Title: Tutorials, Examples, and Presentations {% for label, page in children %}* [{{ page.headers.title }}]({{ page.path }}) {% endfor %} ## Books The most important "books" on OSGi are of course the specifications themselves. They are quite a good read but are also complete and contain stuff, you might be interested in. So for a starter you might interested to read the following: * Core Specification (Layer, Services, LiveCycle part) * Compendium Specification * Enterprise Specification Visit the [OSGi Alliance Specifications](http://www.osgi.org/Specifications/HomePage) page to download the specifications for free. Apart from the specifications a number of books have recently been published. They are listed here in no particular order: * [OSGi in Action](http://www.manning.com/hall/); Richard Hall, Karl Pauls, Stuart McCulloch, David Savage; Manning Publications, 2011. Covers most (if not all) of R 4.2 specs and also contains a lot of side information. The authors of this book are committers and/or PMC members of the Apache Felix project. * [OSGi and Equinox: creating highly modular Java systems](http://www.amazon.com/OSGi-Equinox-Creating-Modular-Systems/dp/0321585712); Jeff McAffer, Paul VanderLei, Simon Archer; Addison-Wesley, 2010. Despite its dependency on Equinox it might be helpful, because they use Declarative Services intensely for their sample application throughout the book and we use Declarative Services intensely, too. * [OSGi in Depth](http://www.manning.com/alves/); Alexandre de Castro Alves; Manning, 2011. I cannot say anything on this book except that he seems to have used Apache Felix for the samples.... * [Enterprise OSGi in Action: With examples using Apache Aries](http://www.manning.com/cummins/); Holly Cummins, Timothy Ward; Manning, 2013 Covers Enterprise OSGi specifications, which are becoming more and more important. * [Java Application Architecture: Modularity Patterns with Examples Using OSGi (Agile Software Development Series)](http://www.amazon.com/Java-Application-Architecture-Modularity-Development/dp/0321247132); Kirk Knoernschild; Prentice Hall, 2012 Primarily covers Java Application Architecture using OSGi for the framework to implement. * [OSGi in Practice](http://njbartlett.name/osgibook.html); Neil Bartlett; Free PDF EBook. Many OSGi core concepts are greatly explained, and its free; * [Instant OSGi Starter](http://www.packtpub.com/open-services-gateway-initiative-starter/book); Jamie Goodyear, Johan Edstrom; Packt, 2013 * [OSGi and Apache Felix 3.0 Beginner's Guide](http://www.packtpub.com/osgi-and-apache-felix-30-beginners-guide/book); Walid Joseph Gédéon; Packt, 2010 * [Spring Dynamic Modules in Action](http://www.manning.com/cogoluegnes/); Arnaud Cogoluègnes, Thierry Templier, Andy Piper; Manning, 2010 * [Building Modular Cloud Apps with OSGi](http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028086.do#); Paul Bakker, Bert Ertman; O'Reilly, 2013. Uses Apache Felix. For experienced Java developers in the enterprise, this practical, hands-on book shows you how to use OSGi to design, develop, and deploy modular cloud applications.