DeviceMap .NET C# Client CLS (ISO/IEC 23271:2012) compliant .NET version of Apache DeviceMap Client # Build ## Edit You can edit all plain text sources with a text editor of your choice, e.g. Visual Studio Code: ## Compile DeviceMap C# Client and Console require .NET Framework 4.0 or higher. To compile the sources you may use - Visual Studio (from VS 2010 upward, Community Edition is sufficient) - Mono Project ( and MonoDevelop ( We currently don't provide a MonoDevelop solution, but the project layout should be compatible with it. And you're more than welcome to contribute solution files if you use MonDevelop (please create a JIRA ticket under ".NET Client" and attach the required files) # Run ## Configuration DeviceMapConsole comes with a config file DeviceMapConsole.exe.config. It contains the connection string for DeviceMap data: "" This connection URL points to the latest available DeviceMap data version online. If you prefer a different version or a local copy of the DeviceMap repository, you may override DeviceMapConsole by pointint to a different location. The config file also contains the supported .NET runtime version. You should normally not have to change this. Doing so is at your own risk. DeviceMap C# client does not support .NET below 4.0, but in case you have multiple versions of the .NET Framework installed, you may chose a particular one, e.g. if you face problems running DeviceMapConsole. ## Logging DeviceMap uses Apache Log4Net ( Regular operation of DeviceMapConsole only produces console output. Logging is configured to log only errors or exceptional conditions into a file DeviceMap.log. Should this file exceed 500 MB, a RollingAppender will copy it over. See Apache Log4Net documentation for further details.