Didier Donsez' sandbox January 15, 2008 Current list of bundles: ------------------------ maven.obr: ANT build.xml to build OBR indexes and HTML indexes from a maven (local) repository. eventadmin.cmd: provides a command to use and test the Event Admin Service (send events, create tracing handlers, ...) event.convertor: converts sent/posted events in other events (different topics, different properties) and re-sends/re-posts the converted events. wireadmin.cmd: adds a command to the Felix shell to enable interaction with the Wire Admin Service (list,create,remove wires between producers and consumers) wireadminbinder: automates the creation and deletion of wires between producers and consumers. wireadminbinder.cmd: provides a command to start/stop wired applications developed with WireAdminBinder. wireadmin.sample.freevmmemproducer: provides a sample of org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Producer to illustrate WireAdmin service. wireadmin.sample.simpleconsumer: provides a sample of org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Consumer to illustrate WireAdmin service. shell.scriptcmd: provides commands that run a Felix shell script with the ShellService. shell.gui.scriptplugin: a plugin for the Shell GUI for loading and running scripts (sequence of felix command lines). http.webadmin: provides a HTML GUI (servlet) to manage remotely the framework. upnp.devicegen: a generator of UPnP Devices skeletons (can be deployed as a bundle with empty UPnPDevice services). upnp.devicegen.util: utilities classes for the UPnP Device generator. upnp.thermometer: provides a UPnP device which implements a (fictive) Temperature sensor. upnp.ogd: provides a UPnP device to manage an OSGi gateway upnp.ogd.cmd: Enables to manage remote gateways with UPnP. Managed gateways must provide a device with type urn:osgi-org:device:OSGiGatewayDevice:1. monitor: a first implementation of the monitor admin service monitor.jobcmd : a command to play with the monitor admin service monitor.sample.memorymonitor : a sample of monitorable variable (cf monitor admin service) monitor.sample.memorymonitorjob : a sample of monitor job (cf monitor admin service) bunny: provides a bundle to send actions to a Nabaztag. urlhandler.maven: looks for (bundles) jar files located in the local/remote Maven repository sosoc: provides a script-oriented and service-oriented component model (SOSOC). sosoc.cmd: provides a command to launch script-oriented and service-oriented components (SOSOC). Available soon (Most of them are available on http://www-adele.imag.fr/users/Didier.Donsez/dev/osgi/) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- script: set of scripts to demonstrate Felix' bundles usage. wireadmin.sample.poitracker: provides a sample of org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Consumer to display distance between POIs (ie Points of Interest) and the polled objects from the connected wires wireadmin.sample.consumerservlet: provides a sample of org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Consumer to illustrate WireAdmin services. It updates regulary objects (position, measurements and images) on connected wires wireadmin.sample.fictivemeasurementproducer: provides a sample of org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Producer to illustrate WireAdmin service. wireadmin.sample.fictivepositionproducer: provides a sample of org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Producer to illustrate WireAdmin service. cron: provides a service to schedule periodical tasks to execute cron.test: illustrates the cron service