# Very general project.dependson = ${p-dependson;:} project.bootclasspath = ${p-bootclasspath;:} project.buildpath = ${p-buildpath;:} project.sourcepath = ${p-sourcepath;:} project.allsourcepath = ${p-allsourcepath;:} project.output = ${p-output} project.testpath = ${p-testpath;:} bin = ${target}/bin verbose = false project = ${basedir} target = ${project}/${target-dir} workspace = ${dir;${project}} build = ${workspace}/cnf repo = ${build}/repo target-dir = tmp p = ${basename;${project}} project.name = ${p} bin.includes = ${project.name}.jar # Java compiler options java = java javac = javac javac.debug = on javac.source = 1.5 javac.target = jsr14 #Bnd options -sources = true -sourcepath = ${project}/src -plugin = aQute.lib.deployer.FileRepo;location=${repo}, aQute.bnd.maven.MavenRepository, aQute.bnd.maven.MavenGroup; groupId=org.apache.felix junit = junit.junit;version=3.8;export="junit.framework;version=3.8,junit.extensions;version=3.8" # Time options # base.modified is used by bnd to not make when files are not changed base.modified = ${fmodified;${build}/build.xml,${build}/build.bnd,${project}/build.properties,${project}/bnd.bnd,${project}/build.xml} base.modified.readable = ${long2date;${base.modified}} project.build = ${tstamp;yyyyMMddhhmm} -make : (*).jar; type=bnd; recipe=recipes/$1.bnd copyright = ... copyright.html = ... # Documentation Bundle-Vendor = The Apache Software Foundation Bundle-DocURL = http://www.apache.org/ Bundle-License = http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt Bundle-Copyright = ${copyright} Bundle-Vendor = Apache Felix -removeheader = Include-Resource # org.eclipse.osgi; version=3.5.0, \ -runpath = \ org.apache.felix.framework; version=3.1.0, \ junit.junit; version=3.8; export="junit.framework;version=3.8"