Title: Incubator Status Report (October 2006) Community * Proper wiki/web page created by Marcel Offermans and Ronald Spierenburg. * Manuel Santillán, Jose L. Ruiz, and Juan C. Dueñas added as committers for their work with JMX and OSGi (i.e., JMood). * Didier Donsez added as a committer for his long-time work around OSGi and Felix. Software * Contribution of the JMood project for another approach to JMX/OSGi integration from Manuel Santillán, Jose L. Ruiz, and Juan C. Dueñas. * Contribution of extensive set of example code from Didier Donsez. * Contribution of log service implementation from Dale Peakall. * Major framework enhancements to the Felix framework around security from Karl Pauls. * Specification compliance improvements for the framework around native library loading by Arnaud Quiblier and Richard Hall. * Work on implementing the framework resolver algorithm using a generic capability/requirement model was committed into Richard Hall's sandbox; work continues on try to modify this new resolver to support require-bundle. * Continued enhancements to iPOJO from Clement Escoffier. * Work on a Maven-based testing harness for Felix by Alex Karasulu. Licensing and other isses * Attempt for gradution was post-poned to concentrate on creating a release that addresses any and all outstanding obstacles for release. * Removed javax.microedition.io dependency for the time being until a proper licensed version is available from the OSGi Alliance.