Title: Apache Felix SCR Plugin Frequently Asked Questions [TOC] This page provides answers to frequently asked questions using the Maven SCR Plugin. See [{{ refs.apache-felix-maven-scr-plugin.headers.title }}]({{ refs.apache-felix-maven-scr-plugin.path }}) for documentation on that plugin. ## Should I still use the Apache Felix SCR annotations over the official OSGi annotations? Starting with the R6 release of the OSGi Declarative Services and Metatype specification, the official annotations support the same features as the Apache Felix SCR annotations in a more elegant manner and even provide additional functionality. Therefore the Apache Felix SCR annotations are now in maintenance mode and therefore you should rather use the official annotations. The Apache Felix maven-bundle-plugin, version 3.0.1 or higher supports those directly and there is no need for an additional plugin anymore. ## Why are the (standard) annotations not processed? In order to process any annotations, a processor for them needs to be added as a dependency to your project. There are currently two different processors, one for the annotations defined within the Apache Felix project and another one for the standard annotations from the Declarative Services specification. ## Syntax Error when Enums are used? During a SCR plugin run, a syntax error might occur if enums are used in the source code. This is a know problem of the used QDox version that reads the Java source files. Usually this happens when an enum is used inline and does not end with a ";". So adding this character should solve the problem: :::java public interface MyTest { /** more error codes may be added */ enum Result { OK, UNKNOWN, ERROR, DENIED }; //