Feature: Working with SBC hardware profiles Scenario: Get list of available hardware profiles Given I enter hardware_profiles collection And I am authorized with my credentials When I request HTML response Then result should be valid HTML When I request XML response Then result should be valid XML And result should contain 9 hardware_profiles And name of these hardware_profiles should be | COP32.1-2048-60 | | COP64.2-4096-60 | | BRZ32.1-2048-60*175 | | BRZ64.2-4096-60*500*350 | | SLV32.2-4096-60*350 | | SLV64.4-8192-60*500*500 | | GLD32.4-4096-60*350 | | GLD64.8-16384-60*500*500 | | PLT64.16-16384-60*500*500*500*500 | And fixed properties should be | architecture | | memory | | cpu | | storage | Scenario: Get details about COP32.1-2048-60 hardware_profile Given I enter hardware_profiles collection And I am authorized with my credentials And I choose hardware_profile with id COP32.1-2048-60 When I request HTML response Then result should be valid HTML When I request XML response Then result should be valid XML And result should contain one hardware_profile And name of this hardware_profile should be COP32.1-2048-60 # TODO: test value attributes for memory, architecture, storage, and cpu