{% extends "apacheds/page.html" %} {% block content %}

Downloads for Linux Binary Installer

[if-any logo] [end] We suggest the following mirror site for your download:

Linux Binary Installer 64 bit

  [preferred]/[...]/apacheds-{{version}}-64bit.bin [ASC-MD5]

Linux Binary Installer 32 bit

  [preferred]/[...]/apacheds-{{version}}-32bit.bin [ASC-MD5]


{% include "download-change-mirror.html" %}



   Click on the link above to download Apache Directory Server for your Linux architecture.
Your download appears in the download manager of your web browser.
   Open a terminal.
Change to your downloads folder.
Give execution rights to the installer (chmod a+x apacheds-{{version}}-64bit.bin).
Run the installer (./apacheds-{{version}}-64bit.bin).



ApacheDS requires at least:


{% extends "download-verify-file-integrity.html" %} {% block filename %}apacheds-{{version}}-64bit.bin{% endblock %} {% endextends %} {% endblock %} {% endextends %}