GET api/graphs/lineage/vertices/:id/:direction


Get a list of adjacent vertices or edges with a direction.


  • :id is the id of the vertex.
  • :direction is the direction associated with the edges.

To get the adjacent out vertices of vertex pass direction as out, in to get adjacent in vertices and both to get both in and out adjacent vertices. Similarly to get the out edges of vertex pass outE, inE to get in edges and bothE to get the both in and out edges of vertex.

    • out : get the adjacent out vertices of vertex
    • in : get the adjacent in vertices of vertex
    • both : get the both adjacent in and out vertices of vertex
    • outCount : get the number of out vertices of vertex
    • inCount : get the number of in vertices of vertex
    • bothCount : get the number of adjacent in and out vertices of vertex
    • outIds : get the identifiers of out vertices of vertex
    • inIds : get the identifiers of in vertices of vertex
    • bothIds : get the identifiers of adjacent in and out vertices of vertex


Adjacent vertices of the vertex for the specified direction.


Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/graphs/lineage/vertices/4/out


    "results": [

Rest Call

GET http://localhost:15000/api/graphs/lineage/vertices/4/bothE

