Title: Board Report (2007-06) **\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})** Community * Feathercast Felix podcast released. * Presentations at OSGi Community Event on June 26/27. * Added Clement Escoffier as a new committer. * Added Niclas Hedhman as a new committer/PMC member. * Continued work on web pages (e.g., new tutorials). * Proposed slightly revised community roles/process document that takes into account our TLP move and explicitly resolves an issue that came up on the private mailing list regarding the nomination process for committers/PMC members. Migration to TLP * Verified committer access to new web site. * Deleted incubator web site content. * Removed incubator disclaimers from SVN and updated SVN artifacts to no longer mention the incubator or the old incubator web site or mailing lists; the only remaining incubator references are in our version numbers, which will be removed when we make our first non-incubator release. * Still some minor incubator status page clean up remaining. Software * Some good commits in the area of specification compliance (one in the area of require-bundle functionality and another fix for a long standing issue for dynamic package imports) and in the area of performance (by adding package indexing to the framework resolver). * Added experimental features to Felix to flesh out some potential ideas for next OSGi specification; these features are trying to deal with scenarios such as byte code injection in modules. * Other various smallish improvement and minor bug fix commits. Licensing and other issues * None.