This example demonstrate basic @Signal usage To generate sources, build and run tests execute: cd $ETCH_HOME .\scripts\antSetup.bat cd examples cd signals ant Debug This will generate sources for all csharp, java and c. It will also build the csharp and java sources. See below regarding the build of the C binding sources. JAVA INSTRUCTIONS: ****************** To run java Signals example for java, run these commands: > cd target\bin > start java -cp signals.jar org.apache.etch.examples.signals.MainSignalsListener > start java -cp signals.jar org.apache.etch.examples.signals.MainSignalsClient CSHARP INSTRUCTIONS: ******************** To run csharp example: > cd target\bin > start SignalsListener.exe > start SignalsClient.exe C INSTRUCTIONS: *************** To run the c example: > build using cmake (see below) > on windows using visual studio: build the generated solution and execute server and client targets > on linux: use make to build using generated makefiles, execute signals-client and signals-server executables. To build the C sources, use cmake. Start cmake-gui, set source to example/signals folder and "build" to a subfolder (e.g. "ctarget"). You have to set the following variable in CMake: - ETCH_HOME must point to your Etch directory (this is were you installed Etch, or target/Installers/dist if building from trunk) on the shell, you could do this using cd examples/signals/target cmake .. -DETCH_HOME:string= make (or open visual studio on win32...) You also have to set the following environment variable: - APR_ICONV_PATH to /binding-c/extern/apr/iconv/ To run c example: > cd target\bin > start signals-server.exe > start signals-client.exe You can mix and match the various clients and listeners.