header { /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.name; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.naming.InvalidNameException; import javax.naming.NameParser; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.entry.client.ClientStringValue; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.entry.client.ClientBinaryValue; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.schema.parsers.ParserMonitor; import org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.util.StringTools; } /** * An antlr generated DN lexer. * * @author Apache Directory Project * @version $Rev$ */ class AntlrDnLexer extends Lexer; options { k = 3 ; exportVocab=AntlrDn ; charVocabulary = '\u0000'..'\uFFFE'; caseSensitive = false ; defaultErrorHandler = false ; } COMMA : ',' ; EQUALS : '=' ; PLUS : '+' ; HYPHEN : '-' ; DQUOTE : '"' ; SEMI : ';' ; LANGLE : '<' ; RANGLE : '>' ; SPACE : ' ' ; NUMERICOID_OR_ALPHA_OR_DIGIT : ( NUMERICOID ) => NUMERICOID { $setType(NUMERICOID); } | ( DIGIT ) => DIGIT { $setType(DIGIT); } | ( ALPHA ) => ALPHA { $setType(ALPHA); } ; protected NUMERICOID : ( "oid." )? NUMBER ( DOT NUMBER )+ ; protected DOT: '.' ; protected NUMBER: DIGIT | ( LDIGIT ( DIGIT )+ ) ; protected LDIGIT : '1'..'9' ; protected DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; protected ALPHA : 'a'..'z' ; HEXPAIR_OR_ESCESC_OR_ESC : (ESC HEX HEX) => HEXPAIR { $setType(HEXPAIR); } | ESCESC { $setType(ESCESC); } | ESC { $setType(ESC); } ; protected HEXPAIR : ESC! HEX HEX ; protected ESC : '\\'; protected ESCESC : ESC ESC; protected HEX: DIGIT | 'a'..'f' ; HEXVALUE_OR_SHARP : (SHARP ( HEX HEX )+) => HEXVALUE { $setType(HEXVALUE); } | SHARP { $setType(SHARP); } ; protected HEXVALUE : SHARP! ( HEX HEX )+ ; protected SHARP: '#' ; UTFMB : '\u0080'..'\uFFFE' ; /** * RFC 4514, Section 3: * LUTF1 = %x01-1F / %x21 / %x24-2A / %x2D-3A / * %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7F * * To avoid nondeterminism the following * rules are excluded. These rules are * explicitely added in the productions. * EQUALS (0x3D) -* HYPHEN (0x2D) * DIGIT (0x30-0x39) * ALPHA (0x41-0x5A and 0x61-0x7A) */ LUTF1_REST : '\u0001'..'\u001F' | '\u0021' | '\u0024'..'\u002A' | '\u002E'..'\u002F' | '\u003A' | '\u003F'..'\u0040' | '\u005B' | '\u005D'..'\u0060' | '\u007B'..'\u007F' ; /** * An antlr generated DN parser. * * @author Apache Directory Project * @version $Rev$ */ class AntlrDnParser extends Parser; options { k = 3 ; defaultErrorHandler = false ; //buildAST=true ; } { private ParserMonitor monitor = null; public void setParserMonitor( ParserMonitor monitor ) { this.monitor = monitor; } private void matchedProduction( String msg ) { if ( null != monitor ) { monitor.matchedProduction( msg ); } } static class UpAndNormValue { String upValue = ""; Object normValue = ""; String trailingSpaces = ""; } } /** * Parses an DN string. * * RFC 4514, Section 3 * distinguishedName = [ relativeDistinguishedName * *( COMMA relativeDistinguishedName ) ] * * RFC 2253, Section 3 * distinguishedName = [name] * name = name-component *("," name-component) * * RFC 1779, Section 2.3 * ::= ( ) * | * ::= * * * ::= "," | ";" * ::= ( ) *( " " ) * */ distinguishedName [LdapDN dn] { matchedProduction( "distinguishedName()" ); Rdn rdn = null; } : ( rdn = relativeDistinguishedName[new Rdn()] { dn.add( rdn ); rdn=null; } ( ( COMMA | SEMI ) rdn = relativeDistinguishedName[new Rdn()] { dn.add( rdn ); rdn=null; } )* EOF )? ; /** * Parses an DN string. * * RFC 4514, Section 3 * distinguishedName = [ relativeDistinguishedName * *( COMMA relativeDistinguishedName ) ] * * RFC 2253, Section 3 * distinguishedName = [name] * name = name-component *("," name-component) * * RFC 1779, Section 2.3 * ::= ( ) * | * ::= * * * ::= "," | ";" * ::= ( ) *( " " ) * */ relativeDistinguishedNames [List rdns] { matchedProduction( "relativeDistinguishedNames()" ); Rdn rdn = null; } : ( rdn = relativeDistinguishedName[new Rdn()] { rdns.add( rdn ); } ( ( COMMA | SEMI ) rdn = relativeDistinguishedName[new Rdn()] { rdns.add( rdn ); } )* EOF )? ; /** * Parses an RDN string. * * RFC 4514, Section 3 * relativeDistinguishedName = attributeTypeAndValue * *( PLUS attributeTypeAndValue ) * * RFC 2253, Section 3 * name-component = attributeTypeAndValue *("+" attributeTypeAndValue) * * RFC 1779, Section 2.3 * ::= * | "+" * * */ relativeDistinguishedName [Rdn initialRdn] returns [Rdn rdn] { matchedProduction( "relativeDistinguishedName()" ); rdn = initialRdn; String tmp; String upName = ""; } : ( ( SPACE { upName += " "; } )* tmp = attributeTypeAndValue[rdn] { upName += tmp; } ( PLUS { upName += "+"; } ( SPACE { upName += " "; } )* tmp = attributeTypeAndValue[rdn] { upName += tmp; } )* ) { rdn.normalize(); rdn.setUpName( upName ); } ; /** * RFC 4514, Section 3 * attributeTypeAndValue = attributeType EQUALS attributeValue * * RFC 2253, Section 3 * attributeTypeAndValue = attributeType "=" attributeValue * */ attributeTypeAndValue [Rdn rdn] returns [String upName = ""] { matchedProduction( "attributeTypeAndValue()" ); String type = null; UpAndNormValue value = new UpAndNormValue(); } : ( type = attributeType { upName += type; } ( SPACE { upName += " "; } )* EQUALS { upName += "="; } ( SPACE { upName += " "; } )* attributeValue[value] { try { if ( value.normValue instanceof String ) { rdn.addAttributeTypeAndValue( type, type, new ClientStringValue( value.upValue ), new ClientStringValue( (String)value.normValue ) ); } else { rdn.addAttributeTypeAndValue( type, type, new ClientStringValue( value.upValue ), new ClientBinaryValue( (byte[])value.normValue ) ); } { upName += value.upValue + value.trailingSpaces; } } catch ( InvalidNameException e ) { throw new SemanticException( e.getMessage() ); } } ) ; /** * RFC 4514 Section 3 * * attributeType = descr / numericoid * */ attributeType returns [String attributeType] { matchedProduction( "attributeType()" ); } : ( attributeType = descr | attributeType = numericoid ) ; /** * RFC 4512 Section 1.4 * * descr = keystring * keystring = leadkeychar *keychar * leadkeychar = ALPHA * keychar = ALPHA / DIGIT / HYPHEN * */ descr returns [String descr] { matchedProduction( "descr()" ); } : leadkeychar:ALPHA { descr = leadkeychar.getText(); } ( alpha:ALPHA { descr += alpha.getText(); } | digit:DIGIT { descr += digit.getText(); } | hyphen:HYPHEN { descr += hyphen.getText(); } )* ; /** * RFC 4512 Section 1.4 * * numericoid = number 1*( DOT number ) * number = DIGIT / ( LDIGIT 1*DIGIT ) * DIGIT = %x30 / LDIGIT ; "0"-"9" * LDIGIT = %x31-39 ; "1"-"9" * */ numericoid returns [String numericoid = ""] { matchedProduction( "numericoid()" ); } : noid:NUMERICOID { numericoid += noid.getText(); } ; /** * RFC 4514, Section 3 * attributeValue = string / hexstring * * RFC 2253, Section 3 * attributeValue = string * string = *( stringchar / pair ) * / "#" hexstring * / QUOTATION *( quotechar / pair ) QUOTATION ; only from v2 * */ attributeValue [UpAndNormValue value] { matchedProduction( "attributeValue()" ); } : ( ( quotestring [value] ( SPACE { value.trailingSpaces += " "; } )* ) | string [value] | ( hexstring [value] ( SPACE { value.trailingSpaces += " "; } )* ) )? ; /** * RFC 2253, Section 3 * / QUOTATION *( quotechar / pair ) QUOTATION ; only from v2 * quotechar = * */ quotestring [UpAndNormValue value] { matchedProduction( "quotestring()" ); org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.util.ByteBuffer bb = new org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.util.ByteBuffer(); byte[] bytes; } : ( dq1:DQUOTE { value.upValue += dq1.getText(); } ( ( s:~(DQUOTE|ESC|ESCESC|HEXPAIR) { value.upValue += s.getText(); bb.append( StringTools.getBytesUtf8( s.getText() ) ); } ) | bytes = pair[value] { bb.append( bytes ); } )* dq2:DQUOTE { value.upValue += dq2.getText(); } ) { // TODO: pair / s String string = StringTools.utf8ToString( bb.copyOfUsedBytes() ); string = string.replace("\\ ", " "); value.normValue = string; } ; /** * RFC 4514 Section 3 * * hexstring = SHARP 1*hexpair * * If in form, a BER representation can be obtained from * converting each of the to the octet indicated * by the . * */ hexstring [UpAndNormValue value] { matchedProduction( "hexstring()" ); } : hexValue:HEXVALUE { // convert to byte[] value.upValue = "#" + hexValue.getText(); value.normValue = StringTools.toByteArray( hexValue.getText() ); } ; /** * RFC 4514 Section 3 * * ; The following characters are to be escaped when they appear * ; in the value to be encoded: ESC, one of , leading * ; SHARP or SPACE, trailing SPACE, and NULL. * string = [ ( leadchar / pair ) [ *( stringchar / pair ) * ( trailchar / pair ) ] ] * * TODO: Trailing SPACE is manually removed. This needs review! * TODO: ESC SPACE is replaced by a simgle SPACE. This needs review! */ string [UpAndNormValue value] { matchedProduction( "string()" ); org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.util.ByteBuffer bb = new org.apache.directory.shared.ldap.util.ByteBuffer(); String tmp; byte[] bytes; } : ( ( tmp = lutf1 { value.upValue += tmp; bb.append( StringTools.getBytesUtf8( tmp ) ); } | tmp = utfmb { value.upValue += tmp; bb.append( StringTools.getBytesUtf8( tmp ) ); } | bytes = pair [value] { bb.append( bytes ); } ) ( tmp = sutf1 { value.upValue += tmp; bb.append( StringTools.getBytesUtf8( tmp ) ); } | tmp = utfmb { value.upValue += tmp; bb.append( StringTools.getBytesUtf8( tmp ) ); } | bytes = pair [value] { bb.append( bytes ); } )* ) { String string = StringTools.utf8ToString( bb.copyOfUsedBytes() ); // trim trailing space characters manually // don't know how to tell antlr that the last char mustn't be a space. int length = string.length(); while ( length > 1 && string.charAt( length - 1 ) == ' ' && string.charAt( length - 2 ) != '\\' ) { string = string.substring( 0, length - 1 ); length = string.length(); value.upValue = value.upValue.substring( 0, value.upValue.length() - 1 ); value.trailingSpaces += " "; } string = string.replace("\\ ", " "); value.normValue = string; } ; /** * RFC 4514, Section 3: * LUTF1 = %x01-1F / %x21 / %x24-2A / %x2D-3A / * %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7F * * The rule LUTF1_REST doesn't contain the following charcters, * so we must check them additionally * EQUALS (0x3D) -* HYPHEN (0x2D) * DIGIT (0x30-0x39) * ALPHA (0x41-0x5A and 0x61-0x7A) */ lutf1 returns [String lutf1=""] { matchedProduction( "lutf1()" ); } : rest:LUTF1_REST { lutf1 = rest.getText(); } | equals:EQUALS { lutf1 = equals.getText(); } | hyphen:HYPHEN { lutf1 = hyphen.getText(); } | digit:DIGIT { lutf1 = digit.getText(); } | alpha:ALPHA { lutf1 = alpha.getText(); } ; /** * RFC 4514, Section 3: * SUTF1 = %x01-21 / %x23-2A / %x2D-3A / * %x3D / %x3F-5B / %x5D-7F * * The rule LUTF1_REST doesn't contain the following charcters, * so we must check them additionally * EQUALS (0x3D) -* HYPHEN (0x2D) * DIGIT (0x30-0x39) * ALPHA (0x41-0x5A and 0x61-0x7A) * SHARP * SPACE */ sutf1 returns [String sutf1=""] { matchedProduction( "sutf1()" ); } : rest:LUTF1_REST { sutf1 = rest.getText(); } | equals:EQUALS { sutf1 = equals.getText(); } | hyphen:HYPHEN { sutf1 = hyphen.getText(); } | digit:DIGIT { sutf1 = digit.getText(); } | alpha:ALPHA { sutf1 = alpha.getText(); } | sharp:SHARP { sutf1 = sharp.getText(); } | space:SPACE { sutf1 = space.getText(); } ; utfmb returns [String utfmb] { matchedProduction( "utfmb()" ); } : s:UTFMB { utfmb = s.getText(); } ; /** * RFC 4514, Section 3 * pair = ESC ( ESC / special / hexpair ) * special = escaped / SPACE / SHARP / EQUALS * escaped = DQUOTE / PLUS / COMMA / SEMI / LANGLE / RANGLE * hexpair = HEX HEX * * If in form, a LDAP string representation asserted value can * be obtained by replacing (left to right, non-recursively) each * appearing in the as follows: * replace with ; * replace with ; * replace with the octet indicated by the . * * RFC 2253, Section 3 * pair = "\" ( special / "\" / QUOTATION / hexpair ) * special = "," / "=" / "+" / "<" / ">" / "#" / ";" * * RFC 1779, Section 2.3 * ::= "\" ( | "\" | '"') * ::= "," | "=" | | "+" | "<" | ">" * | "#" | ";" * * TODO: The ESC is removed from the norm value. This needs review! */ pair [UpAndNormValue value] returns [byte[] pair] { matchedProduction( "pair()" ); String tmp; } : ( ESCESC { value.upValue += "\\\\"; pair = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( "\\" ); } ) | ( ESC { value.upValue += "\\"; } tmp = special { value.upValue += tmp; pair = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( tmp ); } ) | ( hexpair:HEXPAIR { value.upValue += "\\" + hexpair.getText(); pair = StringTools.toByteArray( hexpair.getText() ); } ) ; /** * RFC 4514 Section 3 * * special = escaped / SPACE / SHARP / EQUALS * escaped = DQUOTE / PLUS / COMMA / SEMI / LANGLE / RANGLE * * TODO: For space an ESC is manually added. This needs review! */ special returns [String special] { matchedProduction( "special()" ); } : ( dquote:DQUOTE { special = dquote.getText(); } | plus:PLUS { special = plus.getText(); } | comma:COMMA { special = comma.getText(); } | semi:SEMI { special = semi.getText(); } | langle:LANGLE { special = langle.getText(); } | rangle:RANGLE { special = rangle.getText(); } | space:SPACE { special = "\\" + space.getText(); } | sharp:SHARP { special = sharp.getText(); } | equals:EQUALS { special = equals.getText(); } ) ;