GET /api/instance/list/:entity-type/:entity-name


Get list of all instances of a given entity.


  • :entity-type Valid options are cluster, feed or process.
  • :entity-name Name of the entity.
  • start <optional param> Show instances from this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
    • By default, it is set to (end - (10 * entityFrequency)).
  • end <optional param> Show instances up to this date. Date format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'.
    • Default is set to now.
  • colo <optional param> Colo on which the query should be run.
  • lifecycle <optional param> Valid lifecycles for feed are Eviction/Replication(default) and for process is Execution(default).
  • filterBy <optional param> Filter results by list of field:value pairs. Example: filterBy=STATUS:RUNNING,CLUSTER:primary-cluster
    • Supported filter fields are STATUS, CLUSTER, SOURCECLUSTER, STARTEDAFTER.
    • Query will do an AND among filterBy fields.
  • orderBy <optional param> Field by which results should be ordered.
    • Supports ordering by "status","startTime","endTime","cluster".
  • sortOrder <optional param> Valid options are "asc" and "desc"
  • offset <optional param> Show results from the offset, used for pagination. Defaults to 0.
  • numResults <optional param> Number of results to show per request, used for pagination. Only integers > 0 are valid, Default is 10.
  • doAs <optional query param> allows the current user to impersonate the user passed in doAs when interacting with the Falcon system.


List of instances of given entity.

The possible instance status returned and its meaning are as follows:

  • WAITING - The instance is waiting for the corresponding data(feed) instances to become available.
  • READY - The instance is ready to be scheduled. But, is waiting for scheduling conditions to be met. For example, limitation on number of instances that can be run in parallel.
  • RUNNING - The instance is running on the workflow engine.
  • FAILED - The instance has failed during execution.
  • KILLED - The instance has been killed either manually or by the system.
  • SUCCEEDED - The instance has executed successfully.
  • SKIPPED - This instance was not executed, but was skipped. For example, when the execution order is LAST_ONLY, the older instances are skipped.
  • ERROR - There was error while executing this instance on the workflow engine.
  • UNDEFINED - The status of the instance could not be determined.


Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/instance/list/process/SampleProcess?colo=*&start=2012-04-03T07:00Z


    "instances": [
            "details": "",
            "endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",
            "startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
            "cluster": "primary-cluster",
            "logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "instance": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
    "requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
    "message": "default\/STATUS\n",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED"

Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/instance/list/process/SampleProcess?colo=*&start=2012-04-03T07:00Z&filterBy=STATUS:SUCCEEDED,CLUSTER:primary-cluster&orderBy=startTime&offset=2&numResults=2&doAs=joe


    "instances": [
            "details": "",
            "endTime": "2013-10-21T14:40:26-07:00",
            "startTime": "2013-10-21T14:39:56-07:00",
            "cluster": "primary-cluster",
            "logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933395-oozie-rgau-W",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "instance": "2012-04-03T07:00Z"
            "details": "",
            "endTime": "2013-10-21T14:42:26-07:00",
            "startTime": "2013-10-21T14:41:56-07:00",
            "cluster": "primary-cluster",
            "logFile": "http:\/\/localhost:11000\/oozie?job=0000070-131021115933397-oozie-rgau-W",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "instance": "2012-04-03T08:00Z"

    "requestId": "default\/e15bb378-d09f-4911-9df2-5334a45153d2\n",
    "message": "default\/STATUS\n",
    "status": "SUCCEEDED"