadersList[numHeaderCols].headerItem as IStyleClient; if (r) { var styleVal2:* = r.getStyle("axisHeaderStyleName"); if (styleVal2!= styleVal) r.setStyle("axisHeaderStyleName", styleVal); } } } else if (axisNum == OLAPDataGrid.ROW_AXIS) { var i:int; if (getStyle("rowAxisHeaderStyleName")) { var styleValue:* = getStyle("rowAxisHeaderStyleName"); for (i = 0; i < numHeaderCols; i++) { orderedHeadersList[i].column.public::setStyle("headerStyleName", styleValue); } } } } /** * @private * */ private function drawRowHeaderHorizontalSeparators():void { var lines:Sprite = Sprite(listContent.getChildByName("lockedContent")); if (!lines) { lines = new UIComponent(); lines.name = "lockedContent"; lines.cacheAsBitmap = true; lines.mouseEnabled = false; listSubContent.addChild(lines); listSubContent.setChildIndex(lines, listContent.numChildren - 1); } var linesBody:Sprite = Sprite(lines.getChildByName("horizontalRowHeaderLines")); if (!linesBody) { linesBody = new UIComponent(); linesBody.name = "horizontalRowHeaderLines"; lines.addChild(linesBody); } // clear the horizontal lines and draw them again linesBody.graphics.clear(); // draw horizontalGridlines if needed. var lineCol:uint = getStyle("horizontalGridLineColor"); var n:int = listItems.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { drawRowHeaderHorizontalLine(linesBody, i, lineCol,rowInfo[i].y + rowInfo[i].height); } } /** * @private */ protected function drawRowHeaderHorizontalLine(s:Sprite, rowIndex:int, color:uint, y:Number):void { var g:Graphics = s.graphics; g.lineStyle(0, color); var offset:Number = 0; var lastPixel:int = offset; var i:int; if (listItems[rowIndex+1] && !listItems[rowIndex+1][0]) { for (i = 0; i < numHeaderCols; i++) { g.moveTo(lastPixel, y); lastPixel += columns[i].width; g.lineTo(lastPixel, y); } } else { for (i = 0; i < numHeaderCols; i++) { g.moveTo(lastPixel, y); lastPixel += columns[i].width; if (listItems[rowIndex+1] && listItems[rowIndex+1][i] && listItems[rowIndex+1][i].visible) g.lineTo(lastPixel, y); } } } /** * @private */ protected function drawRowHeaderBackground(headerBG:UIComponent):void { var tot:Number = unscaledHeight - viewMetrics.top - viewMetrics.bottom; var hh:Number = 0; if (headerVisible) { hh = headerRowInfo.length ? headerRowInfo[0].height : headerHeight; tot -= hh; } var g:Graphics = headerBG.graphics; g.clear(); var colors:Array /* of int */= getStyle("headerColors"); styleManager.getColorNames(colors); colors = [ colors[0], colors[0], colors[1] ]; var ratios:Array /* of int */ = [ 0, 60, 255 ]; var alphas:Array /* of Number */= [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ]; var ww:Number = 0; for (var i:int = 0; i < numHeaderCols; i++) { ww += columns[i].width; } var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.createGradientBox(ww, tot + 1, 0, 0, 0); g.beginGradientFill(GradientType.LINEAR, colors, alphas, ratios, matrix); g.lineStyle(0, 0x000000, 0); g.moveTo(0, hh-0.5); g.lineTo(0, tot+hh); g.lineTo(ww - 0.5, tot+hh); g.lineStyle(0, getStyle("borderColor"), 100); g.lineTo(ww-0.5, hh-0.5); g.endFill(); } /** * @private */ private function applyFormatting(data:String, formatter:Formatter):String { if (formatter != null && data != null) { var label:String = formatter.format(data); // Silently ignore formatter errors. For example, errors occur when // the property corresponding to the dataField is not present in the // row object i.e. it'll be empty if (formatter.error) return null; return label; } else { return data; } } /** * Decide which renderer to use for the particular cell. * A cell falls at the intersection of a position on row as well as * column axis, thus it can fall in rules defined by the * itemRendererProviders property for both axis. * This method gives row axis a priority and searches for the * the right value of the itemRendererProviders property * to be used for the renderer. * * @param row The position of the cell in a row axis. * * @param column The position of the cell in a column axis. * * @return The item renderer to use for the cell at the intersection * of the row and column axis. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion Flex 3 */ protected function getCellRendererInfo(row:IOLAPAxisPosition, column:IOLAPAxisPosition):OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider { var m:int = numHeaderCols - 1; var itemInfo:OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider; var member:IOLAPMember; // We need to start from the right most row header column // from right to left to prioritize headers which are on right // For example, if there is a row (Flex, 2001) | 233 123 231 245 // and rendererProviders has been as assigned for both of them // then we should pick one specified for 2001 while (m >= 0) { member = IOLAPMember(row.members.getItemAt(m)); itemInfo = OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider(getRendererInfo(member, false)); if (itemInfo) return itemInfo; m--; } // If there is no itemRendererProvider defined for this cell // via row headers check if there is one from columns side m = 0; while (m < column.members.length) { member = IOLAPMember(column.members.getItemAt(m)); itemInfo = OLAPDataGridItemRendererProvider(getRendererInfo(member, false)); if (itemInfo) return itemInfo; m++; } return null; } /** * @private */ private function getRendererInfo(m:IOLAPMember, forHeader:Boolean):OLAPDataGridRendererProvider { var map:Array /* of Dictionary */; if (forHeader) map = headerRenderersMap; else map = cellRenderersMap; if(!map) return null; var index:int = -1; var prop:String; var n:int = olapElements.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { if (olapElements[i] == OLAPDataGrid.OLAP_MEMBER) prop = m.uniqueName; else if (olapElements[i] == OLAPDataGrid.OLAP_LEVEL) prop = m.level.uniqueName; else if (olapElements[i] == OLAPDataGrid.OLAP_HIERARCHY) prop = m.hierarchy.uniqueName; else if (olapElements[i] == OLAPDataGrid.OLAP_DIMENSION) prop = m.dimension.uniqueName; if(map[olapElements[i]][prop]!=null) { index = map[olapElements[i]][prop]; if(forHeader) return headerRendererProviders[index]; else return itemRendererProviders[index]; break; } } return null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden event handlers // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private */ override protected function mouseOverHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { //Because columns are not sortable here, we need not show a sprite // on mouse over var hh:Number = headerRowInfo.length ? headerRowInfo[0].height : headerHeight; var pt:Point = new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY); pt = listContent.globalToLocal(pt); if(pt.y < hh) return; else super.mouseOverHandler(event); } /** * @private */ override protected function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void { if (!(headerVisible && selectedIndex == 0 && caretIndex == 0 && event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP && !event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey || event.keyCode == Keyboard.UP && caretIndex == 0 && selectedIndex == -1)) super.keyDownHandler(event); } } } import mx.olap.IOLAPMember; import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer; /** * @private * */ class OLAPRowHeaderInfo { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // renderer //---------------------------------- /** * @private * Needed for row spanning, first visible renderer in a row span * */ public var renderer:IListItemRenderer; //---------------------------------- // indent //---------------------------------- /** * @private * indent used for this item * */ public var indent:int; //---------------------------------- // visible //---------------------------------- /** * @private * item is made visible or not * */ public var visible:Boolean //---------------------------------- // initialized //---------------------------------- /** * @private * set when a row corresponding * to this rowHeaderInfo is initialized * */ public var initialized:Boolean; }