Deprecated Excalibur Products

Over time several Excalibur products have reached the end of their lifecycle. This page documents the deprecated components.


Compatibility was a library consisting of several utility classes that Excalibur had ceased developing with the aim of focusing on the charter.

Package Replacement
o.a.a.excalibur.cli Commons-CLI
o.a.a.excalibur.collections Commons-Collections
o.a.a.excalibur.concurrent Doug Leas Concurrent Library Spice-Salt
o.a.a.excalibur.naming Spice-JNDIKit


ECM (Excalibur Component Manager) was our first container. It's still in use in quite a few projects, but has not been under active development for about two years, as we've written a much better container that is (almost) completely backwards compatible.


Some old documentation about ECM is still available here.


Excalibur-Configuration was a utility library to manipulate configuration trees. Configuration had never been released and the original developers have redeveloped the code elsewhere. The following table lists the replacement packages for Excalibur-Configuration.


Some old documentation about Excalibur-Configuration is still available here.


Excalibur-Event was an extensive component library to aid in concurrent programming. This package has gradually evolved into a much better package maintained elsewhere. The following table lists the replacement packages for Excalibur-Event.

Package Replacement
o.a.excalibur.event D-Haven-Event
o.a.excalibur.mpool D-Haven-Managed-Pool

Some old documentation about Excalibur-Event is still available here.


Excalibur-i18n was a very small utility library to aid in the use of localized resources. This library stored these resources in an inconvenient location. A much better package has been developed elsewhere.



Excalibur-Testcase was a library to aid unit testing of components. It provided an extended TestCase class that would set up an ECM instance for you. Since we now all know this is a bad idea (no component should be tested against an actual container implementation, only in isolation), it has been deprecated along with ECM, with no direct replacement.
