Title: Board Report (2007-04) **\[SUBMITTED\]({{ refs.submitted.path }})** Community * Voted on and accepted Config Admin and Metatype service contributions from Day AG. * Added Felix Meschberger as committer. * Dealt with a PMC membership issue raised as a part of the graduation process; thanks to the board for their help with this issue. * Community celebrations after the graduation announcement. :-) Migration to TLP * Initial announcement sent to the list preparing people for the move, but no real migration progress to report at this point since graduation notification was so recent. Software * Added new OSGi R4 specification functionality to the core framework (e.g., Require-Bundle and extension bundle functionality). * Committed two more OSGi R4 service specification implementations (e.g., Config Admin and Metatype) from Day AG. * Improvements to OSGi R4 Declarative Services implementation by Felix Meschberger bringing it closer to specification compliance. * Felix Commons, headed by Enrique Rodriguez, started to offer bundle-ized versions of common open source libraries. Current contributions by John Conlon and Felix Meschberger. * Committed several significant community contributed patches for the Maven Bundle Plugin, our Maven plugin to simplify building OSGi bundles. * Continued improvements to other Felix sub-projects (e.g., the iPOJO service-oriented component model). Licensing and other issues * Software grants for Config Admin and Metatype were previously filed by Day AG.