This project includes several subprojects which served as Demos for ApacheCon US 2006 FR14 session. All programs should be run against an ApacheDS instance built from the trunks (v1.1-SNAPSHOT). Latest version of ApacheDS can be checked out and built with the following commands: svn co directory-trunks cd directory-trunks mvn install The installer images for various platforms can be built with the following commands: cd apacheds/server-installers mvn install Once the server is installed and started, loading the provided LDIF is necessary. Each program (demo) can be executed in any order. For setting the server hostname and port number for all programs, edit the file. As some of the programs attempt to load the same Stored Procedures to the DIT, appropriate lines may be commented out in order to prevent run-time errors. Before/after running each program, the directory content may be examined in order to make sense of the operations. For further questions contact the author at or the ApacheDS developers at