Title: Integration with Thingamy
#### General Use Case
The idea is to show how microblogging can act as a integration platform for
process-related activitites
1. Data collection for info / context around unstructured (or barely
repeatable) processes
1. Adds free-form discovery/discussion to the process without losing data
relationships for reports and history
Thingamy’s ‘Work Processor’ runs the workflow without glitch with
path choices at most corners -- punting a little ‘train’ of relevant
and inter-realted objects (Workflow/issue/request/idea object -- the main
one + Assignment objects) through a workflow. The Assignment objects holds
the task instructions and captures what’s done in the assignment while
the Workflow objects holds the details about the issue/idea/request. That
way an Assignee is presented with a list of relevant objects, all the
pertinent information required for a specific task + the Assignment object
to fill in with result and files.
When having been assigned a task, or when trying to get one’s head
around the progress of a workflow there is always a need for ad-hoc
communication with co-workers and/or other participants, “anybody
know…?”, “Could somebody help with…?” etc. Normally that would
happen by email, phone or walking over -- all of which limits the
discovery of the unknown, like a co-worker having unknown but useful
knowledge or ideas.
Apache ESME adds that crucial part of ‘Discovery & Discussion’ that
inevitably happens during any process, in a task or when studying the
progress. In addition it should become the natural in-system conduit
for communication as well as the social pivot point, the water cooler, for
the group/department/firm.
Most other E 2.0 efforts tries to add some notion of ‘process’ on top
of separate and siloed apps drifting towards becoming middleware 2.0 --
better is to have an underlying ‘process engine’ that gives the main
flow framework and datamodel using social media for the in-task
‘Discovery & Discussion’. Crucial is that the data in the two parts
are related -- in this case any ESME message can be related to any
Thingamy object adding context to both sides.
I don’t know what next step, as in features, will be -- our philosophy
is to keep it as simple as possible in the beginning and only add if it
makes huge sense and works in practice. So we’ll see, the good thing is
that both Apache ESME and Thingamy are extremely nimble and doing crazy
stunts underway should be easy\!
#### Demo video
#### Task integration
1. Apache ESME as part of #thingamy workarea. When doing a task punt
messages like "anybody knows this?" tagged automatically
1. When in a task, tag messages made there, later filter by same so messages
are part of 'task data'