Welcome to the 1.3.0 release of Apache Etch. = What is Etch? = Etch is a cross-platform, language- and transport-independent framework for building and consuming network services. The Etch toolset includes a network service description language, a compiler, and binding libraries for a variety of programming languages. Etch is also transport-independent, allowing for a variety of different transports to used based on need and circumstance. The goal of Etch is to make it simple to define small, focused services that can be easily accessed, combined, and deployed in a similar manner. With Etch, service development and consumption becomes no more difficult than library development and consumption. = Online Help = The jumping off point for Etch information and help is here: http://etch.apache.org = Binary Distribution = The top-level structure of the install image is: ChangeLog.txt DISCLAIMER.txt LICENSE.txt LICENSE_THIRD_PARTY.txt NOTICE.txt NOTICE_THIRD_PARTY.txt README.txt RELEASE_NOTES.txt bin/ examples/ lib/ binding-c/ binding-csharp/ binding-java/ uninst.exe (for windows use only) Please take a moment to review the RELEASE_NOTES.txt, ChangeLog.txt and LICENSE.txt files. The Windows installer (apache-etch-1.3.0-setup.exe) has created a user environment variable (ETCH_HOME) which points to the Etch installation directory. If you installed Etch using either apache-etch-1.3.0-windows-x86-bin.zip or apache-etch-1.3.0-linux-x86-bin.tgz you will want to create this environment variable yourself: windows: set ETCH_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\apache-etch-1.3.0 *nix: export ETCH_HOME=/path/to/apache-etch-1.3.0 The bin directory has also been put on your path by the Windows installer. If you are using the archives, you will need to do this yourself: windows: PATH %PATH%;%ETCH_HOME%\bin *nix: export PATH="$PATH:$ETCH_HOME/bin" The bin/ directory contains a Windows bat script and a unix shell script. You will also need to have a java runtime installed (later versions of sun jre or jdk 1.5 or any version of 1.6 or later). A JAVA_HOME environment variable should point to the installation directory of the java runtime. If you are going to compile java source you will need the jdk. After the installer has been run and the environment setup, at a windows command line or shell prompt, you should be able to run the etch compiler and see some basic output: windows: C:\>etch -v Etch version is Apache Etch 1.3.0 (some build info) unix: bash-3.2$ etch -v Etch version is Apache Etch 1.3.0 (some build info) The lib directory contains the various jar files for the compiler and the Apache Velocity dependency jar: apache-etch-java-compiler-1.3.0.jar apache-etch-java-compiler-1.3.0-src.jar ... The top level folders binding-c, binding-java and binding-csharp contain the language specific runtime libraries: = Binding for Java = binding-java is organized as follows: apache-etch-java-runtime-1.3.0-src.zip lib/ apache-etch-java-runtime-1.3.0.jar The generated java source from the etch compiler needs apache-etch-java-runtime-1.3.0.jar. There is source code to go with it in apache-etch-java-runtime-1.3.0-src.zip. = Binding for C# = binding-csharp is organized as follows: apache-etch-csharp-runtime-1.3.0-src.zip lib/ ApacheEtchCsharp.dll ApacheEtchCsharp.pdb The generated c# source from the etch compiler needs ApacheEtchCsharp.dll The C# (.NET 2.0 and later) ApacheEtchCsharp.dll should be added to any C# projects. There is source code to go with it in apache-etch-csharp-runtime-1.3.0-src.zip. = Binding for C = binding-c is organized as follows: bin/ apr-1-config (on linux) apriconv (on linux) include/ [etch-*].h (on win32) apr-1 (on linux) lib/ etch.lib (on win32) etch.pdb (on win32) libetch.a (on linux) extern/ apr/ bin/ libapr-1.dll (on win32) libapr-1.pdb (on win32) libapriconv-1.dll (on win32) libapriconv-1.pdb (on win32) iconv/ [iconv*]-stuff include/ [apr-*].h lib/ libapr-1.lib (on win32) libapriconv-1.lib (on win32) libapr-1.so (on linux) libapriconv-1.so (on linux) apache-etch-c-runtime-1.3.0-src.zip Generated C source depends on the dlls/so/a/h files mentioned above. The best choice to build generated code using the c binding is cmake. You can use the examples/helloworld example as a reference. The C binding has external dependencies to the Apache Portable Runtime (APR). We ship dll/so/h for the apr in the extern folder. There is source code to go with it in apache-etch-c-runtime-1.3.0-src.zip = Ant Plugin = There is an ant plugin which you can use with ant 1.7.0 or later to invoke the compiler as a task. It is documented on the wiki referenced above. You can also see examples of its usage in the build.xml files in the examples folder = Maven = If you are using maven, then you might want to install the Etch artifacts into your local maven repository. There is a Windows bat script to do this in the maven directory: etch-maven-install.bat You need to have maven on your path when you run this script. The file etch-java-runtime-1.3.0.jar will be installed into your local repository with group "etch.etch", artifact id "etch-java-runtime", and version "1.3.0". You may then reference Etch from your maven projects. = Python and XML Bindings = The source distribution includes code to support XML and python bindings, but these bindings are not yet complete, and there is no build products associated with those. They are mainly there to 1) capture the code contribution from cisco systems, and 2) inspire any fence sitters, ah, helpers to jump in and contribute. = Examples = Examples have been provided in the examples/ subdirectory. Start with the HelloWorld example, it contains code for all three language bindings. There is a readme file in each example's directory which explains how to build and run it. = Tests = Unit tests can be had by checking out the source code from the subversion repository and performing a complete build: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/etch/releases/release-1.3.0 = Help = For help, see the wiki or send email to user@etch.apache.org. See RELEASE_NOTES.txt for specific information for this release.