h2. Oid The *Oid* class represents the *IETF* ObjectIDentifier. It's a numerics/dots representation of a unique element in a hierarchy of objects. It's used in a few places in the *API*, like when one wants to send an _Extended operation_ (extended operations are identified by their *OID*). You are not likely to use and *Oid* or create an *Oid* instance, usually you will use a String containing an *OID*. However, this class contains an utility methods that can be useful when manipulating *OID* as Strings. It tells you if the String is a valid *OID* : {code} public static boolean isOid( String oid ) {code} It's easy to use : {code} if ( Oid.isOid( Ç È ) ) { ... {code} Note that *Oids* have to respect a few rules : * each number must be separated by a dot * only dots and numbers are allowed * an *Oid* must start and end with a number * the first number must be 0, 1 or 2 * the second number must be within \[0, 39\] * a number must always be greater or equal to 0