# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. #fields field.title.employees.employeeId=Employee ID field.title.employees.salutation=Salutation field.title.employees.firstName=Firstname field.title.employees.lastName=Lastname field.title.employees.dateOfBirth=Date of Birth field.title.employees.departmentId=Department field.title.employees.gender=Gender field.title.employees.phoneNumber=Phone field.title.employees.email=E-Mail field.title.employees.retired=Retired field.title.employees.updateTimestamp=Last change field.title.departments.name=Department field.title.departments.head=Head of Dept. #options option.employee.gender.male=Male option.employee.gender.female=Female #application application_title = Employee Management Application application_todo = To do... application_logout = Logout global_list_result_empty=No employee(s) found #pages login_title = Login login_login = login login_field_name = User name login_field_password = Password login_hint=Hint: enter any non null username and password. employeeSearch_title=Search employee employeeSearch_search=Search employeeSearch_field_employeeId=Employee ID employeeSearch_field_firstName=First name employeeSearch_field_lastName=Last name employeeSearch_field_departmentId=Department employeeList_title = Employee List employeeList_create = Create employee employeeList_field_employeeId = ID employeeList_field_name = Name employeeList_field_gender = Gender employeeList_field_dateOfBirth = Date of Birth employeeList_field_department = Department employeeList_search = Search employeeList_resetSearch=Search reset employeeDetail_title = Employee Detail employeeDetail_save = Save employeeDetail_back = Back employeeDetail_delete = Delete # Old stuff #labels application.title=Employee Management Application label.employees=List of employees label.employees.beanList=Employees (Bean-List) label.employees.reader=Employees (DBReader) label.delete=Delete label.edit=Edit label.employee.edit=Employee details label.employee.add=Add employee label.department=Department label.user.Name=Name label.user.Pwd=Password page.label.login=Login page.label.loginHint=Hint: enter any non null username and password. page.label.logininfo=You are logged in as: page.label.search=Search employee page.label.list=Select employee page.label.update=Edit employee details page.label.add=Add new employee #button labels button.label.login=Login button.label.search=Search button.label.save=Save button.label.cancel=Cancel button.label.delete=Delete #link labels link.label.addemployee=Add new employee link.label.edit=Edit link.label.delete=Delete link.label.logout=Logout link.label.search=Search ##-- errors errors.prefix= errors.suffix= error.invalidpassword=The username is invalid (At least one character is required!) error.web.recordsDontMatch=The form submitted is invalid for the current context. error.web.columnNotFound=The column {0} has not been found! error.web.fieldError=Field {0}: {1} error.web.input.integerFormat=Invalid Integer format error.web.input.numberFormat=Invalid number format error.web.input.dateFormat=Invalid date format error.web.input.date.notime=No time specified. error.web.input.required=This field is required error.web.input.outOfRange=The value must be in the range of {0} and {1}. error.web.input.textTooShort=The value must contain at least {0} characters.