Analyze Big Data Platforms For Security and Performance

HBase Data Activity Monitoring

On this page, any mention of Eagle points to Apache Eagle.

This page will introduce how to monitoring HBase data activity in the following aspects:

  • How to enable HBase1 security audit log
  • How to add a Kafka2 log4j appender
  • How to enable Eagle HBase monitoring

How to enable HBase security audit log

Notice: if you are willing to use sample logs under eagle-security-hbase-security/test/resources/securityAuditLog, please skip this part.

  1. edit Advanced hbase-log4j via Ambari3 UI, and append below sentence to Security audit appender,RFAS
  2. edit Advanced hbase-site.xml

  3. Save and restart HBase

Now you can check /var/log/hbase/SecurityAudit.log whether the log appears.

How to add a Kafka log4j appender

Notice: if you are willing to use sample logs under eagle-security-hbase-security/test/resources/securityAuditLog, please skip this part.

  1. create Kafka topic sandbox_hbase_security_log

     $ /usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic sandbox_hbase_security_log
  2. add below “KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT” log4j appender to Security audit appender Please refer to

     log4j.appender.KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT.Layout.ConversionPattern=%d{ISO8601} %p %c: %m%n
  3. add the reference to KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT to log4j appender,RFAS,KAFKA_HBASE_AUDIT
  4. add Eagle log4j appender jars into HBASE_CLASSPATH BY editing Advanced hbase-env via Ambari UI

     export HBASE_CLASSPATH=${HBASE_CLASSPATH}:/usr/hdp/current/eagle/lib/log4jkafka/lib/*
  5. Save and restart HBase

How to enable Eagle hBase monitoring

  1. create tables (skip if you do not use hbase)

  2. start Eagle service

     bin/ start
  3. import metadata

  4. submit topology

     bin/ --main --config conf/sandbox-hbaseSecurityLog-application.conf start

(sample sensitivity data at examples/

Q & A

Q1: found “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.eagle.log4j.kafka.KafkaLog4jAppender” in /var/log/hbase/

A1: 1) make sure the jars have been included in HBASE_CLASSPATH (run hbase classpath in the shell). 2) make sure this jars can be executed by other users. 3) check /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml whether there is newline between two properties.


  1. All mentions of “hbase” on this page represent Apache HBase. 

  2. All mentions of “kafka” on this page represent Apache Kafka. 

  3. All mentions of “ambari” on this page represent Apache Ambari. 

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Apache Eagle, Eagle, Apache Hadoop, Hadoop, Apache HBase, HBase, Apache Hive, Hive, Apache Ambari, Ambari, Apache Spark, Spark, Apache Kafka, Kafka, Apache Storm, Storm, Apache Maven, Maven, Apache Tomcat, Tomcat, Apache Derby, Derby, Apache Cassandra, Cassandra, Apache ZooKeeper, ZooKeeper, Apache, the Apache feather logo, and the Apache project logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.