Title: Site How To The site is managed with the [Apache CMS](https://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html) where the source is kept in SVN at . ## To update the documentation using the CMS system * Install the bookmarklet from the [cms](https://cms.apache.org/) page. You only have to do this once. * Navigate to the page you wish to edit (on the live site, not in the cms). * Click the bookmarklet. There will be a short pause while the CMS system is initialised for you. * Click on `Edit` (to skip this step hack the bookmarklet to add an 'action=edit' param to the query string) * The page editor should then be displayed. * Click `Submit` to save your edit to the workarea * Click `Commit` to save the updated file to SVN and trigger a staged build. (to skip this step click on the "Quick Commit" checkbox in the `Edit` form). * The results should appear shortly on the [staging](http://felix.staging.apache.org/content/documentation.html) site. (You may have to force the page to refresh in order to see the updated content) * Once you are happy with the updated page, click on `Publish Site` to deploy. There is also a [Reference Manual](https://www.apache.org/dev/cmsref.html) of the Apache CMS as well as a video tutorial at . ## Features of the Apache Felix Site This section lists some Apache Felix features to help with the maintenance of the site, such as automatic link generation. Start the file with a `Title:` line to define the page title and the first H1 tag: Title: Page Title Here comes the content separated with a blank like from the header ... The last modification information from SVN (revision, committer, and date/time) is automatically added when the page is rendered Excerpts can be added to a page using the `Excerpt:` header: Title: Page Title Excerpt: Summary of the page for inclusion in other pages; continuation of the excerpt must be indented Here comes the content separated with a blank like from the header ... Metadata from child pages can be referred to in the content with the Django variable reference notation using the child page name (without extension) as its container; e.g. for the child page named `childpage`: :::django {{ y|default:"{{" }} children.childpage.headers.excerpt }} {{ y|default:"{{" }} children.childpage.headers.title }} Content Pages can contain Django templates of the form `{{ y|default:"{{" }}...}}` and `{{ y|default:"{%" }}...%}`. If so, the page content is evaluated as a Django template before running it through the page template. Any page in the site can be referenced with refs.pagename returning properties: `.path` : the absolute path of the page on the site `.headers` : page headers (e.g. `.title`, `.excerpt`) `.content` : the raw page content All pages in the children namespace are also available in the refs namespace Some usefull hints: Printing title of another page "handler": :::django {{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.headers.title }} Printing excerpt of another page "handler": :::django {{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.headers.excerpt }} Linking to another page "handler": :::django ({{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.path }}) Printing title as a link to another page "handler": :::django [{{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.headers.title }}]({{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.path }}) Printing excerpt as a link to another page "handler": :::django [{{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.headers.excerpt }}]({{ y|default:"{{" }} refs.handler.path }}) Print a bullet pointed child page list: :::django {{ y|default:"{%" }} for label, page in children %}* [{{ y|default:"{{" }} page.headers.title }}]({{ y|default:"{{" }} page.path }}) {{ y|default:"{%" }} endfor %}
It is important to have the first part as a single line, otherwise the Django/Markdown combo will create a list for each entry.
## Code Highlighting Code Highlighting works by indenting code by four blanks. To indicate the type of highlighting preced the code style text with either `:::` to get high lighted code using the given `` or `#!` to get high lighted code with line numbers using the given ``. See for main info and for supported lexers ## HTML and Markdown Markdown supports embedding HTML. But be aware that contents of HTML elements are not further handled by the Markdown converter. Thus it is not possible to embed Markdown syntax inside of HTML elements to have them converted. ## Manual Generation When commiting changes to pages into SVN the pages are automatically generated in [the staging site](http://felix.staging.apache.org).

To generate the site locally, you must have checked out the complete SVN to access the tools:

$ svn https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/site/ felix-site
To manually generate the site or single pages the [site](http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/felix/site) can be checked out from SVN. In addition Perl and Python must be installed for the build tools to work. To prepare for site build, the Markdown daemon has to be started: :::sh $ export MARKDOWN_SOCKET="$PWD/tools/build/../markdown.socket" $ export PYTHONPATH="$PWD/tools/build" $ python "$PWD/tools/build/markdownd.py" The `MARKDOWN_SOCKET` environment variables is also required by the `build_site.pl` and `build_file.pl` scripts to connect to the Markdown daemon. To build the complete site use the `build_site.pl` script: :::sh $ tools/build/build_site.pl --source-base $PWD/trunk \ --target-base $PWD/trunk/target To build a single page use the `build_file.pl` script: :::sh $ tools/build/build_site.pl --source-base $PWD/trunk \ --target-base $PWD/trunk/target \ --source content/documentation.mdtext The argument to the `--source` parameter is relative to the `--source-base` folder. ## Configuring site generation on Mac
Those instructions were computed on Mountain Lion.
A couple of Python and Perl libraries are required and need to be installed :::sh $ sudo easy_install Pygments $ sudo easy_install Markdown And for the Perl modules: :::sh $ sudo cpan install XML::Atom::Feed $ sudo cpan install XML::RSS::Parser $ sudo cpan install XML::Parser::Lite $ sudo cpan install XML::RSS::Parser::Lite $ sudo cpan install Net::Twitter $ sudo cpan install SVN::Client Be careful that some of those commands require time... Once done, launch the mardown daemon with the following command from the SVN root: :::sh $ export MARKDOWN_SOCKET="$PWD/tools/build/../markdown.socket" $ export PYTHONPATH="$PWD/tools/build" $ python "$PWD/tools/build/markdownd.py" And finally, generate the web site from the svn root with: :::sh tools/build/build_site.pl --source-base $PWD/trunk --target-base $PWD/trunk/target