//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more // contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. // The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with // the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package mx.messaging { import flash.errors.IllegalOperationError; import flash.events.EventDispatcher; import flash.events.TimerEvent; import flash.utils.Dictionary; import flash.utils.Timer; import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent; import mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel; import mx.messaging.channels.PollingChannel; import mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig; import mx.messaging.errors.NoChannelAvailableError; import mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent; import mx.messaging.events.ChannelFaultEvent; import mx.messaging.events.MessageEvent; import mx.messaging.events.MessageFaultEvent; import mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage; import mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage; import mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage; import mx.messaging.messages.IMessage; import mx.resources.IResourceManager; import mx.resources.ResourceManager; import mx.rpc.AsyncDispatcher; import mx.rpc.AsyncToken; import mx.rpc.events.AbstractEvent; import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent; import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent; import mx.utils.Base64Encoder; use namespace mx_internal; [DefaultProperty("channels")] /** * Dispatched after a Channel in the ChannelSet has connected to its endpoint. * * @eventType mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent.CONNECT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ [Event(name="channelConnect", type="mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent")] /** * Dispatched after a Channel in the ChannelSet has disconnected from its * endpoint. * * @eventType mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ [Event(name="channelDisconnect", type="mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent")] /** * Dispatched after a Channel in the ChannelSet has faulted. * * @eventType mx.messaging.events.ChannelFaultEvent.FAULT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ [Event(name="channelFault", type="mx.messaging.events.ChannelFaultEvent")] /** * The result event is dispatched when a login or logout call successfully returns. * @eventType mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent.RESULT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ [Event(name="result", type="mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent")] /** * The fault event is dispatched when a login or logout call fails. * @eventType mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent.FAULT * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ [Event(name="fault", type="mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent")] /** * Dispatched when a property of the ChannelSet changes. * * @eventType mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent.PROPERTY_CHANGE * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ [Event(name="propertyChange", type="mx.events.PropertyChangeEvent")] [ResourceBundle("messaging")] /** * The ChannelSet is a set of Channels that are used to send messages to a * target destination. The ChannelSet improves the quality of service on the * client by hunting through its Channels to send messages in the face of * network failures or individual Channel problems. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public class ChannelSet extends EventDispatcher { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructs a ChannelSet. * If the channelIds argument is provided, the ChannelSet will * use automatically configured Channels obtained via ServerConfig.getChannel() * to reach a destination. * Attempting to manually assign Channels to a ChannelSet that uses configured * Channels is not allowed. * *

If the channelIds argument is not provided or is null, * Channels must be manually created and added to the ChannelSet in order * to connect and send messages.

* *

If the ChannelSet is clustered using url-load-balancing (where each server * declares a unique RTMP or HTTP URL and the client fails over from one URL to * the next), the first time that a Channel in the ChannelSet successfully connects * the ChannelSet will automatically make a request for all of the endpoints across * the cluster for all member Channels and will assign these failover URLs to each * respective Channel. * This allows Channels in the ChannelSet to failover individually, and when failover * options for a specific Channel are exhausted the ChannelSet will advance to the next * Channel in the set to attempt to reconnect.

* *

Regardless of clustering, if a Channel cannot connect or looses * connectivity, the ChannelSet will advance to its next available Channel * and attempt to reconnect. * This allows the ChannelSet to hunt through Channels that use different * protocols, ports, etc., in search of one that can connect to its endpoint * successfully.

* * @param channelIds The ids of configured Channels obtained from ServerConfig for this ChannelSet to * use. If null, Channels must be manually added to the ChannelSet. * * @param clusteredWithURLLoadBalancing True if the Channels in the ChannelSet are clustered * using url load balancing. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function ChannelSet(channelIds:Array = null, clusteredWithURLLoadBalancing:Boolean = false) { super(); _clustered = clusteredWithURLLoadBalancing; _connected = false; _connecting = false; _currentChannelIndex = -1; if (channelIds != null) { _channelIds = channelIds; _channels = new Array(_channelIds.length); _configured = true; } else { _channels = []; _configured = false; } _hasRequestedClusterEndpoints = false; _hunting = false; _messageAgents = []; _pendingMessages = new Dictionary(); _pendingSends = []; _shouldBeConnected = false; _shouldHunt = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Helper MessageAgent used for direct authentication. */ private var _authAgent:AuthenticationAgent; /** * @private * Flag indicating whether the ChannelSet is in the process of connecting * over the current Channel. */ private var _connecting:Boolean; /** * @private * Stored credentials to be set on the member channels. */ private var _credentials:String; /** * @private * The character-set encoding used to create the credentials String. */ private var _credentialsCharset:String; /** * @private * Current index into the _channels/_channelIds arrays. */ private var _currentChannelIndex:int; /** * @private * This flag restricts our cluster request to only happen upon initial * connect to the cluster. */ private var _hasRequestedClusterEndpoints:Boolean; /** * @private * Timer used to issue periodic heartbeats to the remote host if the * client is idle, and not actively sending messages. */ private var _heartbeatTimer:Timer; /** * @private * Flag indicating whether the ChannelSet is in the process of hunting to a * new Channel; this lets us control the "reconnecting" flag on * CONNECT ChannelEvents that we dispatch when we hunt to a new * Channel that isn't internally failing over. The new Channel doesn't know we're * in a reconnect attempt when it makes its initial connect attempt so this lets * us set "reconnecting" to true on the CONNECT event if it succeeds. */ private var _hunting:Boolean; /** * @private * A dictionary of pending messages used to filter out duplicate * messages passed to the ChannelSet to send while it is not connected. * This allows agents to perform message resend behavior (i.e. Consumer resubscribe * attempts) without worrying about duplicate messages queuing up and being sent to * the server once a connection is established. */ private var _pendingMessages:Dictionary; /** * @private * An array of PendingSend instances to pass into send() when a connection * is (re)established. */ private var _pendingSends:Array; /** * @private * A timer used to do a delayed reconnect for NetConnection channels. */ private var _reconnectTimer:Timer = null; /** * @private * Flag indicating whether the ChannelSet should be connected. * If true, the ChannelSet will attempt to hunt to the next available * Channel when a disconnect or fault occurs. If false, hunting is not * performed. */ private var _shouldBeConnected:Boolean; /** * @private * Flag indicating whether a Channel disconnect/fault should trigger hunting or not; * used when connected Channels are removed from the ChannelSet which should not trigger * hunting. */ private var _shouldHunt:Boolean; /** * @private */ private var resourceManager:IResourceManager = ResourceManager.getInstance(); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------- // authenticated //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _authenticated:Boolean; [Bindable(event="propertyChange")] /** * Indicates whether the ChannelSet has an underlying Channel that successfully * authenticated with its endpoint. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get authenticated():Boolean { return _authenticated; } /** * @private */ mx_internal function setAuthenticated(value:Boolean, creds:String, notifyAgents:Boolean=true):void { if (_authenticated != value) { var event:PropertyChangeEvent = PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "authenticated", _authenticated, value); _authenticated = value; if (notifyAgents) { var ma:MessageAgent; for (var i:int = 0; i < _messageAgents.length; i++) { ma = MessageAgent(_messageAgents[i]); ma.setAuthenticated(value, creds); } } if (!value && _authAgent != null) _authAgent.state = AuthenticationAgent.LOGGED_OUT_STATE; dispatchEvent(event); } } //---------------------------------- // channels //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _channels:Array; /** * Provides access to the Channels in the ChannelSet. * This property may be used to assign a set of channels at once or channels * may be added directly to the ChannelSet via addChannel() individually. * If this ChannelSet is configured automatically the individual * channels are created lazily and added to this property as needed. * * @throws flash.errors.IllegalOperationError If the ChannelSet is * configured, assigning to this property is not allowed. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get channels():Array { return _channels; } [ArrayElementType("mx.messaging.Channel")] /** * @private */ public function set channels(values:Array):void { if (configured) { var message:String = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "cannotAddWhenConfigured"); throw new IllegalOperationError(message); } // Remove existing channels var channelsToRemove:Array = _channels.slice(); var n:int = channelsToRemove.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { removeChannel(channelsToRemove[i]); } // Add new channels if (values != null && values.length > 0) { var m:int = values.length; for (var j:int = 0; j < m; j++) { addChannel(values[j]); } } } //---------------------------------- // channelIds //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _channelIds:Array; /** * The ids of the Channels used by the ChannelSet. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get channelIds():Array { if (_channelIds != null) { return _channelIds; } else { var ids:Array = []; var n:int = _channels.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { if (_channels[i] != null) ids.push(_channels[i].id); else ids.push(null); } return ids; } } //---------------------------------- // currentChannel //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _currentChannel:Channel; /** * Returns the current Channel for the ChannelSet. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get currentChannel():Channel { return _currentChannel; } //---------------------------------- // channelFailoverURIs //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _channelFailoverURIs:Object; /** * @private * Map of arrays of failoverURIs keyed by channel id for the Channels in this ChannelSet. * This property is assigned to by the ClusterMessageResponder in order to update the * member Channels with their failoverURIs. */ mx_internal function get channelFailoverURIs():Object { return _channelFailoverURIs; } /** * @private */ mx_internal function set channelFailoverURIs(value:Object):void { _channelFailoverURIs = value; // Update any existing Channels in the set with their current failover endpoint URIs. var n:int = _channels.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { var channel:Channel = _channels[i]; if (channel == null) { break; // The rest of the Channels have not been loaded yet. } else if (_channelFailoverURIs[channel.id] != null) { channel.failoverURIs = _channelFailoverURIs[channel.id]; } } } //---------------------------------- // configured //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _configured:Boolean; /** * Indicates whether the ChannelSet is using automatically configured * Channels or manually assigned Channels. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ mx_internal function get configured():Boolean { return _configured; } //---------------------------------- // connected //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _connected:Boolean; [Bindable(event="propertyChange")] /** * Indicates whether the ChannelSet is connected. */ public function get connected():Boolean { return _connected; } /** * @private */ protected function setConnected(value:Boolean):void { if (_connected != value) { var event:PropertyChangeEvent = PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "connected", _connected, value) _connected = value; dispatchEvent(event); setAuthenticated(value && currentChannel && currentChannel.authenticated, _credentials, false /* Agents also listen for channel disconnects */); if (!connected) { unscheduleHeartbeat(); } else if (heartbeatInterval > 0) { scheduleHeartbeat(); } } } //---------------------------------- // clustered //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _clustered:Boolean; /** * Indicates whether the ChannelSet targets a clustered destination. * If true, upon a successful connection the ChannelSet will query the * destination for all clustered endpoints for its Channels and will assign * failoverURIs to them. * Channel ids are used to assign failoverURIs to the proper Channel instances * so this requires that all Channels in the ChannelSet have non-null ids and an * Error will be thrown when this property is set to true if this is not the case. * If the ChannelSet is not using url load balancing on the client this * property should not be set to true. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get clustered():Boolean { return _clustered; } /** * @private */ public function set clustered(value:Boolean):void { if (_clustered != value) { if (value) { // Cannot have a clustered ChannelSet that contains Channels with null ids. var ids:Array = channelIds; var n:int = ids.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { if (ids[i] == null) { var message:String = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "cannotSetClusteredWithdNullChannelIds"); throw new IllegalOperationError(message); } } } _clustered = value; } } //---------------------------------- // heartbeatInterval //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _heartbeatInterval:int = 0; /** * The number of milliseconds between heartbeats sent to the remote * host while this ChannelSet is actively connected but idle. * Any outbound message traffic will delay heartbeats temporarily, with * this number of milliseconds elapsing after the last sent message before * the next heartbeat is issued. *

* This property is useful for applications that connect to a remote host * to received pushed updates and are not actively sending any messages, but * still wish to be notified of a dropped connection even when the networking * layer fails to provide such notification directly. By issuing periodic * heartbeats the client can force the networking layer to report a timeout * if the underlying connection has dropped without notification and the * application can respond to the disconnect appropriately. *


* Any non-positive value disables heartbeats to the remote host. * The default value is 0 indicating that heartbeats are disabled. * If the application sets this value it should prefer a longer rather than * shorter interval, to avoid placing unnecessary load on the remote host. * As an illustrative example, low-level TCP socket keep-alives generally * default to an interval of 2 hours. That is a longer interval than most * applications that enable heartbeats will likely want to use, but it * serves as a clear precedent to prefer a longer interval over a shorter * interval. *


* If the currently connected underlying Channel issues poll requests to * the remote host, heartbeats are suppressed because the periodic poll * requests effectively take their place.

*/ public function get heartbeatInterval():int { return _heartbeatInterval; } /** * @private */ public function set heartbeatInterval(value:int):void { if (_heartbeatInterval != value) { var event:PropertyChangeEvent = PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "heartbeatInterval", _heartbeatInterval, value); _heartbeatInterval = value; dispatchEvent(event); if (_heartbeatInterval > 0 && connected) { scheduleHeartbeat(); } } } //---------------------------------- // initialDestinationId //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _initialDestinationId:String; /** * Provides access to the initial destination this ChannelSet is used to access. * When the clustered property is true, this value is used to request available failover URIs * for the configured channels for the destination. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get initialDestinationId():String { return _initialDestinationId; } /** * @private */ public function set initialDestinationId(value:String):void { _initialDestinationId = value; } //---------------------------------- // messageAgents //---------------------------------- /** * @private */ private var _messageAgents:Array; /** * Provides access to the set of MessageAgents that use this ChannelSet. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get messageAgents():Array { return _messageAgents; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Overridden Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a String containing the ids of the Channels in the ChannelSet. * * @return String representation of the ChannelSet. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ override public function toString():String { var s:String = "[ChannelSet "; for (var i:uint = 0; i < _channels.length; i++) { if (_channels[i] != null) s += _channels[i].id + " "; } s += "]"; return s; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Adds a Channel to the ChannelSet. A Channel with a null id cannot be added * to the ChannelSet if the ChannelSet targets a clustered destination. * * @param channel The Channel to add. * * @throws flash.errors.IllegalOperationError If the ChannelSet is * configured, adding a Channel is not supported. * This error is also thrown if the ChannelSet's clustered property * is true but the Channel has a null id. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function addChannel(channel:Channel):void { if (channel == null) return; var message:String; if (configured) { message = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "cannotAddWhenConfigured"); throw new IllegalOperationError(message); } if (clustered && channel.id == null) { message = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "cannotAddNullIdChannelWhenClustered"); throw new IllegalOperationError(message); } if (_channels.indexOf(channel) != -1) return; // Channel already exists in the set. _channels.push(channel); if (_credentials) channel.setCredentials(_credentials, null, _credentialsCharset); } /** * Removes a Channel from the ChannelSet. If the Channel to remove is * currently connected and being used by the ChannelSet, it is * disconnected as well as removed. * * @param channel The Channel to remove. * * @throws flash.errors.IllegalOperationError If the ChannelSet is * configured, removing a Channel is not supported. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function removeChannel(channel:Channel):void { if (configured) { var message:String = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "cannotRemoveWhenConfigured"); throw new IllegalOperationError(message); } var channelIndex:int = _channels.indexOf(channel); if (channelIndex > -1) { _channels.splice(channelIndex, 1); // If the Channel being removed is currently in use, we need // to null it out for re-hunting, and potentially disconnect it. if ((_currentChannel != null) && (_currentChannel == channel)) { if (connected) { _shouldHunt = false; disconnectChannel(); } _currentChannel = null; _currentChannelIndex = -1; } } } /** * Connects a MessageAgent to the ChannelSet. Once connected, the agent * can use the ChannelSet to send messages. * * @param agent The MessageAgent to connect. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function connect(agent:MessageAgent):void { if ((agent != null) && (_messageAgents.indexOf(agent) == -1)) { _shouldBeConnected = true; _messageAgents.push(agent); agent.internalSetChannelSet(this); // Wire up agent's channel event listeners to this ChannelSet. addEventListener(ChannelEvent.CONNECT, agent.channelConnectHandler); addEventListener(ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT, agent.channelDisconnectHandler); addEventListener(ChannelFaultEvent.FAULT, agent.channelFaultHandler); // If the ChannelSet is already connected, notify the agent. if (connected && !agent.needsConfig) agent.channelConnectHandler(ChannelEvent.createEvent(ChannelEvent.CONNECT, _currentChannel, false, false, connected)); } } /** * Disconnects a specific MessageAgent from the ChannelSet. If this is the * last MessageAgent using the ChannelSet and the current Channel in the set is * connected, the Channel will physically disconnect from the server. * * @param agent The MessageAgent to disconnect. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function disconnect(agent:MessageAgent):void { if (agent == null) // Disconnect the ChannelSet completely. { var allMessageAgents:Array = _messageAgents.slice(); var n:int = allMessageAgents.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { allMessageAgents[i].disconnect(); } if (_authAgent != null) { _authAgent.state = AuthenticationAgent.SHUTDOWN_STATE; _authAgent = null; } } else // Disconnect a specific MessageAgent. { var agentIndex:int = agent != null ? _messageAgents.indexOf(agent) : -1; if (agentIndex != -1) { _messageAgents.splice(agentIndex, 1); // Remove the agent as a listener to this ChannelSet. removeEventListener(ChannelEvent.CONNECT, agent.channelConnectHandler); removeEventListener(ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT, agent.channelDisconnectHandler); removeEventListener(ChannelFaultEvent.FAULT, agent.channelFaultHandler); if (connected || _connecting) // Notify the agent of the disconnect. { agent.channelDisconnectHandler(ChannelEvent.createEvent(ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT, _currentChannel, false)); } else // Remove any pending sends for this agent. { var n2:int = _pendingSends.length; for (var j:int = 0; j < n2; j++) { var ps:PendingSend = PendingSend(_pendingSends[j]); if (ps.agent == agent) { _pendingSends.splice(j, 1); j--; n2--; delete _pendingMessages[ps.message]; } } } // Shut down the underlying Channel connection if this ChannelSet has // no more agents using it. if (_messageAgents.length == 0) { _shouldBeConnected = false; _currentChannelIndex = -1; if (connected) disconnectChannel(); } // Null out automatically assigned ChannelSet on agent; if manually assigned leave it alone. if (agent.channelSetMode == MessageAgent.AUTO_CONFIGURED_CHANNELSET) agent.internalSetChannelSet(null); } } } /** * Disconnects all associated MessageAgents and disconnects any underlying Channel that * is connected. * Unlike disconnect(MessageAgent) which is invoked by the disconnect implementations * of specific service components, this method provides a single, convenient point to shut down * connectivity between the client and server. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function disconnectAll():void { disconnect(null); } /** * Handles a CONNECT ChannelEvent and redispatches the event. * * @param event The ChannelEvent. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function channelConnectHandler(event:ChannelEvent):void { _connecting = false; _connected = true; // Set internally to allow us to send pending messages before dispatching the connect event. _currentChannelIndex = -1; // Reset index so that future disconnects are followed by hunting through all available options in order. // Send any pending messages. while (_pendingSends.length > 0) { var ps:PendingSend = PendingSend(_pendingSends.shift()); delete _pendingMessages[ps.message]; var command:CommandMessage = ps.message as CommandMessage; if (command != null) { // Filter out any commands to trigger connection establishment, and ack them locally. if (command.operation == CommandMessage.TRIGGER_CONNECT_OPERATION) { var ack:AcknowledgeMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage(); ack.clientId = ps.agent.clientId; ack.correlationId = command.messageId; ps.agent.acknowledge(ack, command); continue; } if (!ps.agent.configRequested && ps.agent.needsConfig && (command.operation == CommandMessage.CLIENT_PING_OPERATION)) { command.headers[CommandMessage.NEEDS_CONFIG_HEADER] = true; ps.agent.configRequested = true; } } send(ps.agent, ps.message); } if (_hunting) { event.reconnecting = true; _hunting = false; } // Redispatch Channel connect event. dispatchEvent(event); // Dispatch delayed "connected" property change event. var connectedChangeEvent:PropertyChangeEvent = PropertyChangeEvent.createUpdateEvent(this, "connected", false, true) dispatchEvent(connectedChangeEvent); } /** * Handles a DISCONNECT ChannelEvent and redispatches the event. * * @param event The ChannelEvent. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function channelDisconnectHandler(event:ChannelEvent):void { _connecting = false; setConnected(false); // If we should be connected and the Channel isn't failing over // internally and wasn't rejected, hunt and try to reconnect. if (_shouldBeConnected && !event.reconnecting && !event.rejected) { if (_shouldHunt && hunt()) { event.reconnecting = true; dispatchEvent(event); if (_currentChannel is NetConnectionChannel) { // Insert slight delay for reconnect to allow NetConnection // based channels to shut down and clean up in preparation // for our next connect attempt. if (_reconnectTimer == null) { _reconnectTimer = new Timer(1, 1); _reconnectTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reconnectChannel); _reconnectTimer.start(); } } else // No need to wait with other channel types. { connectChannel(); } } else // No more hunting options; give up and fault pending sends. { dispatchEvent(event); faultPendingSends(event); } } else { dispatchEvent(event); // If the underlying Channel was rejected, fault pending sends. if (event.rejected) faultPendingSends(event); } // Flip this back to true in case it was turned off by an explicit Channel removal // that triggered the current disconnect event. _shouldHunt = true; } /** * Handles a ChannelFaultEvent and redispatches the event. * * @param event The ChannelFaultEvent. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function channelFaultHandler(event:ChannelFaultEvent):void { if (event.channel.connected) { dispatchEvent(event); } else // The channel fault has resulted in disconnecting. { _connecting = false; setConnected(false); // If we should be connected and the Channel isn't failing over // internally, hunt and try to reconnect. if (_shouldBeConnected && !event.reconnecting && !event.rejected) { if (hunt()) { event.reconnecting = true; dispatchEvent(event); if (_currentChannel is NetConnectionChannel) { // Insert slight delay for reconnect to allow // NetConnection based channels to shut down and clean // up in preparation for our next connect attempt. if (_reconnectTimer == null) { _reconnectTimer = new Timer(1, 1); _reconnectTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reconnectChannel); _reconnectTimer.start(); } } else // No need to wait with other channel types. { connectChannel(); } } else // No more hunting options; give up and fault pending sends. { dispatchEvent(event); faultPendingSends(event); } } else { dispatchEvent(event); // If the underlying Channel was rejected, fault pending sends. if (event.rejected) faultPendingSends(event); } } } /** * Authenticates the ChannelSet with the server using the provided credentials. * Unlike other operations on Channels and the ChannelSet, this operation returns an * AsyncToken that client code may add a responder to in order to handle success or * failure directly. * If the ChannelSet is not connected to the server when this method is invoked it will * trigger a connect attempt, and if successful, send the login command to the server. * Only one login or logout operation may be pending at a time and overlapping calls will * generate an IllegalOperationError. * Invoking login when the ChannelSet is already authenticated will generate also generate * an IllegalOperationError. * * @param username The username. * @param password The password. * @param charset The character set encoding to use while encoding the * credentials. The default is null, which implies the legacy charset of * ISO-Latin-1. The only other supported charset is "UTF-8". * * @return Returns a token that client code may add a responder to in order to handle * success or failure directly. * * @throws flash.errors.IllegalOperationError in two situations; if the ChannelSet is * already authenticated, or if a login or logout operation is currently in progress. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function login(username:String, password:String, charset:String=null):AsyncToken { if (authenticated) throw new IllegalOperationError("ChannelSet is already authenticated."); if ((_authAgent != null) && (_authAgent.state != AuthenticationAgent.LOGGED_OUT_STATE)) throw new IllegalOperationError("ChannelSet is in the process of logging in or logging out."); if (charset != Base64Encoder.CHARSET_UTF_8) charset = null; // Use legacy charset, ISO-Latin-1. var credentials:String = null; if (username != null && password != null) { var rawCredentials:String = username + ":" + password; var encoder:Base64Encoder = new Base64Encoder(); if (charset == Base64Encoder.CHARSET_UTF_8) encoder.encodeUTFBytes(rawCredentials); else encoder.encode(rawCredentials); credentials = encoder.drain(); } var msg:CommandMessage = new CommandMessage(); msg.operation = CommandMessage.LOGIN_OPERATION; msg.body = credentials; if (charset != null) msg.headers[CommandMessage.CREDENTIALS_CHARSET_HEADER] = charset; // A non-null, non-empty destination is required to send using an agent. // This value is ignored on the server and the message must be handled by an AuthenticationService. msg.destination = "auth"; var token:AsyncToken = new AsyncToken(msg); if (_authAgent == null) _authAgent = new AuthenticationAgent(this); _authAgent.registerToken(token); _authAgent.state = AuthenticationAgent.LOGGING_IN_STATE; send(_authAgent, msg); return token; } /** * Logs the ChannelSet out from the server. Unlike other operations on Channels * and the ChannelSet, this operation returns an AsyncToken that client code may * add a responder to in order to handle success or failure directly. * If logout is successful any credentials that have been cached for use in * automatic reconnects are cleared for the ChannelSet and its Channels and their * authenticated state is set to false. * If the ChannelSet is not connected to the server when this method is invoked it * will trigger a connect attempt, and if successful, send a logout command to the server. * *

The MessageAgent argument is present to support legacy logout behavior and client code that * invokes this method should not pass a MessageAgent reference. Just invoke logout() * passing no arguments.

* *

This method is also invoked by service components from their logout() * methods, and these components pass a MessageAgent reference to this method when they logout. * The presence of this argument is the trigger to execute legacy logout behavior that differs * from the new behavior described above. * Legacy behavior only sends a logout request to the server if the client is connected * and authenticated. * If these conditions are not met the legacy behavior for this method is to do nothing other * than clear any credentials that have been cached for use in automatic reconnects.

* * @param agent Legacy argument. The MessageAgent that is initiating the logout. * * @return Returns a token that client code may * add a responder to in order to handle success or failure directly. * * @throws flash.errors.IllegalOperationError if a login or logout operation is currently in progress. */ public function logout(agent:MessageAgent=null):AsyncToken { _credentials = null; if (agent == null) { if ((_authAgent != null) && (_authAgent.state == AuthenticationAgent.LOGGING_OUT_STATE || _authAgent.state == AuthenticationAgent.LOGGING_IN_STATE)) throw new IllegalOperationError("ChannelSet is in the process of logging in or logging out."); // Clear out current credentials on the client. var n:int = _messageAgents.length; var i:int = 0; for (; i < n; i++) { _messageAgents[i].internalSetCredentials(null); } n = _channels.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (_channels[i] != null) { _channels[i].internalSetCredentials(null); if (_channels[i] is PollingChannel) PollingChannel(_channels[i]).disablePolling(); } } var msg:CommandMessage = new CommandMessage(); msg.operation = CommandMessage.LOGOUT_OPERATION; // A non-null, non-empty destination is required to send using an agent. // This value is ignored on the server and the message must be handled by an AuthenticationService. msg.destination = "auth"; var token:AsyncToken = new AsyncToken(msg); if (_authAgent == null) _authAgent = new AuthenticationAgent(this); _authAgent.registerToken(token); _authAgent.state = AuthenticationAgent.LOGGING_OUT_STATE; send(_authAgent, msg); return token; } else // Legacy logout logic. { var n2:int = _channels.length; for (var i2:int = 0; i2 < n2; i2++) { if (_channels[i2] != null) _channels[i2].logout(agent); } return null; // Legacy service logout() impls don't expect a token. } } /** * Sends a message from a MessageAgent over the currently connected Channel. * * @param agent The MessageAgent sending the message. * * @param message The Message to send. * * @throws mx.messaging.errors.NoChannelAvailableError If the ChannelSet has no internal * Channels to use. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function send(agent:MessageAgent, message:IMessage):void { if (_currentChannel != null && _currentChannel.connected) { // Filter out any commands to trigger connection establishment, and // ack them locally unless the agent needs config. if ((message is CommandMessage && CommandMessage(message).operation == CommandMessage.TRIGGER_CONNECT_OPERATION) && !agent.needsConfig) { var ack:AcknowledgeMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage(); ack.clientId = agent.clientId; ack.correlationId = message.messageId; new AsyncDispatcher(agent.acknowledge, [ack, message], 1); return; } // If this ChannelSet targets a clustered destination, request the // endpoint URIs for the cluster. if (!_hasRequestedClusterEndpoints && clustered) { var msg:CommandMessage = new CommandMessage(); // Fetch failover URIs for the correct destination. if (agent is AuthenticationAgent) { msg.destination = initialDestinationId; } else { msg.destination = agent.destination; } msg.operation = CommandMessage.CLUSTER_REQUEST_OPERATION; _currentChannel.sendInternalMessage(new ClusterMessageResponder(msg, this)); _hasRequestedClusterEndpoints = true; } unscheduleHeartbeat(); _currentChannel.send(agent, message); scheduleHeartbeat(); } else { // Filter out duplicate messages here while waiting for the underlying Channel to connect. if (_pendingMessages[message] == null) { _pendingMessages[message] = true; _pendingSends.push(new PendingSend(agent, message)); } if (!_connecting) { if ((_currentChannel == null) || (_currentChannelIndex == -1)) hunt(); if (_currentChannel is NetConnectionChannel) { // Insert a slight delay in case we've hunted to a // NetConnection channel that doesn't allow a reconnect // within the same frame as a disconnect. if (_reconnectTimer == null) { _reconnectTimer = new Timer(1, 1); _reconnectTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reconnectChannel); _reconnectTimer.start(); } } else // No need to wait with other channel types. { connectChannel(); } } } } /** * Stores the credentials and passes them through to every connected channel. * * @param credentials The credentials for the MessageAgent. * @param agent The MessageAgent that is setting the credentials. * @param charset The character set encoding used while encoding the * credentials. The default is null, which implies the legacy encoding of * ISO-Latin-1. * * @throws flash.errors.IllegalOperationError in two situations; if credentials * have already been set and an authentication is in progress with the remote * detination, or if authenticated and the credentials specified don't match * the currently authenticated credentials. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function setCredentials(credentials:String, agent:MessageAgent, charset:String=null):void { _credentials = credentials; var n:int = _channels.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { if (_channels[i] != null) _channels[i].setCredentials(_credentials, agent, charset); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Internal Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Handles a successful login or logout operation for the ChannelSet. */ mx_internal function authenticationSuccess(agent:AuthenticationAgent, token:AsyncToken, ackMessage:AcknowledgeMessage):void { // Reset authentication state depending on whether a login or logout was successful. var command:CommandMessage = CommandMessage(token.message); var handlingLogin:Boolean = (command.operation == CommandMessage.LOGIN_OPERATION); var creds:String = (handlingLogin) ? String(command.body) : null; var delay:Number = 0; if (handlingLogin) { // First, sync everything with the current credentials. _credentials = creds; var n:int = _messageAgents.length; var i:int = 0; for (; i < n; i++) { _messageAgents[i].internalSetCredentials(creds); } n = _channels.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (_channels[i] != null) _channels[i].internalSetCredentials(creds); } agent.state = AuthenticationAgent.LOGGED_IN_STATE; // Flip the currently connected channel to authenticated; this percolates // back up through the ChannelSet and agent's authenticated properties. currentChannel.setAuthenticated(true); } else // Logout. { // Shutdown the current logged out agent. agent.state = AuthenticationAgent.SHUTDOWN_STATE; _authAgent = null; // Slight delay is used to make sure the disconnect message makes it // to the server before result is dispatched to avoid duplicate session // errors. See Watson 2780176 for details. delay = 250; disconnect(agent); // Flip current channel to *not* authenticated; this percolates // back up through the ChannelSet and agent's authenticated properties. currentChannel.setAuthenticated(false); } // Notify. var resultEvent:ResultEvent = ResultEvent.createEvent(ackMessage.body, token, ackMessage); if (delay > 0) new AsyncDispatcher(dispatchRPCEvent, [resultEvent], delay); else dispatchRPCEvent(resultEvent); } /** * @private * Handles a failed login or logout operation for the ChannelSet. */ mx_internal function authenticationFailure(agent:AuthenticationAgent, token:AsyncToken, faultMessage:ErrorMessage):void { var messageFaultEvent:MessageFaultEvent = MessageFaultEvent.createEvent(faultMessage); var faultEvent:FaultEvent = FaultEvent.createEventFromMessageFault(messageFaultEvent, token); // Leave the ChannelSet in its current auth state and dispose of the auth agent that failed. agent.state = AuthenticationAgent.SHUTDOWN_STATE; _authAgent = null; disconnect(agent); // And notify. dispatchRPCEvent(faultEvent); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Protected Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Helper method to fault pending messages. * The ErrorMessage is tagged with a __retryable__ header to indicate that * the error was due to connectivity problems on the client as opposed to * a server error response and the message can be retried (resent). * * @param event A ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT or a ChannelFaultEvent that is the root cause * for faulting these pending sends. */ protected function faultPendingSends(event:ChannelEvent):void { while (_pendingSends.length > 0) { var ps:PendingSend = _pendingSends.shift() as PendingSend; var pendingMsg:IMessage = ps.message; delete _pendingMessages[pendingMsg]; // Fault the message to its agent. var errorMsg:ErrorMessage = new ErrorMessage(); errorMsg.correlationId = pendingMsg.messageId; errorMsg.headers[ErrorMessage.RETRYABLE_HINT_HEADER] = true; errorMsg.faultCode = "Client.Error.MessageSend"; errorMsg.faultString = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "sendFailed"); if (event is ChannelFaultEvent) { var faultEvent:ChannelFaultEvent = event as ChannelFaultEvent; errorMsg.faultDetail = faultEvent.faultCode + " " + faultEvent.faultString + " " + faultEvent.faultDetail; // This is to make streaming channels report authentication fault // codes correctly as they don't report connected until streaming // connection is established and hence end up here. if (faultEvent.faultCode == "Channel.Authentication.Error") errorMsg.faultCode = faultEvent.faultCode; } // ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT is treated the same as never // being able to connect at all. else { errorMsg.faultDetail = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "cannotConnectToDestination"); } errorMsg.rootCause = event; ps.agent.fault(errorMsg, pendingMsg); } } /** * Redispatches message events from the currently connected Channel. * * @param event The MessageEvent from the Channel. */ protected function messageHandler(event:MessageEvent):void { dispatchEvent(event); } /** * @private * Schedules a heartbeat to be sent in heartbeatInterval milliseconds. */ protected function scheduleHeartbeat():void { if (_heartbeatTimer == null && heartbeatInterval > 0) { _heartbeatTimer = new Timer(heartbeatInterval, 1); _heartbeatTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, sendHeartbeatHandler); _heartbeatTimer.start(); } } /** * @private * Handles a heartbeat timer event by conditionally sending a heartbeat * and scheduling the next. */ protected function sendHeartbeatHandler(event:TimerEvent):void { unscheduleHeartbeat(); if (currentChannel != null) { sendHeartbeat(); scheduleHeartbeat(); } } /** * @private * Sends a heartbeat request. */ protected function sendHeartbeat():void { // Current channel may be actively polling, which suppresses explicit heartbeats. var pollingChannel:PollingChannel = currentChannel as PollingChannel; if (pollingChannel != null && pollingChannel._shouldPoll) return; // Issue an explicit heartbeat and schedule the next. var heartbeat:CommandMessage = new CommandMessage(); heartbeat.operation = CommandMessage.CLIENT_PING_OPERATION; heartbeat.headers[CommandMessage.HEARTBEAT_HEADER] = true; currentChannel.sendInternalMessage(new MessageResponder(null /* no agent */, heartbeat)); } /** * @private * Unschedules any currently scheduled pending heartbeat. */ protected function unscheduleHeartbeat():void { if (_heartbeatTimer != null) { _heartbeatTimer.stop(); _heartbeatTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, sendHeartbeatHandler); _heartbeatTimer = null; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Private Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Helper method to connect the current internal Channel. */ private function connectChannel():void { _connecting = true; _currentChannel.connect(this); // Listen for any server pushed messages on the Channel. _currentChannel.addEventListener(MessageEvent.MESSAGE, messageHandler); } /** * @private * Helper method to disconnect the current internal Channel. */ private function disconnectChannel():void { _connecting = false; // Stop listening for server pushed messages on the Channel. _currentChannel.removeEventListener(MessageEvent.MESSAGE, messageHandler); _currentChannel.disconnect(this); } /** * @private * Helper method to dispatch authentication-related RPC events. * * @param event The event to dispatch. */ private function dispatchRPCEvent(event:AbstractEvent):void { event.callTokenResponders(); dispatchEvent(event); } /** * @private * Helper method to hunt to the next available internal Channel for the * ChannelSet. * * @return True if hunting to the next available Channel was successful; false if hunting * exhausted available channels and has reset to the beginning of the set. * * @throws mx.messaging.errors.NoChannelAvailableError If the ChannelSet has no internal * Channels to use. */ private function hunt():Boolean { if (_channels.length == 0) { var message:String = resourceManager.getString( "messaging", "noAvailableChannels"); throw new NoChannelAvailableError(message); } // Unwire from the current channel. if (_currentChannel != null) disconnectChannel(); // Advance to next channel, and reset to beginning if all Channels in the set // have been attempted. if (++_currentChannelIndex >= _channels.length) { _currentChannelIndex = -1; return false; } // If we've advanced past the first channel, indicate that we're hunting. if (_currentChannelIndex > 0) _hunting = true; // Set current channel. if (configured) { if (_channels[_currentChannelIndex] != null) { _currentChannel = _channels[_currentChannelIndex]; } else { _currentChannel = ServerConfig.getChannel(_channelIds[ _currentChannelIndex], _clustered); _currentChannel.setCredentials(_credentials); _channels[_currentChannelIndex] = _currentChannel; } } else { _currentChannel = _channels[_currentChannelIndex]; } // Ensure that the current channel is assigned failover URIs it if was lazily instantiated. if ((_channelFailoverURIs != null) && (_channelFailoverURIs[_currentChannel.id] != null)) _currentChannel.failoverURIs = _channelFailoverURIs[_currentChannel.id]; return true; } /** * @private * This method is invoked by a timer and it works around a reconnect issue * with NetConnection based channels within a single frame by reconnecting after a slight delay. */ private function reconnectChannel(event:TimerEvent):void { _reconnectTimer.stop(); _reconnectTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, reconnectChannel); _reconnectTimer = null; connectChannel(); } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Private Classes // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import mx.core.mx_internal; import mx.logging.Log; import mx.messaging.ChannelSet; import mx.messaging.MessageAgent; import mx.messaging.MessageResponder; import mx.messaging.events.ChannelEvent; import mx.messaging.messages.IMessage; import mx.messaging.messages.AcknowledgeMessage; import mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage; import mx.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage; import mx.rpc.AsyncToken; import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; use namespace mx_internal; /** * @private * Clustered ChannelSets need to request the clustered channel endpoints for * the channels they contain upon a successful connect. However, Channels * require that all outbound messages be sent by a MessageAgent that their * internal MessageResponder implementations can callback to upon a response * or fault. The ChannelSet is not a MessageAgent, so in this case, it * circumvents the regular Channel.send() by passing its own custom responder * to Channel.sendUsingCustomResponder(). * * This is the custom responder. */ class ClusterMessageResponder extends MessageResponder { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function ClusterMessageResponder(message:IMessage, channelSet:ChannelSet) { super(null, message); _channelSet = channelSet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Gives the responder access to this ChannelSet, to pass it failover URIs for * its channels. */ private var _channelSet:ChannelSet; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Handles a cluster message response. * * @param message The response Message. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ override protected function resultHandler(message:IMessage):void { if ((message.body != null) && (message.body is Array || message.body is ArrayCollection)) { var channelFailoverURIs:Object = {}; var mappings:Array = message.body is Array? message.body as Array : (message.body as ArrayCollection).toArray(); var n:int = mappings.length; for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++) { var channelToEndpointMap:Object = mappings[i]; for (var channelId:Object in channelToEndpointMap) { if (channelFailoverURIs[channelId] == null) channelFailoverURIs[channelId] = []; channelFailoverURIs[channelId].push(channelToEndpointMap[channelId]); } } _channelSet.channelFailoverURIs = channelFailoverURIs; } } } /** * @private * Stores a pending message to send when the ChannelSet does not have a * connected Channel to use immediately. */ class PendingSend { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * Constructor. * * @param agent The MessageAgent sending the message. * * @param msg The Message to send. */ public function PendingSend(agent:MessageAgent, message:IMessage) { super(); this.agent = agent; this.message = message; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @private * The MessageAgent. */ public var agent:MessageAgent; /** * @private * The Message to send. */ public var message:IMessage; } /** * @private * Helper class for handling and redispatching login and logout results or faults. */ class AuthenticationAgent extends MessageAgent { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Static Constants // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // State constants. public static const LOGGED_OUT_STATE:int = 0; public static const LOGGING_IN_STATE:int = 1; public static const LOGGED_IN_STATE:int = 2; public static const LOGGING_OUT_STATE:int = 3; public static const SHUTDOWN_STATE:int = 4; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Constructor // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructor. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function AuthenticationAgent(channelSet:ChannelSet) { _log = Log.getLogger("ChannelSet.AuthenticationAgent"); _agentType = "authentication agent"; // Must set log and agent type before assigning channelSet. this.channelSet = channelSet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Variables // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Map of login/logout message Ids to associated tokens. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ private var tokens:Object = {}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Properties // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- private var _state:int = LOGGED_OUT_STATE; /** * Returns the current state for the agent. * See the static state constants defined by this class. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function get state():int { return _state; } public function set state(value:int):void { _state = value; if (value == SHUTDOWN_STATE) tokens = null; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Public Methods // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Registers an outbound login/logout message and its associated token for response/fault handling. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ public function registerToken(token:AsyncToken):void { tokens[token.message.messageId] = token; } /** * Acknowledge message callback. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ override public function acknowledge(ackMsg:AcknowledgeMessage, msg:IMessage):void { if (state == SHUTDOWN_STATE) return; var error:Boolean = ackMsg.headers[AcknowledgeMessage.ERROR_HINT_HEADER]; // Super will clean the error hint from the message. super.acknowledge(ackMsg, msg); // If acknowledge is *not* for a message that caused an error // dispatch a result event. if (!error) { var token:AsyncToken = tokens[msg.messageId]; delete tokens[msg.messageId]; channelSet.authenticationSuccess(this, token, ackMsg as AcknowledgeMessage); } } /** * Fault callback. * * @langversion 3.0 * @playerversion Flash 9 * @playerversion AIR 1.1 * @productversion BlazeDS 4 * @productversion LCDS 3 */ override public function fault(errMsg:ErrorMessage, msg:IMessage):void { if (state == SHUTDOWN_STATE) return; // For some channel impls, when a logout request is processed the session at the remote host host // is invalidated which may trigger a disconnection/drop of the channel connection. // This channel disconnect may mask the logout ack. If the root cause for this error is a channel disconnect, // assume logout succeeded and locally acknowledge it. if (errMsg.rootCause is ChannelEvent && (errMsg.rootCause as ChannelEvent).type == ChannelEvent.DISCONNECT) { var ackMsg:AcknowledgeMessage = new AcknowledgeMessage(); ackMsg.clientId = clientId; ackMsg.correlationId = msg.messageId; acknowledge(ackMsg, msg); return; } super.fault(errMsg, msg); var token:AsyncToken = tokens[msg.messageId]; delete tokens[msg.messageId]; channelSet.authenticationFailure(this, token, errMsg as ErrorMessage); } }