Title: apache-felix-ipojo-supportedOSGi # Supported OSGi Implementations *Despite iPOJO is an Apache Felix subproject, it relies only on *OSGi R4* features. So, it is possible to use it on others OSGi implementations.*
Features Apache Felix Eclipse Equinox Knowplerfish
Core features
Composites features
Configuration Admin
Temporal service dependencies
Whiteboard and Extender pattern handler
Event admin handler
JMX handler
Feel free to send a mail on the Felix mailing list, if an implementation is not listed here. ----
Old version of Knopflerfish does not allow getting a service during its unregistration. To enable this feature, launch the Knopflerfish framework with the -Dorg.knopflerfish.servicereference.valid.during.unregistering=true property. You can add this property in the props.xargs file. Recent version of KF does no more require this property.