Title: Board Report (2007-05) **\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})** Community * Several Felix community members attended and met at ApacheCon EU. * Conducted a Feathercast interview about Felix which is pending publication. * Lots of mentions of OSGi technology at various JavaOne sessions, including some that explicitly included mentions of Apache Felix. Session on JSR 291 included a demo of Apache Felix running on Apache Harmony. Migration to TLP * Created a web page to monitor the progress of the TLP migration tasks (http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FELIX/TLP+Task+List). * Mailing lists have been migrated. * Subversion repository has been migrated. * Web site (felix.apache.org) is now redirected to our generated static wiki pages. * Removed incubator disclaimer from all NOTICE files. Software * Various smallish commits. Licensing and other issues * None.