ExampleMixin is an example for using Etch mixins. To generate sources, build and run tests execute: cd $ETCH_HOME .\scripts\antSetup.bat cd examples cd example_mixin ant Debug This will generate sources for all csharp, java and c. It will also build the csharp and java sources. See below regarding the build of the C binding sources. JAVA INSTRUCTIONS: ****************** To run java Mixin example for java, run these commands: > cd target\bin > start java -cp examplemixin.jar org.apache.etch.examples.mixin.MainExampleListener > start java -cp examplemixin.jar org.apache.etch.examples.mixin.MainExampleClient CSHARP INSTRUCTIONS: ******************** To run csharp example: > cd target\bin > start ExampleListener.exe > start ExampleClient.exe C INSTRUCTIONS: *************** To run the c example: > build using cmake (see below) > on windows using visual studio: build the generated solution and execute server and client targets > on linux: use make to build using generated makefiles, execute etch-c-example-client and etch-c-example-server executables. To build the C sources, use cmake. Start cmake-gui, set source to examples/example_mixin folder and "build" to a subfolder (e.g. "ctarget"). You have to set the following variable in CMake: - ETCH_HOME must point to your Etch directory (this is were you installed Etch, or target/Installers/dist if building from trunk) on the shell, you could do this using cd examples/example_mixin/target cmake .. -DETCH_HOME:string= make (or open visual studio on win32...) You also have to set the following environment variable: - APR_ICONV_PATH to /binding-c/extern/apr/iconv/ To run c example: > cd target\bin > start example-server.exe > start example-client.exe You can mix and match the various clients and listeners.