Apache Directory Server ======================= Documentation ------------- To run, build or just to read about how to use the server please refer to the documentation. For binary distributions you can just refer to the local copy here: ./docs/index.html or online here, http://directory.apache.org/subprojects/apacheds/index.html Running ------- To run with defaults, java -jar apacheds-main-.jar or with custom settings, java -jar apacheds-main-.jar your.properties where is the current version of ApacheDS (for instance, apache-main-0.9.1.jar) Connecting ---------- see http://directory.apache.org/subprojects/apacheds/users/authentication.html Building -------- maven multiproject:install Notes ----- o The kerberos service has been added to this distribution but is off by default. Please check documentation on kerberos section of site for configuring the kerberos protocol provider plugin.