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Tuesday, 7th August 2012 - Apache Empire-db 2.4.0 released

The Apache Empire-db 2.4.0 release was approved by the Apache Empire-db Project Management Comitee (PMC). The distribution will now be provided for download from the Apache Empire-db website and will be available from the Maven 2 repository. More information can be found in the download area.

Tuesday, 24th January 2012 - Apache Empire-db to become a Top-Level-Project (TLP)

The Apache Empire-db project has entered the Apache Incubator in July 2008 and has since steadily developed it's code base and it's community. In October 2011 the Empire-db PMC felt confident that Empire-db was now mature enough to leave the Apache incubator and become a Top-Level-Project within the Apache Software Foundation. After a corresponding proposal had been submitted and after a positive vote from members of the Incubator PMC the Apache board has now promoted Empire-db to become a TLP. We want to thank all contributors and users for their support and confidence.

Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 - Apache Empire-db 2.2.0 released

The Apache Empire-db 2.2.0 release was approved by the Apache Incubator Project Management Comitee (IPMC). The distribution will now be provided for download from the Apache Empire-db website and will be available from the Maven 2 repository. More information can be found in the download area.


Sunday, 6 March 2011 - Apache Empire-db 2.1.0 released

Today the Apache Empire-db 2.1.0 release was approved by the Apache Incubator Project Management Comitee (IPMC). The distribution will now be provided for download from the Apache Empire-db website and will be available from the Maven 2 repository. More information can be found in the download area.


Wednesday, 16 February 2011 - Eike Kettner has been elected as committer

Eike has been with us since July 2009 and he has made several valuable contributions since. Apart from the number of patches that Eike has contributed, we would like to emphasize their quality and complexity which makes us confident that Eike would be of great benefit to your project. He has been elected as a new committer on the Apache Empire-DB project, and is welcomed by the whole Empire-db crew.

Sunday, 12 December 2010 - Apache Empire-db 2.0.7 released

Today the Apache Empire-db 2.0.7 release was approved by the Apache Incubator Project Management Comitee (IPMC). The distribution will now be provided for download from the Apache Empire-db website and will be available from the Maven 2 repository. More information can be found in the download area.


Sunday, 9 May 2010 - Apache Empire-db 2.0.6 released

Today the Apache Empire-db 2.0.6 release was approved by the Apache Incubator Project Management Comitee (IPMC). The distribution will now be provided for download from the Apache Empire-db website and will be available from the Maven 2 repository. More information can be found in the download area.

Thursday, 18 December 2009 Benjamin Venditti has been elected as committer

After having provided several important bugfixes and improvements and after having contributed heavily for the new Empire-db code generator Benjamin Venditti has been elected as a new committer on the Apache Empire-DB project, and is welcomed by the whole Empire-db crew.

Thursday, 24 September 2009 - Apache Empire-db 2.0.5 released

Today the Apache Empire-db 2.0.5 release was approved by the Apache Incubator Project Management Comitee (IPMC). The distribution will now be provided for download from the Apache Empire-db website and will be available from the Maven 2 repository. More information can be found in the download area.

Friday, 21 August 2009 - Apache Empire-db 2.0.5 development completed

Empire-db community has completed working on Release 2.0.5 and is now looking for approval of the IPMC to publish the release. Project mangement has been shifted from Ant to Maven, hence the distribution will be available through the Maven repository.

Monday, 2 March 2009 - New Examples for Web-Service integration using Apache CXF

Two new example projects show how Web-Services and Web-Service clients can benefit from Empire-db. The first sample implements a WebService that reads data from and stores data in a relational database. The second example shows how a WebService client can benefit from Empire-db's metadata capabilities.
Both samples use Apache CXF as the WebService framework. The examples are available from the Subversion source repository.

Saturday, 27 December 2008 - Francis De Brabandere accepted as new committer

Francis De Brabandere has been accepted by the community as a new committer on the Empire-db project.
Francis has excellent Maven skills and he will help us with the transition from a classic project layout to a Maven based project and dependency management.

Monday, 13 October 2008 - Empire-db Release 2.0.4 approved

Today the release candidates of apache-empire-db-2.0.4-incubating and apache-empire-struts2-ext-1.0.4-incubating have been approved by the Apache Incubator PMC. The distribution files will be provided on the Apache Empire-db website's download area.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008 - Empire-db accepted for Apache Incubator!

The Empire-db proposal has been accepted by the Apache Incubator PMC for incubation at the Apache Software Foundation!

Sunday, 6 July 2008 - New Release 2.0.2 available

Empire-db 2.0.2 released, featuring new Bean metadata support.
Click here to download.

Tuesday, 17 June 2008 - Empire-db applies to become Apache project

Empire-db passed in a proposal to the Apache Software Foundation to become an Apache Incubator project.
Click here to read the proposal.

Sunday, 6 April 2008 - New Release 2.0.1 released.

Empire-db 2.0.1 released, featuring new MySQL database support.
Click here to download.

Sunday, 13 January 2008 - Empire-db website goes online

The Empire-db website has been published.

Friday, 11 January 2008 - Empire-db Release 2.0.0 published.

Empire-db 2.0.0 has been released, see details and download at Downloads