h2. The SchemaManager {scrollbar} The *LdapUrl* data structure is used to store an LDAP URL, as defined in [RFC 4516|http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc4516.html]. Basically, *LdapUrl* are mainly used in referrals. Creating a *LdapUrl* is straight forward, it's just a matter of passing the Url as a String o the constructor. The class also provides accessors allowing the user to get back the following pieces of information : * the scheme (*ldap* or *ldaps*) : _getScheme()_ * the host : _getHost()_ * the port : _getPort()_ * the *[DIRAPI:Dn]* : _getDn()_ * the list of attributes : _getAttributes()_ * the scope (*base*, *one* or *sub*) : _getScope()_ * the filter : _getFilter()_ * the extensions, as defined in the RFC : _getExtensions()_ We also have the symmetric methods, to set the same properties into a *LdapUrl*. Usually, a *LdapUrl* is created when parsing a text representation of an *URL* like in this example : {code:java} {code}