{% extends "studio/page.html" %} {% block content %}

Downloads for Windows

[if-any logo] [end] We suggest the following mirror site for your download:

Windows 64 bit

  [preferred]/[...]/ApacheDirectoryStudio-win32-x86_64-{{version}}.exe [ASC-MD5]

Windows 32 bit

  [preferred]/[...]/ApacheDirectoryStudio-win32-x86-{{version}}.exe [ASC-MD5]


{% include "download-change-mirror.html" %}



   Click on the link above to download Apache Directory Studio for Windows.
Your download appears in the download manager of your web browser.
   Double-click on the installer to open it.
It may have already been opened by your web browser.
   You may be prompted to confirm that you are sure you want to open the installer. Answer Run if such a popup is displayed.
   Follow the instructions of the installer to complete the installation.



Apache Directory Studio requires at least:


{% extends "download-verify-file-integrity.html" %} {% block filename %}ApacheDirectoryStudio-win32-x86_64-{{version}}.exe{% endblock %} {% endextends %} {% endblock %} {% endextends %}