Changes from 1.0.2 to 1.1.0 --------------------------- Bug [FELIX-5143] - Gogo Command bundle should not include org.osgi.service.log classes [FELIX-5958] - gogo command exports org.osgi.service.log New Feature [FELIX-5835] - Upgrade to JDK 8 [FELIX-5836] - Upgrade to OSGi r6 Improvement [FELIX-5969] - remove transitive dependencies from gogo command [FELIX-5970] - Add requirement & capabilities model so gogo can be resolved [FELIX-5999] - cleanup compiler warnings [FELIX-6002] - Remove legacy code in Gogo Command [FELIX-6003] - Add some resolver checks to make sure @RequireGogo annotation works for both jline and shell [FELIX-6007] - create a gogo bom Changes from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2 --------------------------- ** Bug * [FELIX-5392] - Gogo-command has mandatory dependency on bundlerepository Changes from 0.16.0 to 1.0.0 ---------------------------- ** Task * [FELIX-5378] - [gogo] Upgrade packages and bundle to 1.0.0 Changes from 0.14.0 to 0.16.0 ----------------------------- ** Improvement * FELIX-5021 [GOGO] Use system bundle to find bundles * FELIX-5009 Relative URIs would be nice for install and update * FELIX-5008 gogo usage messages could be less confusing * FELIX-3499 felix:cd command works only with relative paths ** Bug * FELIX-4969 cd refuses to leave initial directory Changes from 0.12.0 to 0.14.0 ----------------------------- * Fix a NPE with the obr:info command Changes from 0.10.0 to 0.12.0 ----------------------------- ** Improvement * [FELIX-3050] - [Gogo Command] Update "inspect" command to work with OSGi R4.3 generic capabilities/requirements * [FELIX-3088] - [Gogo Command] The "resolve" command should print some message if not all bundles could be resolved * [FELIX-3118] - obr:deploy should allow user to specify whether optional bundles are deployed or not Changes from 0.8.0 to 0.10.0 ---------------------------- ** Bug * [FELIX-2937] - [Gogo Command] OBR commands do not output anything when nothing is found * [FELIX-2938] - [Gogo Command] The "info" command throws an NPE if the specified bundle identifier doesn't exist * [FELIX-3001] - [gogo] help command throws ClassCastException if any osgi.command.function service property is not String[] Changes from 0.6.1 to 0.8.0 --------------------------- ** Bug * [FELIX-2676] - bundlelevel gogo command will never work for modifying bundle level Changes from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 --------------------------- * Import Gogo packages with mandatory attribute. Gogo Command 0.6.0 ------------------ ** Bug * [FELIX-1473] - [gogo] The syntax does not provide a way to call methods on a string * [FELIX-1474] - [gogo] result of commands is implicitly written to pipe * [FELIX-1493] - [gogo] automatic expansion of $args in Closure stops direct access to $args list * [FELIX-2337] - [gogo] no way to access array[] elements produced by assignment * [FELIX-2375] - [gogo] when supplied args can't be coerced, the error message prints the arg values, rather than their types * [FELIX-2380] - [gogo] lock contention in piped writer when reader doesn't read all input ** Improvement * [FELIX-1487] - Support for commands on multiple lines * [FELIX-2328] - [gogo] tidy-up runtime to remove optional code etc * [FELIX-2339] - [gogo] add support for running scripts * [FELIX-2342] - [gogo] remove old felix command adaptor ** New Feature * [FELIX-2363] - [Gogo] Add annotations for creating commands with optional and out-of-order arguments ** Task * [FELIX-1670] - [gogo] launcher bundle not required * [FELIX-1889] - Gogo should depend on the official OSGi jars * [FELIX-2334] - [Gogo] Use org.apache.felix as Maven groupId * [FELIX-2367] - [Gogo] Use org.apache.felix namespace to avoid any perceived legal issues