Title: Web UI Help
#### Login
In the current version, you need an OpenID to login into ESME. You get your
OpenID either via external OpenID providers or internal OpenID providers.
#### Main UI: Message Box
Here you can enter the message that you wish to send. If you use "@" then
the mesage will be automaically sent to the that person's personal timeline
(as long as they are following you). You can also enter URLs in this
message and the URLs will be shortened automatically.
_BUG: Currently, the current version of the Web UI doesn't shorten the
URLs. Since there is no limit to the message length, shortening of URLs
isn't critical"_
h14. Main UI: Tags
Here you can enter tags for your messages. Please separate your tags with
commas. Tags are not required.
This is optional but assists during searches for information.
#### Main UI: Tag Cloud
The tag cloud shows which tags are currently the most heavily used. The
larger the tag, the more often it has been used.
If you click on a tag, you are taken to a page where recent posts using
this tag are displayed
#### Main UI: Word Cloud
The tag cloud shows which words are currently the most heavily used. The
larger the word, the more often it has been used.
If you click on a word, you are taken to a page where recent posts using
this worsdare displayed
#### Main UI: Search
Search allows you to search for words in messages. A new screen is
displayed with all messages with words that meet the search term.
*Note: Words not tags are searched*
#### Main UI: Tabs
##### Messages
This a list of messages that you have created and from those people who are
following. If you click on the user name in this message area, you will be
sent to that user's page where you can all the most recent messages that
they have created. If a message has tags assocaited with it, then these
tags are on the left hand side of the message. The date under the message
is associated with when the message was created.
By clicking on the tags, you can see recent messages which have been tagged
with this particular tag.
If you click on "reply", then you can create a message in response and join
in the conversation.
If you click on "conversation", you will see a page with all messages that
were part of this conversation.
_BUG: In the current UI, if you click on "reply" the user identifier
"@User" is not auotmatically added to message. You must do this manually._
_BUG: In the current UI, it is not possible to look at older messages. If
you wish to look at older messages, then you must use the search
_BUG: In the current UI, the window width is displayed incorrectly, when
longer URLs are displayed._
##### Timeline
This is the public timeline with all messages that have been sent on ESME.
There are also messages from people whom you don't follow.
If you see messages from individuals whose messages are of interest, you
can click on the name and are sent to a page displaying the user' messages
The functionality is the same as that of the _Messages_ Tab.
##### Contacts
This tab shows two lists. Those individuals who are following you and those
individuals who you are following. By clicking on user, you can go to
that's page and see his/her most recent messages.
#### Main UI: Contacts Page
Here you can see the messages from a particular user. Click on the
"Messages" tab to see recent messages from this user.
You can click on "follow" to receive messages from this user in your
personal timeline.
If you are already following a user, you can click on "unfollow" to no
longer receive messages from this user in your personal timeline.
#### Main UI: Upper Right Hand Menus
##### Profile
This screen allows you to change the details regarding your user.
Currently, the following attributes are editable:
* Nickname: This is the name that appears on your your messages
* First Name: First Name
* Last Name: Last Name
* imageurl : This is the URL to the image that will appear next to your
messages. _Make sure you use a valid URL for your image URL_
* timezone : select the timezone ich which are you located
* Locale: In what langauge to which to see the UI. _Note: This currently
has no effect._
Select "Edit" or "Messages" to return to the messages
##### About
This screen provides you with background details about ESME.
##### Manage Tokens
One of the advantges with ESME is that you can use various clients to
integrate with the application. In order for you to access ESME via the
REST API, you need to create a token. This screen allows you to create and
revoke tokens for these applications.
Select a name for your token and then create your token with "Add". You may
also revoke tokens that you have already created by clicking the "Revoke"
Via _Cut and Paste_, you are able to paste the created tokens into your
client applications (for example, the ESMEDesktop)
You may create as many tokens as you wish.
##### Logout
This link logs you out of the application. The next time you start the
application you must login again.
#### Main UI: Lower Left Hand Menus
#### List users
This screen depicts all users that are currently stored in the system. You
can click on a user to see his/her messages
#### Item Tracking
When using ESME, you see messages that are currently being created. With
"Tracks", you have the ability to search for older messages.
#### Action Management
Actions allow individual users to influence message handling in ESME.
Usually, users just receive messages. What if they wish to view only
certain types of messages or must receive emails when certain messages have
particular tags. ESME actions allow for this functionality.
Actions are to be distinguished from tracks in that tracks are based on the
primitive searches of message contents (including tags). Tracks just
provide another perspective on existing timelines. This is obvious in the
ESME Desktop client where each search creates a new track and a new window
to display the contents in a new panel.
Regarding actions, there are certain steps that must be taken.
1. Name your action. This step enables a user to create a unique name that
allows you to ascertain what the action does.
1. Set for your filter: This step determines which messages will be selected
for the action.
1. Set your action: This determines what should happen with those messages
meeting the filter criterion.
It is also possible to enable, disable and delete actions. Thus, you may
have action that you've created but currently do not what to use. You can
disable the action and use this later.