About ===== Apache Empire-db is a lightweight data access and persistence component for relational databases based on JDBC. For release details see the file CHANGELOG.txt or visit the Empire-db website at http://empire-db.apache.org Getting Started =============== An introduction to Empire-db is provided with the tutorial.pdf document that can be found in the root directory of the distribution. This component requires a Java 5 JDK (or higher). Building ======== To build Empire-db you need Apache Maven 2.0.9 or newer, which can be downloaded from http://maven.apache.org/download.html. Make sure that your PATH includes the MVN_HOME/bin directory. In order to build Empire-db use the following command from the command line: > mvn clean install There are various ways to open the project(s) in your favorite IDE: === Eclipse === - From the command line: Change to the 'src' sub-directory and run the following command: > mvn clean eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true In Eclipse choose: Import... Existing projects into workspace or - Install the M2Eclipse plugin from http://m2eclipse.codehaus.org/ In Eclipse choose: Import... Maven projects === Netbeans === - Install the Maven plugin available in the update center (tools - plugins) Open the project like you open any other Netbeans project Getting help ============ The best place for getting help is the empire-db user mailing list. First subscribe to the list by sending an email to: user-subscribe@empire-db.apache.org Afterwards you may post a message to: user@empire-db.apache.org Please visit our Website for more information. http://empire-db.apache.org