header { /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * */ package org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.schema.syntaxes; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.directory.api.ldap.model.schema.parsers.ParserMonitor; } /** * An antlr generated schema lexer. This is a sub-lexer. * * @author Apache Directory Project */ class AntlrSchemaValueLexer extends Lexer; options { k = 3 ; exportVocab=AntlrSchemaValue ; charVocabulary = '\3'..'\377' ; caseSensitive = false ; defaultErrorHandler = false ; } WHSP : ( options {greedy=true;} : ' ' | '\t' | '\r' (options {greedy=true;} : '\n')? { newline(); } | '\n' { newline(); } | '#' (~'\n')* '\n' { newline(); } )+ { setText(" "); } //{$setType(Token.SKIP);} //ignore this token ; LPAR : '(' ; RPAR : ')' ; protected CHAR : 'a'..'z' ; protected LDIGIT : '1'..'9' ; protected DIGIT : '0'..'9' ; protected NUMBER : DIGIT | ( LDIGIT (DIGIT)+ ) ; protected NUMBER2 : (DIGIT)+ ; protected NUMERICOID : NUMBER2 ( '.' NUMBER2 )+ ; protected HYPEN : '-'; protected OTHER : '_' | ';' | '.' | ':' | '#' ; protected DESCR: CHAR ( CHAR | DIGIT | HYPEN )* ; protected QUIRKS_DESCR: ( CHAR | DIGIT | HYPEN | OTHER )+ ; QUOTE : '\'' ; DOLLAR : '$' ; LCURLY : '{' ; RCURLY : '}' ; LEN : LCURLY n:NUMBER2 RCURLY { setText(n.getText()); } ; DESCR_OR_QUIRKS_DESCR : ( NUMERICOID QUIRKS_DESCR ) => QUIRKS_DESCR { $setType( QUIRKS_DESCR ); } | ( NUMBER QUIRKS_DESCR ) => QUIRKS_DESCR { $setType( QUIRKS_DESCR ); } | ( HYPEN QUIRKS_DESCR ) => QUIRKS_DESCR { $setType( QUIRKS_DESCR ); } | ( OTHER QUIRKS_DESCR ) => QUIRKS_DESCR { $setType( QUIRKS_DESCR ); } | ( DESCR QUIRKS_DESCR ) => QUIRKS_DESCR { $setType( QUIRKS_DESCR ); } | ( DESCR ) { $setType( DESCR ); } | ( NUMBER '.' ) => NUMERICOID { $setType( NUMERICOID ); } | ( NUMBER ) { $setType( NUMBER ); } ; /** * An antlr generated schema parser. This is a sub-parser used to parse * numericoid, oid, oids, qdescr, qdescrs according to RFC4512. * * @author Apache Directory Project */ class AntlrSchemaValueParser extends Parser; options { k = 3 ; defaultErrorHandler = false ; //buildAST=true ; } { private ParserMonitor monitor = null; public void setParserMonitor( ParserMonitor monitor ) { this.monitor = monitor; } private void matchedProduction( String msg ) { if ( null != monitor ) { monitor.matchedProduction( msg ); } } } /** * noidlen = numericoid [ LCURLY len RCURLY ] * len = number */ noidlen returns [AntlrSchemaParser.NoidLen noidlen = new AntlrSchemaParser.NoidLen()] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.noidlen()" ); } : ( (LPAR)? (WHSP)? (QUOTE)? ( ( d4:DESCR { noidlen.noid = d4.getText(); } ) | ( n2:NUMERICOID { noidlen.noid = n2.getText(); } ) ) (QUOTE)? (WHSP)? (RPAR)? ( l:LEN { noidlen.len = Long.parseLong(l.getText()); } (QUOTE)? (WHSP)? (RPAR)? )? ) ; /** * noidlen = numericoid [ LCURLY len RCURLY ] * len = number */ quirksNoidlen returns [AntlrSchemaParser.NoidLen noidlen = new AntlrSchemaParser.NoidLen()] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.quirksNoidlen()" ); } : ( (LPAR)? (WHSP)? (QUOTE)? ( ( q2:QUIRKS_DESCR { noidlen.noid = q2.getText(); } ) | ( d4:DESCR { noidlen.noid = d4.getText(); } ) | ( n2:NUMERICOID { noidlen.noid = n2.getText(); } ) ) (QUOTE)? (WHSP)? (RPAR)? ( l:LEN { noidlen.len = Long.parseLong(l.getText()); } (QUOTE)? (WHSP)? (RPAR)? )? ) ; /** * numericoid = number 1*( DOT number ) */ numericoid returns [String numericoid=null] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.numericoid()" ); } : ( (WHSP)? (LPAR (WHSP)? )? ( ( QUOTE n1:NUMERICOID { numericoid = n1.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( n2:NUMERICOID { numericoid = n2.getText(); } ) ) ( (WHSP)? (RPAR)? ) ) ; /** * oid = descr / numericoid * numericoid = number 1*( DOT number ) * descr = keystring * keystring = leadkeychar *keychar * leadkeychar = ALPHA * keychar = ALPHA / DIGIT / HYPHEN * number = DIGIT / ( LDIGIT 1*DIGIT ) * */ oid returns [String oid=null] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.oid()" ); } : ( (WHSP)? ( ( QUOTE n1:NUMERICOID { oid = n1.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( n2:NUMERICOID { oid = n2.getText(); } ) | ( QUOTE d1:DESCR { oid = d1.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( d2:DESCR { oid = d2.getText(); } ) ) (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? ) ; /** * oids = oid / ( LPAREN WSP oidlist WSP RPAREN ) * oidlist = oid *( WSP DOLLAR WSP oid ) */ oids returns [List oids] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.oids()" ); oids = new ArrayList(); String oid = null; } : ( ( oid=oid { oids.add(oid); } ) | ( LPAR oid=oid { oids.add(oid); } ( (DOLLAR)? oid=oid { oids.add(oid); } )* RPAR ) ) ; /** * qdescr = SQUOTE descr SQUOTE */ qdescr returns [String qdescr=null] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.qdescr()" ); } : ( (WHSP)? ( ( QUOTE d1:DESCR { qdescr = d1.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( d2:DESCR { qdescr = d2.getText(); } ) ) ) ; /** * qdescrs = qdescr / ( LPAREN WSP qdescrlist WSP RPAREN ) * qdescrlist = [ qdescr *( SP qdescr ) ] */ qdescrs returns [List qdescrs] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.qdescrs()" ); qdescrs = new ArrayList(); String qdescr = null; } : ( ( qdescr=qdescr { qdescrs.add(qdescr); } ) | ( LPAR qdescr=qdescr { qdescrs.add(qdescr); } (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? (DOLLAR)? (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? ( qdescr=qdescr { qdescrs.add(qdescr); } (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? (DOLLAR)? (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? )* RPAR ) ) ; /** * qdescr = SQUOTE descr SQUOTE */ quirksQdescr returns [String qdescr=null] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.qdescr()" ); } : ( (WHSP)? ( ( QUOTE d1:QUIRKS_DESCR { qdescr = d1.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( d2:QUIRKS_DESCR { qdescr = d2.getText(); } ) | ( QUOTE d3:DESCR { qdescr = d3.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( d4:DESCR { qdescr = d4.getText(); } ) | ( QUOTE n1:NUMERICOID { qdescr = n1.getText(); } QUOTE ) | ( n2:NUMERICOID { qdescr = n2.getText(); } ) ) (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? ) ; /** * qdescrs = qdescr / ( LPAREN WSP qdescrlist WSP RPAREN ) * qdescrlist = [ qdescr *( SP qdescr ) ] */ quirksQdescrs returns [List qdescrs] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.qdescrs()" ); qdescrs = new ArrayList(); String qdescr = null; } : ( ( qdescr=quirksQdescr { qdescrs.add(qdescr); } ) | ( LPAR qdescr=quirksQdescr { qdescrs.add(qdescr); } (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? (DOLLAR)? (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? ( qdescr=quirksQdescr { qdescrs.add(qdescr); } (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? (DOLLAR)? (options {greedy=true;} : WHSP)? )* RPAR ) ) ; /** * ruleid = number * number = DIGIT / ( LDIGIT 1*DIGIT ) * */ ruleid returns [Integer ruleid=null] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.ruleid()" ); } : ( (WHSP)? n:NUMBER { ruleid = Integer.parseInt(n.getText()); } ) ; /** * ruleids = ruleid / ( LPAREN WSP ruleidlist WSP RPAREN ) * ruleidlist = ruleid *( SP ruleid ) */ ruleids returns [List ruleids] { matchedProduction( "AntlrSchemaValueParser.ruleids()" ); ruleids = new ArrayList(); Integer ruleid = null; } : ( ( ruleid=ruleid { ruleids.add(ruleid); } ) | ( LPAR ruleid=ruleid { ruleids.add(ruleid); } ( WHSP ruleid=ruleid { ruleids.add(ruleid); } )* (WHSP)? RPAR ) ) ;